What Cantor Defeat Means for American Citizens

Not much, says Rep. Luiz Gutierrez, (D-IL).  Obama can move forward with immigration amnesty without the help of congress.  He’s King.   Most Americans with part time jobs can forget about working full time in the near future and earning more than the bottom level health care, or owning a dwelling.  The crony investors who have the ear of Obama have decreed that they need cheaper labor, and so he will get it done, while at the same time securing a permanent underclass which will vote for big daddy government.

The current minority populations of American citizens are being screwed too, as they will have to compete for jobs with those for whom the employers don’t have to buy Obamacare.  American citizens cost more to employ, as a matter of law.

Al Sharpton, a big proponent of  immigration amnesty, is calling the Dave Brat victory over Cantor a threat to civil rights.  He long ago abandoned Black Americans as a demographic group in favor of open borders and what he calls “immigration rights”.  Possibly Black Americans, who wish to maintain or augment  their jobs and business, are ready to dump the Rev. Sharpton.   He’s doing them no good at all.

The stark reality remains, that the federal government has lured underage immigrants to travel to America, unaccompanied by an adult, with the promise of goodies from the government, subjecting them to all sorts of abuse along the way, and upon their arrival.   This realization, that the government actually advertises to lure illegal immigrants, is much of what propelled the underfunded David Brat to such a shocking victory over Eric Cantor.

Live Action: Planned Parenthood Exposed, Episode1

15 year old gets BDSM instruction at Planned Parenthood in Indianapolis
15 year old gets BDSM instruction at Planned Parenthood in Indianapolis

Live Action has put out the first video in its series, showing the type of sex advice which is given to a 15 year old female at Planned Parenthood,  Midtown Health Center, 3750 N. Meridian St., #100, Indianapolis, IN 46208.   Watch HERE for the condensed version and see the extended version HERE if your stomach can handle it.

Today is the #sexed tweetfest, so be sure to use that venue to pass the videos around in Twitter-space.

Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader Has Lost His Primary

Pharmer’s oldest kid was surfing on his phone last night, and announced that Eric Cantor had just lost his primary to Dave Brat, a Tea Party Backed Candidate, by a wide margin.  This is exciting news, since Cantor has been pushing unregulated immigration, (otherwise known as amnesty) for a long time, irritating the Americans who are struggling to make enough money to pay for their Obamacare.

Recently, the Obama administration has been advertising the joys of life on welfare on television and in the embassies of countries south of here.  This has resulted in an uptick of migration to the U.S., particularly by underage individuals.  Yes, this is another facet of Obama’s war on kids, this time subjecting illegal immigrant children to various and sundry abuses and atrocities as they travel northward to the land of milk and medicaid.  News of this in the conservative media did not help Rep. Cantor among the Republican base, and so he is OUT!

Ben Shapiro at Breitbart.com provides an analysis of the electoral consequences HERE.  Check it out.

Planned Parenthood Exposed (Again) by Live Action Films

Most often, perverts are not so easy to pick out of a crowd.  There’s  the recent case of the respectably employed EPA bureaucrat who spent 2-6 hrs daily watching porn at work, and was even paid a bonus for job performance.  There’s the Seattle anaesthesiologist who’s license has been suspended due to his alleged habits of sexting during surgical procedures, and use of  medical images for personal gratification.

Cecile Richards, CEO of Planned Parenthood dresses up fashionably and appears at high level political fundraisers, acting like a normal human.  But look at what her organization does.  The blood of innocents is just icing on the Planned Parenthood cake.  The organization relentlessly pushes a sex agenda which is designed to isolate children and teens from their families, and feed a need for their most lucrative abortion services.

Live Action Films is presenting a 2014 summer video series on the strategy and methods used by Planned Parenthood to market their services to the 66 percent remaining  children who survived their abortion mills.

Using Planned Parenthood’s preferred  twitter hashtag #sexed is one means to pass on this information to your fellow human beings.   Tweetfest is on June 11. Learn more HERE. 

Watch the video for a preview of what’s to come.  Bear in mind that this series will discuss some R and even X rated things, so viewer discretion is advised.

Planned Parenthood Exposed #SEXED
Planned Parenthood Exposed #SEXED

The Pill Kills

Hashtag #thepillkills is being pushed on Twitter today.

Sandra's "nutritional supplement"
Sandra’s “nutritional supplement”


WHAT!?  The pill kills?   Well…….. yes it does, for example, by causing strokes and other cardiovascular complications.  Also the pill sometimes can operate to stop the life of an early human embryo if it fails to stop fertilization.  In addition the hormones cause significant physiological alterations in the users themselves.  This blog is searchable for a fair amount of information on hormonal birth control, if you want to learn more.

One major important point……….. hormonal birth control has been a scam, being much less reliable in actual use than has been implied or stated by those who market the drugs.  With the increasing average size and weight of the target population, this problem is only going to become worse.

Consider the possibility of ditching the artificial hormones, and adopting a lifestyle adapted to the full  recognition that one can become pregnant by having sex.    What a novel idea!

Happy June!

Your friendly Pharmer has returned from redneckia to cyberspace once again.  Why the hiatus?   Spring planting of a rather large garden, plus a couple of familial speedbumps, caused a period of bloggus interruptus.  Also, a discovery that the soap made in Pharmer’s kitchen is waaaaaay better than the stuff in the stores impelled the production of MORE product.  There seems to be a demand, so gifting is becoming a breeze.  After ‘playing with chemistry’ for a number of years, saponifying at home is fairly easy, however there is a learning curve to cutting straight with that big cheese knife.

