What Motivates Obama to Punish the Babies with Inhumane Execution ?

The Memory Dept., Down on the Pharm,  pulls up Obama’s town hall in Johnstown, PA, 3-29-2008,  in which he mentioned not wanting his daughters (then 6 and 9 years old) to be punished with a baby. 

Obama: "I don't want them punished with a baby"
Obama: “I don’t want them punished with a baby”

Why is our abortionist in chief  so hell bent on punishing babies both newborn and preborn, by means of painful execution methods employed by the abortion industry?  Obama’s advisors are telling him to to veto Rep.Trent Franks’  Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which has just been passed (today) in the House.

Life News has provided  today’s  house voting record  (click HERE)  so  you can see how your representative weighed in on this decision.  The new Act bans abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy except in cases of rape, incest and to save a mother’s life, although the latter is actually inapplicable.

Anti Gun Rights Regime Failed to Intimidate 8th Grader.

If Jared Marcum is any indicator, the regime is going to have trouble with the kids.  It seems that they’re not so easily cowed by the anti-gun educational regime.  Last week, Jared was suspended from Logan Middle School, Logan County, WV school and arrested after wearing an NRA T-shirt, with a “protect your rights” logo and a pic of a hunting rifle.  He wore it without incident until he was accosted by a teacher at lunch.  There was apparently a heated verbal argument when Jared refused a request  to remove the shirt or turn it inside out.   Cops were called and Jared was arrested for supposedly disrupting the educational process.

Jared has a court date in July to determine if he has to pay a 500 dollar fine or spend a year in prison.  His ordeal is just one of many suffered by conservative leaning students, who are being persecuted for their ideology by leftie public educators.  Jared is undaunted, however.  He returned to school this week wearing the exact same NRA shirt.  Other students in the county are doing the same as a show of support. They deserve our respect.

There is hope for America.

Suppression of Religious Freedom in Obama’s Military

One of the driving forces of a return to the military draft is Obama’s hostility to religious freedom.  The military is the incubator of social experiments, many of which go against the teachings of most major religions.   The increasing incidence of rape in the armed forces, some of which is male on male, indicates the pathology of leftist social policy.  The speech and freedom of conscience of those who do not agree with these kinds of behaviors is being suppressed.  Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel has not shown a tolerance for the freedom of religious expression in the military, and apparently Mikey Weinstein of the “Military Religious Freedom Foundation” has his ear.  Weinstein’s agenda involves anything but religious freedom, with his least favorite denominations being the evangelical Christians.

A major reason for women to avoid service in the Obama military is the threat of rape by fellow military personnel.  Another reason is the pressure to abort in the event of pregnancy.  A third is the disrespect for the right of conscience.

Likewise, men who enter Obama’s very weird military are under similar threats minus the adverse effects that pregnancy could have on their careers.

Currently on tap is an expected Veto from Obama of the Military Defense Authorization Act of 2014, if it contains the amendment by Rep. John Fleming, protecting religious speech of service members.

Edward Snowden Shines Light on NSA Snooping, then Drops out of Sight

Drudge NSA leaker Edward Snowden 6-11-13

Edward Snowden, the whistle blower who  allowed us to know how extensively the National Security Administration has encroached on our privacy, has disappeared from sight, shortly after allowing his identity to be made public.

Snowden provided information on the process, but not the content or details of NSA snooping on all internet communications via a program called Prism. All of the major internet service providers have signed on to this program, which allows the NSA access to the information on their servers, without a warrant.

Snowden had fled to Hong Kong, in the hope that its vague extradition laws (presently in a state of flux) will allow him to avoid being sent back to the U.S. Russia has indicated a possible willingness to grant political asylum to the whistle-blower, according to their newspaper, Kommersant.

The UK Guardian is the main media purveyor of Snowden’s information to the public, though the Washington Post published part of an NSA power point presentation which he provided on the topic.

James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, is predictably wanting the head of Edward Snowden.  Others, such as former Representative Ron Paul, say: “We should be thankful for individuals like Edward Snowden”.

Pharmer is leaning more towards Ron Paul’s opinion, as the executive agencies of government are being used as tools for administrative vengeance on those who disagree with the party line.

Glen Greenwald, Guardian reporter on the Snowden story assures us that more revelations are yet to come.

Among pro-lifers, the question in the air is:  Without a right to Privacy, what happens to the main argument for the legalization of abortion?

Related:  Obama really didn’t mean it.

