Staying Ahead of the Curve

Your friendly Blogger has a general policy of diverting discretionary expenses, and even some others, away from suppliers and merchandisers who oppose the conservative American lifestyle.  Few people can be 100% successful at this, but it helps to give it a good try.

Six years ago, the Pharmer decided not to send her kid to New York City on a school class trip.  Basically the class trip was a “shopper driven” choice, and the money expended was not commensurate with the educational value.  In addition, the people of NYC had persistently been supporting very leftist politicians and policies which are not tolerant of a conservative lifestyle.  Bloomberg, for example, ordered the medical schools in NYC to train ob-gyn residents to do abortions, took hostile action against crisis pregnancy centers, doled out the ineffective Plan B  to school kids and in general, acted as an intolerant busybody leftist.  There was sufficient reason to avoid sending hard earned, discretionary funds to New York City.

Since then, New York City has elected an even crazier and less competent mayor, and the governor of New York State, Andrew Cuomo, has plainly stated that pro-lifers are not welcome in his state. 

Governor Andrew Cuomo says Right to Life people are not welcome in New York
Governor Andrew Cuomo says Right to Life people are not welcome in New York


Pharmer had already understood the general situation, and  will continue to withhold funds as much as possible from both NYC and the state.  It is suggested to the remaining conservatives in New York that they seriously consider emigration.  Yours truly will support refugee and sanctuary programs for genuine, conservative emigrants from New York. These programs are viewed as necessary because New York has a reputation for pursuing  emigrants for taxes.

Update: Radio host Sean Hannity announces that he will leave New York State, in response to Andrew Cuomo’s anti conservative rant, and of course the astronomical state taxes.

What Your Pharmacist Doesn’t Know about Plan B

The folks at a major healthcare professional  education provider were scooped by Mother Jones and, prior to that, by yours truly, regarding the ineffectiveness of Plan B ONE-STEP for the bigger girls.

They had to update their not so good analysis of the morning after pills and …. it’s still not so good. If they were offering compensation, yours truly would tell them more, but this example is blogged to illustrate a single point. The public should know that their busy health care professionals are treated like mushrooms: kept in the dark and fed B.S. concerning birth control in general.

 Pharmacists have to think about a concept of steady state when asked by physicians to dose antibiotics and other drugs, or if they work in the field of drug development. Steady state is the condition during which the intake of a drug is in a sort of equilibrium with the output or the elimination of the drug. This assumes regular dosing of the drug. Steady state generally occurs after several doses and after about 5 times the half life of the drug. Ideally drug levels at steady state are high enough to be effective, and low enough to be ‘non-toxic’.

Casting about for the reason why Plan B ONE STEP doesn’t work in American women of average size or greater, the team at this Professional Education Provider, led by N B O’ Pharm.D., BCPS,wrote the following:

“The exact mechanism for the reduced efficacy seen in overweight and obese women using levonorgestrel is not known. One proposed mechanism is that in women with an increased BMI, there is a delay in time to steady state and a prolonged half-life as seen in studies with combined oral contraceptives.21″

This nonsensically applied  idea was blamed on the article below, which covered birth control hormones in general, and addressed the drugs that females take orally every day, or those which continuously supply hormone(s) to the body,  such as patches and depot injections.

Edelman AB, Cherala G, Stanczyk FZ. Metabolism and pharmacokinetics of contraceptive steroids in obese women: a review. Contraception 2010;82:314-23.

Some poor PharmD educator is talking about STEADY STATE with respect to a drug which is taken in a single dose : Plan B ONE STEP!! 

Steady State Never Happens with a single such dose!

This is just a single example but it illustrates the point.

 1) Most of your health care professionals are generally lost in the weeds regarding birth control, and don’t know what they’re talking about. That includes the ones who really SHOULD know what they’re talking about.

 Bonus) Be assured that birth control generally does not work as well in real life as the studies claim, and many factors contribute to this.

Please consider adjusting life style and reproductive planning with at least these two facts in mind.


A Gift from Obama for Notre Dame

After inviting the new “messiah” to bless the graduating students, Notre is receiving the gift of golden rain from above as recompense for their hospitality, four and a half years ago.

While awaiting the final results of a judicial decision on the HHS mandate to pay for birth control / abortion / sterilization, a judge is making them choose between paying $100 per day fine per employee, or bending over in acquiescence to the government.

Notre Dame appears to be bending over.  

Expect worse “gifts” from the anti-messiah.   He’s not done with the U.S. yet.

FOX News -Not Leading Edge News Source for Pro-lifers

A good number of social conservatives regard FOX news as fair and balanced, and a good source of news that other networks choose to lose.  This has sometimes, but not always been the case.

