The Metastatic IRS Scandal

drudge 5-16-13
drudge 5-16-13

Reward for lawbreaking:

Sarah Hall Ingram served as commissioner of the office responsible for tax-exempt organizations between 2009 and 2012. But Ingram has since left that part of the IRS and is now the director of the IRS’ Affordable Care Act office, the IRS confirmed to ABC News today.”

The current fall guy, Joseph Grant had barely gotten moved into the office before the scandal in the IRS division that handles tax exemptions broke.

How Obamacare will be managed:
At the same time, the IRS is already being presented with a case from a company that claims it stole more than 60 million medical records of more than 10 million Americans.

This kind of news is rolling out becaue the media can only save Obamacare if it purges the IRS very quickly.

Pharmer hopes that Obamacare fails, and the IRS is replaced by a tiny little agency that collects a flat tax.



Religious Freedom Action Day

Email or call your congressman today about H.R. 940, the Health Care Conscience Rights Act, especially from 10am to 12pm, but anytime of day will do.

Congressional contact Link is ALWAYS on the sidebar, Down on the Pharm,  under U.S. representatives. 

Please tweet this to your associates, under hashtags #religiousfreedom and #conscienceprotection, and pass it to your email and social media pals.  It’s easy.


Lifenews: Australian Doc Might Lose License for Refusing Sex Selection Abortion

Victoria, Australia requires physicians to perform an abortion or refer for one whenever asked.   This includes cases in which women want to abort a baby because it’s a girl.

Yes, there is a big leftist war on women going on in Victoria, Australia.

Dr. Mark Hobart, in Melbourne is expecting to have to give up his license to practice medicine because he refused to cooperate in an abortion for a couple because they didn’t want to have a girl.

Hobart refused to give a referral for the sex selection abortion, Hobart has broken the law in his state, and he is expecting suspension or complete loss of his license.

In Victoria, abortion and the state’s war on women trumps any human rights.   Consider this if you have thought of moving to that part of the world.  The remaining medical professionals  are probably of decreasing quality as the ones who balk at killing are being removed from practice.

Breitbart Celebrates -The Leftie Media Catching Up in the Pigford USDA Fraud story.

In 2010, Andrew Breitbart got into a fight with the NAACP, charging them with their very own racism.  He published a video showing an NAACP audience  which had cheered a statement in a speech by Shirley Sherrod  mentioning an initial desire  to refuse to help a white farmer in her capacity as USDA Director of Rural Development in Georgia.  Not withstanding Breitbart’s accompanying  statement that Ms. Sherrod  actually decided that she would render aid to that farmer, the lefties attempted to spin his message against the NAACP attitudes as an attack on Shirley Sherrod. An apparent basis for their spin  is the leftist assumption that their constituency cannot read, and could only take in  the video clip.   This fight grew into a firestorm, and eventually  led to Breitbart’s  investigation into a class action lawsuit of discrimination against Black farmers, from which Sherrod  and her husband had benefited to the tune of $13 million, prior to her being hired by the USDA.

This was the Pigford v. Glickman decision, which morphed into the most bloated civil rights settlement in history.

While an expected 2000 Black farmers who had been thought to suffer discrimination from the USDA’s loan grant policies, the number of applicants for payouts ballooned to 16,000.    In  2008,  Senator Obama sponsored legislation was passed, which  allowed another 70,000 people to qualify for settlements stemming from this original USDA decision.  This latter law allowed Ms. Sherrod the larger $13 million windfall from the government.

The huge numbers of people benefiting from the original Pigford and Glickman payout by the USDA  massively exceeded the total number of Black Farmers in the United States.  Breitbart had uncovered one more government boondoggle paying out billions of dollars to more than double the total 40,000 black farmers in the U.S.  He published a series of articles explaining the government fraud, which was ignored by the mainstream media, except FOX.

Now that the    New York Times has finally caught up to this web of government fraud, and payment of agricultural settlement money to people who were never farmers, is celebrating today that the lamestream media has finally noticed.  One problem with their own article is the suggestion in the headline, that the story in the New York TImes “Vindicates ” Breitbart. Wrong!………. The headline should indicate instead that the New York Times is finally catching up with Breitbart.
The erroneous idea that the NYT  is the news of record is something which needs to be corrected.
The “Gray Lady” has been exhibiting signs of dementia for years.

Oregon Public School Teacher May Be Fired for Dissing Planned Parenthood

Benson High School, in Portland Oregon has suspended, and may fire a pro-life teacher, ostensibly for his opposition to Planned Parenthood.   Bill Diss, who has taught computer science and math in the public schools for 11 years, is known, and sometimes baited by the students due to his openly pro-life views.

The math teacher was escorted out of the school by police on March 19th, and is on paid leave, awaiting a possible firing.   This is thought to stem from his refusal, in September of last year, to allow two planned parenthood employees into his classroom, because they did not have proper ID.   They were supposedly there to teach an optional sex-ed class to the students.  Mr. Diss also organized a protest at a school board meeting against Planned Parenthood’s presence in the school district.  He says that he had  kept his protests against planned parenthood outside of work until they were invited into the school to teach.