Obama’s Big Ears Are Listening to You

William Binney, who worked for the National Security Agency for 40 years, quit after 911 had moved his employer to what he felt was excessive snooping on American citizens. He believes that all phone companies, and not just Verizon are involved in turning over records of calls to the NSA.

The surprise to many of those reporting on this issue of monitoring phone data is that it has continued and has drastically increased since Bush left office.

An internet surveillance program called PRISM, started in 2007 under Bush, and has also massively increased during the reign of  Obama. A report by another whistle blower reveals that internet giants Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Pal Talk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, and Apple are submitting to government snooping into the private data of their users. Apple is said not to have joined this effort until 2012,  after Steve Jobs had died. Perhaps this was part of the reason for the government attacks on the company.  Microsoft was purportedly the first company to jump  on board with the program.
The threat of lawsuits and “regulation” from the government has been enough to secure compliance from the companies.
Spokesmen from these companies continue to deny knowledge of government access to their databases.

It is interesting to watch some of the leftie media outlets responding to the idea that the government has been monitoring their private communications and internet activities, and that the Obama administration appears to have vastly increased the scope of the snooping.  This appears to have really gotten their attention.

Bishop Earl Walker Jackson fires up Election Race in Virginia

Ken Cuccinelli now has the fiery minister E.W. Jackson  as a running mate in his race for the governor of Virginia.  Bishop Jackson is a lawyer, businessman, and clergyman who is absolutely unafraid to advance his conservative principles.   His unapologetic presentation on a wide range of social, economic and governmental issues is causing the left to do what it always does,  accuse him of extremism and bigotry.   What has them so worked up?   Jackson has taken measure of what Planned Parenthood has been doing to the Black community, and has compared the abortion giant’s death dealing to that of the Ku Klux Klan.

Rev. Jackson was raised as a democrat, and like so many other congenital conservatives,  had to leave the party as it devolved into its current (leftist, statist)  form.

If you admire the sort of principled conservative who refuses to  walk back any of his statements whenever the media whines,  get behind E.W. Jackson, as he runs for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia.

Bishop EW Jackson, Conservative Extraordinaire
Bishop E W Jackson, Conservative Extraordinaire

Learn more about Bishop E W Jackson’s views at his campaign site.



IRS Head Shulman Record Breaking Number of Visits to White House


IRS Commissioner leads Obama White House Visiters. The Daily Caller.
IRS Commissioner leads Obama White House Visitors. The Daily Caller.

Shulman had more White House visits than any Cabinet member | The Daily Caller.

How can we KNOW that the White house directed IRS persecution of right wing organizations?   Because it’s Commissioner, Douglas Shulman, visited the White house 157 times during the Obama administration, more than any other member.

He visited 118  times during the two years before the 2012 elections, when the IRS was targeting the conservative non-profits.   That’s more than once per week.

Shulman was at the White House far more than any CABINET member.  His predecessor, Mark Everson was at the White house ONCE during George W. Bush’s administration.

More fun facts.

The ACLJ is representing 25  Tea Party groups in a suit  against the IRS.

At least Five Pro Israel groups critical of White House policies were targeted by the IRS.



Melinda Gates and “Women Deliver” Bring Their Best to Women’s Health

Melinda Gates, wife of Bill Gates is continuing her quest to control  reproduction of the Brown people on planet Earth.  She’s been working on the Women Deliver Conference, an outreach by the abortion arm of the UN.  “Trainers” brought  to this week’s  conference in Kuala Lumpur include  Peter Singer (who thinks that infanticide is fine), and LeRoy Carhart,  (who has an unlicensed nurse at his Maryland Clinic, and a nurse who might lose her license in August, at his Omaha clinic).

Ms. Gates is raising funds to bring Depo-Provera, and other birth control to 120 million more women in the developing countries.  She has also partnered with the United Nations Population Fund, which has been helping  to administer China’s one child policy.  Gate’s latest push is called Women Deliver, but it’s much more likely to prevent that.

You would think that Gates could afford to bring better trainers than Singer and Carhart (whose Maryland clinic has eight pages of failures listed on its  last state inspection). Only women would put up with such low quality  “health care”.

Incidentally, three fourths of Maryland’s 16  abortion clinics failed to comply with safety regulations, as reported by that state’s Dept of Health and Mental Hygiene. One fourth of the clinics were deemed to be bad enough to be shut down immediately.   There’s not a chance that men would tolerate this kind of substandard health care for themselves.