Nurse Sandra Mendoza has been forced out of her 18 year position as a pediatric nurse with the Winnebago County Health Dept in Rockford, Illinois. This situation stemmed from the decision by Dr. Sandra Martell to have all of the nurses trained to refer for abortion and handle distribution of faulty birth control such as Plan B to unsuspecting patients who don’t know how ineffective it is, and that it can have an abortive mechanism if it ever works as planned. Ms. Mendoza conscientiously refused to enable the killing of unborn humans, and subsequently found herself no longer employed by the health department. She is bringing suit based upon the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act which prohibits discrimination against health care workers who object to abortion and refuse to promote or participate in that act.
The contact form for the Winnebago County Health Department is linked HERE for your convenience, if you would like to politely address the way that Dr. Sandra Martell chooses to run her department.
This violation of Sandra Mendoza’s civil rights comes prior to the passage of Illinois Senate Bill 1564, which seeks to overturn certain protections of health care workers who have a conscience, and refuse to enable the killing of humans. This bill has not yet been addressed by Governor Bruce Rauner, who can be contacted HERE.
nice post….