Privacy Protection for Beating Girlfriend, Concealing Sex with Minors, but Not “Racial Feelings”

While Obama gives away the Ukraine to the ‘U.S.S.R’. (reassembly in progress), the minds of many Americans are focused on this latest puppet show.

The NBA is in the process of removing the LA Clippers from Donald Sterling, and giving the team to Magic Johnson, et al, at bargain basement pricess.  Sterling, an 80 + year old billionaire, who behaved as though money could buy everything, humiliated himself and family with a much younger mistress.  This woman got a tape of him saying that she could screw any of the players she liked but he did not want her appearing at the NBA games with them. Since the skin coloration of the players was mentioned, it has been deemed that Sterling’s words were worse than domestic violence and concealing the rape of minors.

California does not allow one party to privately record the words or actions of another party without permission.  The sanctions against Sterling are being carried out using illegally obtained “evidence”.

Recently tech millionaire, Gurbaksh Chahal escaped more than 40 charges related to allegedly beating his girlfriend for 30 minutes in a San Francisco apartment.  The video recorded by a security camera in his apartment was considered private, by California law, and inadmissible as evidence. Supposedly it was unlawfully acquired by the police. CEO Chahal was permitted to remain on the board of the tech company, RadiumOne, but consumer pressures related to their IPO, have caused him to lose that positionThe delay in firing Chahal is explained in an internal memo from the new CEO of RadiumOne.

In 2008, an 18 year old pro-life activist was threatened with a lawsuit by Planned Parenthood for making a tape inside a  Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles facility.  She had posed as an underage girl, with an adult boyfriend, seeking an abortion.  The tape showed her being advised, by a PP employee, to falsify her age.  She was told to relinquish the tapes to Planned Parenthood because they were in violation of California’s privacy laws. This forced the 18 year old college student to pull the Youtube videos and in moving Live Action Films’ efforts to the states which do not have such privacy laws.

While pondering why California’s privacy laws protect law-breaking abortion clinics and domestic abusers, but not doddering old men arguing with mistresses,  click THIS LINK, and read Ben Shapiro’s report on what activities  will NOT produce a permanent ban in the NBA.  Perhaps it will make you reconsider whether professional basketball is your kind of entertainment.


West Virginia Abortion Clinic Fails to Report Pregnant 11 Year Old

Of all the health care providers who came in contact with the 11 year old daughter of Michael and Amanda Adkins, only the Charleston abortion clinic failed to contact authorities regarding her pregnancy.

WSAZ reporters concluded that the law in West Virginia allows the abortion clinic to not report pregnant 11 year olds as statutory rape.  They claim that Ohio law has been vague in this area also.  In Kentucky, a pregnancy for an 11 year old is automatically classified as the result of first degree rape, and therefore must be reported.

Two weeks after the abortion, the parents took  the girl to the physician who first noted her pregnancy, telling him that there were symptoms of a miscarriage.  Without knowing of the abortion, he performed a D&C, which should have been an unnecessary procedure, compounding medical risk for the girl.

Perhaps the parents wanted to be absolutely certain that no baby remained, because, as has been later discovered, incest was involved.  Michael Adkins has been indicted for sexual assault, sexual abuse and incest, and Amanda is charged with obstruction and intimidation of a witness.

Abortionists have frequently  fought against requirements to report sexual abuse and statutory rape, because those things result in demand for their services $$$.

School Suspends and Charges Student for Father’s Fishing Knife Found in Car

The performance of Northwest High School officials in Clarksville, Tennessee joins the lineup of Stupid Educator Tricks, featured on this blog. The officials  are accompanied by the Montgomery County Sheriff’s dept, which is levying weapons charges against a high school kid who made the mistake of borrowing his father’s car.

David Duren-Sanner’s future is put on hold, because his father, a commercial fisherman, had a fishing knife inside the car, which David parked on school property. David gave permission for a random search of his car to be searched during the school’s lockdown exercise, likely because he had no idea that his father’s knife was there.

Now David has 10 days suspension, 90 days at an alternative school, on probation, and is facing weapons charges. Peggy Duren, David’s grandmother, with whom he is living, claims that this is his first disciplinary trip to the H.S. principal’s office. “Guilty until proven innocent” is how she describes the zero tolerance policy to Clarksville’s News Channel 5.

There is a petition online if you’d like to weigh in on one more whacko method of teaching kids to disrespect authority, exercised by the Northeast high school officials and the Montgomery County Sheriff’s dept.

Or you could click on the name and tell Principal  Galea Jefferies exactly how you feel about the handling of this situation.

Perhaps they should be asked what positive incentive would a kid have to  obey the law, if he can be so heavily  penalized for a normally legal item which is found  in a car that he has borrowed??

