THE REMNANT NEWSPAPER: Pro-Choice Senate Candidates Believe in Spontaneous Generation.
Click it! The author, Chris Jackson notes that two Connecticut Senate candidates have purported the idea that human beings spring spontaneously from non living material at the time of birth.
It’s like being thrown back in time to when people believed that maggots sprang directly from the flesh of dead animals. In the 17th century, Francesco Redi disproved this idea.
Such antiquated ideas fly in the face of countless observations in science and medicine, but the leftist media, being largely unfamiliar with these disciplines have not a critical word to say about Chris Murphy and Linda McMahon.
Meanwhile, the journalosts continue to lose their hive-mind over Richard Mourdock and Todd Akin, who understand that the human organism is alive from fertilization onward, and believe that all human life should be respected.