Jewelweed,  used  in "Pharmer's Local Weed Soap".
Jewelweed Used in Pharmer’s “Local Weed Soap”

Click for Pharmer’s soap list- pdf file.  More to follow.


If your life were held as an example for others, and your marriage regarded as iconic, would you not feel an added  bit of pressure to keep it together?

That wasn’t enough for the first openly gay Anglican bishop, Gene Robinson.  He has announced his impending divorce from Mark Andrew, with whom he was legally hitched in 2010.

Likewise, the first same sex couple hitched in Massachusetts (2004), Hillary and Julie Goodridge, split only 2 years later, and finalized the divorce in 2009.  

What’s love got do do with it?

Privacy Protection for Beating Girlfriend, Concealing Sex with Minors, but Not “Racial Feelings”

While Obama gives away the Ukraine to the ‘U.S.S.R’. (reassembly in progress), the minds of many Americans are focused on this latest puppet show.

The NBA is in the process of removing the LA Clippers from Donald Sterling, and giving the team to Magic Johnson, et al, at bargain basement pricess.  Sterling, an 80 + year old billionaire, who behaved as though money could buy everything, humiliated himself and family with a much younger mistress.  This woman got a tape of him saying that she could screw any of the players she liked but he did not want her appearing at the NBA games with them. Since the skin coloration of the players was mentioned, it has been deemed that Sterling’s words were worse than domestic violence and concealing the rape of minors.

California does not allow one party to privately record the words or actions of another party without permission.  The sanctions against Sterling are being carried out using illegally obtained “evidence”.

Recently tech millionaire, Gurbaksh Chahal escaped more than 40 charges related to allegedly beating his girlfriend for 30 minutes in a San Francisco apartment.  The video recorded by a security camera in his apartment was considered private, by California law, and inadmissible as evidence. Supposedly it was unlawfully acquired by the police. CEO Chahal was permitted to remain on the board of the tech company, RadiumOne, but consumer pressures related to their IPO, have caused him to lose that positionThe delay in firing Chahal is explained in an internal memo from the new CEO of RadiumOne.

In 2008, an 18 year old pro-life activist was threatened with a lawsuit by Planned Parenthood for making a tape inside a  Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles facility.  She had posed as an underage girl, with an adult boyfriend, seeking an abortion.  The tape showed her being advised, by a PP employee, to falsify her age.  She was told to relinquish the tapes to Planned Parenthood because they were in violation of California’s privacy laws. This forced the 18 year old college student to pull the Youtube videos and in moving Live Action Films’ efforts to the states which do not have such privacy laws.

While pondering why California’s privacy laws protect law-breaking abortion clinics and domestic abusers, but not doddering old men arguing with mistresses,  click THIS LINK, and read Ben Shapiro’s report on what activities  will NOT produce a permanent ban in the NBA.  Perhaps it will make you reconsider whether professional basketball is your kind of entertainment.


Think Twice Before Calling Cops. Is the Risk Worthwhile?

The cops seem to be much more likely to use extreme or disproportionate force if news trends have any relationship to reality.

Samantha Ramsey is dead at age 19 after trying to leave a field party in Hebron, Kentucky.  This conflicting story is moving into national news, likely because both accounts of police action seem to indicate the use of inappropriate force.  The police account states that the Ramsey refused to stop her car as ordered, rammed the officer, Tyler Brockman, propelling him onto on the hood.  The cop drew his gun and shot four times into the car (with three occupants), killing Ramsey, the driver. One of the occupants disputes the police story, and claims that he was not rammed, and that  he jumped on the hood and shot first. The officer in question is now on administrative leave, and the Sheriff’s office is keeping quiet about the incident, thus far.

Another party crasher story details the firing of Tennessee cop, Frank Phillips, who choked a non-resisting student who was being arrested for disorderly partying.  Photos taken by a freelance photographer seem to indicate clearly that there was no justification for rendering the student unconscious while he was being cuffed. The Knox County Sheriff demoted all of the officers associated with this particular incident.  (It IS an election year).

The DC Clothesline blog, details other recent cases of police over-kill, including separate incidents of two teens killed by cops who were summoned for assistance.  In another case, an elderly man was beaten by cops, and now  faces charges after he called an ambulance for help with his wife’s behavior.  The woman, who suffers from dementia, has been removed to a nursing facility, while the man is suing cops for assault.

The take home?  Militarized style police raids and disproportionate uses of force have risen precipitously.  Calling the cops could result in unnecessary injury or fatalities.  Think twice about whether the call is worth the risk.


Cover Oregon, Obamacare Model for the Nation

Oregon was one of the recipients of an “early innovator grant” because it’s Obamacare exchange was to become a model for the nation.   Dan Riehl at Breitbart.com says that this promise was never fulfilled, but Pharmer disagrees.  The Cover Oregon Debacle really IS an Obamacare model which will be followed by other states, and they will crash and burn too, as originally designed.  Obamacare is the planned failure which precedes a push for completely socialized medicine.

Listed among the achievements of Cover Oregon is a non functional website which has failed in enrolling even a single citizen of that state.  They have, using paper forms, and 500 additional employees, managed to accidentally sign up about 4000 illegal aliens.

So far, this state exchange has gotten $305 million in federal grants (our money) and has burned $160 million on a failed website.  It appears that the Feds will have to take over their stellar state exchange– the ultimate bail out.  Expect more of the same from other states.