North West High School, Clarksville, TN
North West High School, Clarksville, TN

Where the Old Media Stands on Pedophilia

William Bigelow at points out that the New York Times Op Ed editor, Andrew Rosenthal has seen fit to publish Woody Allen’s response to Dylan Farrow’s  letter.  Her letter was refused for the NYT op-ed page and had been relegated to Kristof in the NYT blog section .

The Los Angeles Times also refused to publish an op-ed by Dylan Farrow.

It’s good to know where the moribund old media stands on child abuse.

It’s easy to find Woody’s response, but it won’t be linked here, due to Pharmer’s long standing bias against the little perv.

Woody Allen on family life: “It’s no accomplishment to have or raise kids. Any fool can do it.”

(Pharmer: His mama failed.)

Woody Allen on sex: “I’m open-minded about sex. I’m not above reproach; if anything, I’m below reproach. I mean, if I was caught in a love nest with 15 12-year-old girls tomorrow, people would think, yeah, I always knew that about him.” pause “Nothing I could come up with would surprise anyone.  I admit to it all.”

Italicized quotes are From People’s Magazine, October 04, 1976 Vol6. No14

Related: Dylan Farrow Rips Hollywood for Honoring her Abuser

Dylan Farrow Rips Hollywood for Honoring her Abuser

The last visual memory your friendly Pharmer has of anything that Woody Allen did is from more than 25 years ago, and the title is forgotten.  Later stuff from him was avoided, due to hearing that he was a pervert, having sex with “step-kids”.

His younger adopted daughter, Dylan Farrow has had enough of Woody being honored and celebrated in Hollywood.  She’s written an open letter detailing some of the abuse and addressing how it feels to see her abuser held in such high esteem by the entertainment industry.

Read Dylan’s letter HERE. 

Pharmer expects the left to continue celebrating the lives and times of their rapists, perverts, and pedophiles.

The personal boycott of Woody Allen products will continue.   Why pay to be made sick?

UPDATE: 2/7/14  Maureen Orth gives “facts” about the case in Vanity Fair.

Related – results of the custody hearing when Mia Farrow Split with Woody Allen.

Party Drug Mephedrone Unsells Itself in the UK

Mephedrone is one name for 4-Methylmethcathinone, which is related to the class of synthetic cathinone analogs known as bath salts.  These were discussed elsewhere on the Pharm, in relation to serious behavioral disturbance.

Another such story has popped up in the news. This case illustrates the propensity of mephedrone to  to lower the natural inhibitions with respect to self surgery, (in this case as chopadicktomy), and unauthorized surgery on others (stabbing).

A 19 year old student, From Haywards Heath, West Sussex,  while high on mephedrone, stabbed his 46 year old mother, giving her life threatening injuries, then cut off his own penis. An individual close to the family told the Daily Mirror that the 19 year old “is normally a lovely lad, and very bright.  But unfortunately, he had started dabbling in drugs”

Don’t do Mephedrone.

Obama Donor to Head IRS Tea Party Targeting Investigation

This is useful…….. The Obama-bots are investigating themselves.   It seems that the internal  investigation of IRS discrimination against conservative groups prior to and after the 2012 election is being headed up by an Obama Donor.  The following excerpt about this conflict of interest  comes from  Please pass it on, and don’t hold your breath waiting for IRS reforms….

“Rep. Issa noted that current and former IRS officials revealed Barbara Bosserman, a trial attorney within the IRS’s Civil Rights Commission, is leading the internal investigation.

Bosserman’s leadership raises all sorts of questions about the investigation’s fairness. Rep. Issa’s investigations revealed that she has been a loyal financial backer of the DNC since 2004 and has donated multiple times personally to President Obama’s two campaigns. Her personal donation total reaches $6,750 to both the party and President Obama.”

via Obama Donor to Head IRS Tea Party Targeting Investigation.

Compare and Contrast these Home “Health Care” Attempts.

A couple charged and may face Jail in New York for illegal home neutering of a dog and cat.  The animals are said to have required extensive veterinary attention after the botched “amateur” operations.

Women on Waves purports that do it yourself home abortion is sufficiently safe using misopristil.  The results of such attempts can be disastrous for the women.

In California, non physicians are now permitted  do surgery on women, if it’s a vacuum aspiration  abortion.This is despite the fact that women sometimes need extensive care in a hospital when the procedure is botched, even if it is done by a “physician”.

Not as bad off as Americans being probed by law enforcement

Nearly 30 Men Receive Some of the Worst News Possible Following Invasive Medical Exams | Video |

About 30 patients got bad news from Seattle’s Swedish Medical Center after errors in the sterilization process of their ultrasound probes.  Twenty seven men who had prostate exams this past fall got letters from the center, suggesting that they undergo testing for Hepatitis B and C, as well as HIV.

Pharmer thinks that those patients are not facing as serious a risk as those Americans who are being probed on the side of the road, or at airports by “officials” who don’t wash their hands or change gloves between gropings.