Three Bronx Pharmacists Accused of Paying HIV Patients Not to Take Drugs

………and charging the government for the cost of the prescriptions NOT being filled.  Owner of 184th Street Pharmacy, Ahmed Hamed, and pharmacists Mohamed Hasan Ahmed and Tarek Elsayed were arrested and charged with defrauding the New York Medicaid program, theft, and money laundering.  They allegedly charged Medicaid 9.8 million dollars for prescriptions which were not being filled, and paying indigent AIDS patients a kickback for not taking their meds.

Read more HERE. 

War on Women: Alan Grayson’s Wife has Had Enough

There’s some soap opera drama surfacing in the life of Alan Grayson, leftie wildman of Florida, known for his outrageous attacks on his political opposition.

He had unleashed such an amazing ad against 2010 opponent Daniel Webster that yours truly had thought it could backfire, and it did.

That ad inspired the hilarious parody available HERE.

Could it beeeeee SATAN??!
Could it beeeeee SATAN??!

Unfortunately in 2012, Grayson ran after a district was redrawn for him, and returned to congress.

On to the soap opera. Grayson’t wife Lolita has filed for divorce, say the folks at Hot Air.  Most recently, a judge has granted a temporary protective injunction against crazy Grayson, in response to paperwork from Lolita, alleging injuries sustained after being shoved against a door by her soon to be ex-husband. She has submitted photos showing bruises to her leg and shoulder, and alleges that from time to time Grayson has battered her and the kids.  She states that Grayson has told her (in front of the children) that she would receive nothing in the divorce and would be left in the gutter.
There are more recent tweets from the relieved Grayson staff indicating that domestic violence charges have been dropped, today.

Lolita Grayson wouldn’t be receiving any support from her feminist sisters.   Domestic violence and general crazy behavior has always been OK with them as long as the perp supports abortion.

UPDATE:  It appears that Grayson’s 18 year old daughter, Skye, supported her father in this case, claiming that her mother started the altercation.  Skye is the same one arrested in November of 2013, for battering her mother, and pulling out the phone cord when she dialed 911.

11 % of Americans Think HTML is a Sexually Transmitted Disease.

They’re yukking it up at the LA Times, having found that many computer technology specific acronyms are not understood by most Americans.  The big Headliner is that a segment of the population confused HTML (hypertext markup language) with an STD.  Unlike the reporter at the Times…….. Pharmer has an idea why HTML brought  up infection in the minds of at least some of these people.  There really is a sexually transmitted infection called HTLV.  Yep…….. three initials in common with HTML.  It’s Human T Lymphotropic Virus. One of the types (HTLV I ) of this retroviral group  is associated with increased incidences of adult T cell leukemia and various other maladies.  It’s  an endemic problem in some parts of Asia, and of ongoing concern to the people who handle blood donations and banking.

School Firedrill Forces Freshman in Swimsuit Out into Frozen Wasteland

“Minnesota School Freezes Live Student”, says National Review.

After a couple of generations of lefties controlling public schools, students are taught to be sheep by educators who were taught to be sheep.  Natural selection will not be kind.

Winter temperatures regularly dip below zero degrees F in Minnesota, but human adaptation to this appears to be incomplete.  When  Como Park High School in St. Paul  experienced an unplanned  fire drill, 14 year old Kayona Hagen-Tietz was forced to stand outside for 10 minutes in a wet bathing suit.  Yes, it is bad news to jump from the swimming pool and stand outside barefoot in the winter.  (A teacher had apparently prevented her from retrieving her clothes). Como Park has rules, so students can’t jump into a teacher’s car to stay warm, and Kayona was not permitted to run to the nearby elementary school.  Fortunately some students gave her a sweatshirt for her feet and huddled around her.   A teacher gave her a jacket. They had to seek special permission to let Kayona sit in a car until the fire drill was over.

That  unfortunately took too long.  Kayona now has frostbite, and her mother comments that she would be legally penalized for treating her child as the school did.

Is Your Mayor a Gun Grabber?

Find out if your mayor joined Michael Bloombergs Cadre of gun grabbers ” Mayors Against Illegal Guns“.

News of this organization has gone viral and about 50 of the mayors have bailed out of the organization.

The MAIG website has tried to hide their list of members but not to worry…. the Way Back Machine sees all, and you can too!

There are several gun grabbing mayors in Indiana, in the blue cities of course.  Check the list!   

gun grabbing mayors -Indiana as of 1-7-14
gun grabbing mayors -Indiana as of 1-7-14

Let your Mayor know what you think!

Wrapped Once More in the Polar Kotex, Government is Closed

Yes, it is really  the Polar Kotex, because the ancient one,  Pharmer’s Papa,  declared it to be so…… mocking the new term used by the acolytes of the  man made climate change religion, (which supplanted the global warming religion).

Oh what the Titanic outcropping of the Polar Kotex  has done to our government, binding it up in that protective white fluff and causing closure of federal services in Washington DC, as announced today on .

Titanic Crisis!
“Polar Vortex” brings Titanic Crisis

Just for today Pharmer feels more protected and secure 😉

Cecile Richards: Developmental Biology is Above her Pay Grade.

Jill Stanek’s weekend question concerns Cecile Richards’ stumbling, bumbling opinion of when life begins. When pressed by Fusion Channel’s Jorge Ramos, the CEO of planned parenthood delivered nonsense as the ideological basis for culling the herds of her own side. Listen to the short clip HERE

Jorge Ramos questions Cecile RichardsCecile is being paid handsomely to be professionally stupid. Apparently the money is worth it to her, but yours truly considers her job as head of the nation’s largest abortion chain,  to be infinitely more degrading than the oldest profession.

Your Tax Dollars at Work: Promoting Sadomasochism to Teens

Part of the  Fungible Funds of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, (which received $2.75 million taxpayer dollars in 2012) are going towards the promotion of sadomasochism and discipline and bondage to Teens.

The Naked Notion Project discusses all sorts of sexual topics in its video series.  The Getting Kinky (BDSM 101) video marks October as national kink month and a good opportunity to talk about bondage and sadomasochism.  BDSM is touted as distinct from abuse, and is claimed  to ‘rely upon and create trust’.

Read more at CNS to see what happened when reporters tried to ask PPNNE president Meagan Gallagher and various legislators from New Hampshire, Maine, and Vermont whether tax dollars should fund an effort to promote BDSM to teens.

Can you guess what might fill the time of unemployed teens and young adults if the “educational efforts” of PPNNE take hold?  ‘Shades of Gray’ and maybe black and blue.

And you thought that taxes would be spent to stimulate shovel ready jobs and development of infrastructure.