Another issue of contention was the use of Mr. Diss’s name on permission  forms sent home to the parents of students, for planned parenthood’s teen outreach program.   His attorney contested the misuse of Diss’s name as though he endorsed the TOP program, and demanded a retraction of statements on the forms.  Since that time,  the school officials have been sending notes to Diss concerning his teaching practices, and requiring him to attend various hearings.   He has been told that his teaching contract will not be renewed.

Diss concludes that it appears to be much more important for the school to have Planned Parenthood at Benson than it is to have a teacher teach computer science and math”.

Teacher Bill Diss Fired for prolife views

According to US NEws,  Benson Polytechnic  High School is not doing so well academically.

Benson High School test scores USnews

Now Benson H.S. is  down by one more math teacher. but who needs math when one can have planned parenthood’s version of show and tell?  Poly-Technique!


Gun Owner Story Could Crimp Christie’s Political Career

A gun owner located in New Jersey announced that the Second Amendment Fight has come to his front door.  Posting at the Delaware Open Carry forum, Shawn Moore told his compatriots that an online  pic of his son holding an AR-15 had brought the cops and the New Jersey Department of Youth and Family Services to his door.

It turns out that the cops  never saw the actual Facebook  pic, but had come to his house to get into his gun safe without a warrant, based on hearsay alone.

The Blaze is carrying this story also, with the pic the gun toting kid, and the cops from the Carney’s Point Police Department, who visited wearing their tactical gear.

By the way, that boy has more credentials for toting an ar-15 than most adults.  He has passed the state firearms safety test, and his father is a certified NRA Firearms instructor.

The police and the DYFS representatives have been very reluctant to give commentary or their identities in relation to this case.  Acting Police Chief Robert De Gregorio is not talking to The Blaze reporters.  Likewise, the DYFS officials are refusing to be interviewed, or give their names, though they apparently still want to see the contents of Mr. Moore’s gun safe.  It appears that they understand that they might on shaky legal ground even in the socialist state of New Jersey.  The DYFS investigator would not even give her name or credentials to Shawn Moore when she was at his home.  A person who can’t remember her name should be under supervised care.  This could also apply to Lynette, at the DYFS office, who perhaps could not recall the spelling of her surname.

If the harassment of this legal gun owner, and his family continues, it should be useful in stopping the republican political support of Governor Chris Christie, who is no kind of gun rights sympathizer.

Rob Portman: Plastic Elastic Ethics

Suddenly something which is wrong becomes right if you think it might make your kid happy.

Rob Portman has reversed himself on the issue of gay marriage because his son has come out as gay.  This had been in the background as a possible reason that Mitt Romney did not choose Portman as vice presidential candidate.

More likely, Romney felt that he had no prayer unless he threw a bone to the Tea Partiers by choosing a more conservative person to run with him.

Rob Portman’s reversal has more to do with the politician’s instinct to appease, compromise and get along.   Certainly it will not do his son any good.    Kids don’t really need their parents to shift and change with whatever new lifestyle the kids choose to take on.  The kids would benefit more from knowing that parents have firm and strong moral beliefs that don’t change with the latest behavioral eruption, and that the love from their parents is constant, despite the disagreements.    Love and agreement are not the same thing.

Portman reveals himself to be just another person who doesn’t know that marriage is a social structure for the purpose of protecting  children.  We could perhaps help him by reminding him of how babies are made, in case he forgot.  Or we could  point him to Homovox,  or to David Mainwaring so that he could understand governmental manipulation, and social problems that accompany the push for gay marriage.

On the Relationship of Gay Marriage and Human Trafficking

Your friendly Pharmer spotted a link  at Jill Stanek’s blog which needs to be passed on.  Robert Oscar Lopez, himself the son of a lesbian mother, reveals a transformation in the gay community which has aligned it with the industries of human trafficking and creation of designer babies.  Kids have become commodities, and anyone who objects, including the children themselves, will be  publicly scourged for homophobia.

Lopez states that the fight for gay marriage was  to provide legal cover “from criticism for their bioethical stunts”.

Click below and read:

Articles: The Oncoming Human Rights Crisis…Caused by the LGBT Movement.

Federal Court Temporarily Blocks HHS Contraception Mandate for Private Business Owner | CNS News

“This is a big #^@&(N deal”…as Joe Biden would say.    A Federal court is blocking Obamanator’s HHS mandate for O’Brien Industrial Holdings, which operates several smaller companies: Christy Industrial Services, Christy Minerals Co., and Christy Refractories Co. The owner, Frank O’Brien is a Catholic, who wishes to adhere to his religious beliefs in operating his businesses.

The three judge panel of the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals granted a preliminary injunction which blocks the HHS mandates unconstitutional effects upon this privately owned company. Among the many lawsuits challenging the HHS mandate, this is the first decision rendered by a Federal appeals court.

Frank Manion of the American Center for Law and Justice is handling this case, which was first dismissed by a Federal district court judge before it was taken before the Eighth Circuit Court. The ACLJ has filed two other lawsuits against the Federal Government regarding the HHS mandate, and numerous Amicus briefs for other court challenges.

Federal Court Temporarily Blocks HHS Contraception Mandate for Private Business Owner | CNS News.