It used to be that when a pro-life health care professional was fired, demoted or suffered other kinds of discrimination for their refusal to kill patients, almost no news coverage would result.

Breaking into the news on this issue required the development and use of the internet.  Once the information reached critical mass there, it was then possible to get some mainstream media attention.   In other words, it had to become sufficiently common knowledge before the media would feel obligated to cover it.

Once the news about being fired for refusing to dispense abortive drugs had sufficient internet attention, and made a few local news papers, and the American Center for Law and Justice put out a press release about a lawsuit, then Bill O’Reilly got interested enough to cover it.   Actually many local FOX news reporters inquired and attempted to set up interviews, but their EDITORS could never find the time or means for them to follow up.  Instead, FOX news generally  left it to NBC,CBS and ABC (and international media)  to cover the desire to avoid chemically killing unborn humans as a freak show.

In an interesting contrast, FOX has decided to extensively cover a Nurse who was fired before Christmas for refusing a flu vaccine because she is pregnant.  She was fearful of using an vaccines during her current pregnancy because of a recent history of miscarriages.  She cites the comparative lack of studies of flu vaccine use during pregnancy.   (It’s not uncommon for vaccines to go into general use without extensive safety and efficacy data in various subpopulations.)

Your friendly Pharmer would not be using the flu vaccine at this time of life, if it were not a job requirement. It is possible through personal hygiene practices to significantly reduce the likelihood of infection.  Most vaccines, (which confer only partial protection against disease)  are more helpful  for the people who do not exercise a knowledge of infectious processes in their daily living habits. Kids who are too young to be personally hygienic can benefit from certain vaccines, for example. The population whose Mamas did not teach to wash their hands after going potty would obtain significant overall  benefits from such a public health program.  Where cleanliness is not possible as a means to prevent disease, the vaccines confer the most benefit.  As the “environmental engineering” departments  inside hospitals become defunded, due to the crunch of socialized medicine,  and the filth becomes apparent to the naked eye, vaccines will become more and more necessary in the United States.

Pharmer feels empathy for the nurse who was fired on Dec 17th, likely after she blew the big dollars  on various Christmas preparations.  This is basically due to a instinct towards freedom, bodily autonomy, and the right to choose one’s own form of hygiene, as well as having gotten the boot at a similar time of year.
Pharmer is happy that FOX decided to cover the story, so that people can see the heavy hand of governments and corporations encroaching on personal bodily integrity.  Prayers for Ms. Dreonna Breton, for her baby-on-board, and her future job prospects in nursing.

Pharmer is still wondering which government bodies and advertisers stopped FOX News from similarly covering those  pro-lifers who were fired for refusing to dispense chemically abortive drugs, and left the stories  to all of the other U.S. and international media outlets.  The decision by FOX News and the U.S. Catholic Bishops to ignore this issue is the reason that that we now  face the spectre of the HHS mandate (temporarily stayed by Justice Sonia Sotomayor last night), which will force participating U.S. citizens to be complicit in birth control, sterilization and abortion practices, despite their religious beliefs.

Go to your alternative media for the news that FOX chooses to lose.  Lifenews is growing by leaps and bounds, and as an important source of info and events which get NO coverage elsewhere, is worth your attention, and perhaps your monetary support.

Supreme Court Justice Delays HHS Mandate

The Little Sisters of the Poor who run a Home for the Aged in Denver,  requested an emergency stay of the HHS mandate, forcing religious organizations to pay for birth control / sterilization / abortion.  After a federal appeals court failed to respond, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor decided late on New Years Eve to block this requirement of Obamacare.  Government officials have until 10am Friday morning to respond.

Sotomayor’s decision excuses the religious organizations from being forced to comply with the birth control / abortion / sterilization mandate while the Supreme Court addresses the issue.

Comprehensive Review of Planned Parenthood Pill Scam

…….. is available at Jill Stanek’s blog.

After years of planned parenthood pushing the morning after pill, they have turned on Plan B One-step, admitting what Pharmer has been saying for years,  that it’s very ineffective.

What Jill Stanek points out is that Planned Parenthood already had a campaign lined up to push Ella (ulipristal acetate) analog of the mifepristone abortion pill, as the new morning after pill, and an IUD, which could bring them even more cash than their  abortion procedures do.  This campaign was already in the pipeline BEFORE Mother Jones spilled the story of Plan B’s ineffectiveness to the low information crowd.  Note that the video linked above was already uploaded on September 3, 2013, prior to the Mother Jones publication.  Anne Glasier’s study of Plan B inefficacy in women was published in 2011.

Back in 2010, Pharmer brought to your attention the CHMP assessment report, filed by the manufacturer of Ella One to  Europe’s version of the FDA. and explained some of the features of the pill.   Initially mentioned was that Ella One, which is called Ella in the U.S. is not very effective, and that the embryocidal dose of the pill is lower than the dose required to stop ovulation, demonstrated in the animal trials.   Also from this report, is the information that the 30mg dose is designed for 60 kg (132 lb) women, is designed to deliver  the 0.5mg/kg dose which the manufacturer stated  to be insufficient to stop ovulation, but effective against pregnancy.  This dose is not sufficient for larger women, and so Ella has  similar efficacy problems as the various forms of Plan B and Plan B One-Step (levonorgestrel).

Expect planned parenthood to sell Ella as long as it can get away with it, then kick the morning after use  aside, as women are persuaded to wear the indwelling coat hanger, Para-Gard, a copper IUD.   Pharmer thinks that planned parenthood will always keep Ella around generically, since it can be substituted for the mifepristone now marketed in the U.S. for chemical abortions.

recreational drugs

Certainly if Obamacare forces taxpayers to cover birth control drugs, then other recreational drugs such as marijuana, LSD, methamphetamine, cathinone derivatives, cocaine, beer, and of course TOBACCO, should also be covered.

It’s fun to hear leftists say that birth control drugs are not recreational……. which means that to them, sex is more work than pleasure.

Bummer for them 😉

Non News: Plan B Morning After Pill Does Not Work Well for Big Girls

The European manufacturer of Norlevo, which is their version of Plan B  (Levonorgestrel) has very kindly decided to warn people that their product does not work for women over 176 lbs, and is less effective for women over 165 lbs.

Thanks, HRA Pharma.

Check out the new warning in the Norlevo Package insert for yourself.  It discourages women over 75 Kg from relying on the drug.

This comes under the “told you so” dept. of Pharm information.  In fact, people ALSO could learn here that the newer morning after pill, Ella (ulipristal acetate) has the same problem

All of this  is obvious to those who pay attention to how drugs are designed.   Pharmer has openly warned people for years not to expect good efficacy for birth control pills designed for 130lb women  t0 be as efficacious in women who are much larger.

The U.S. recently moved the  snake oil drug, Plan B, over the counter.   Perhaps this was a crony capitalist effort to help manufacturers snap up as much profit as they could before the general news came out that the drug is not reliable for any women, and really worthless for the larger set.

It appears that Mother Jones is the first of the mainstream media to let the kitty out of the bag in the United States.  They note that the average weight of American girls is 166.2 lbs, which puts them over the weight limit for Plan B to  work at its touted 60 percent effectiveness.   The avg weight of Black and Hispanic women from 20-39 years of age is 186 lbs, which means that they can completely forget about Plan B.

Any hospital or clinic  using  this drug as a part of rape treatment is therefore pushing ineffective treatment and  charging fraudulently.   Planned Parenthood and its ilk are doing the same.

Pharmer’s favorite and oft cited birth control researcher, Anna Glasier, sent up a warning flare in 2011. Click on her effort to identify the groups for which morning after pills do not work.

The American manufacturers have not put out this warning in their product package inserts yet.   Please help your female friends  who will be paying $50 bucks for this drug at the pharmacy,  to understand that Plan B One-Step, Next Choice One Dose, My Way, and various generic one and two pill packs of levonorgestrel morning after pills are fairly worthless as birth control, and when they do work, can have an objectionable mechanism that operates AFTER fertilization.    (As a practical matter,  any perverts who are abusing underaged girls ought to be made aware of this too, so that at least one aspect of the abuse might cease.)

Noting that these hormone analogs have weight dependent efficacy, how much should women be relying on the daily or continuously administered birth control drugs????

Who is REALLY waging the war on women, who remain the  medical underclass????

Related: The low information guys weigh in.
A comprehensive review of Planned Parenthood’s Plan B Scam


Students For Life Reveal How a 15 Year Old Girl Can Buy the Morning After Pill

Pharmer has been telling you that the lefties wanted Plan B over the counter to increase the availability of children for sex.

Now you can see their plans in action. Students for Life made undercover videos in Walgreens, CVS and Rite-Aid Pharmacies in August and September of 2013 in order to demonstrate that kids need an ID and to be 18 years old to buy Sudafed, but that ANYONE of any age can buy Plan B, the morning after pill.
The first video highlights the sudafed comparison.
The second video highlights that the pharmacies will sell Plan B to an adult male with an underage girlfriend who does not have her parents’ permission to be taking the pill.

You’ll see one of the employees saying that she was not comfortable selling Plan B to a 15 year old, but felt that she had to in order to keep her job. Pharmer sez…….. sometimes you just have to get a new job

Learn a little more about abortive birth control here. 


Related……. finally a public admission  Plan-B-morning-after-pill-does-not-work-well-for-big-girls/