Run With Life: Late term abortions statistics – born alive

Run With Life: Late term abortions statistics – born alive.

Patricia Maloney explains how table 102-0536 of Statistics Canada can be filtered to show only those perinatal deaths resulting from live  birth abortion. The add remove option can be used to eliminate all causes of death except termination of pregnancy affecting fetus and newborn. (Note that the table’s default 5 year period is increased to 10 years.)
Logically, if you combine criteria of terminations affecting fetus and newborn with perinatal deaths, you get Live Birth Abortions, previously known as infanticides.

Click those links and figure it out for yourself.  The grand total is 491 infanticides recorded by Statistics Canada during years 2000-2009.

Media Bails on Obama: Libya-Gate

Unlike the days of Nixon, the media has assisted Obama in his cover-up of the actual occurrences and portrayed a false view of both the occurrences in Benghazi during the U.S. Ambassador to Libya was killed along with three other Americans.

CBS has decided to do a 180 and bust both itself and Obama for the negligence and the coverup, which resulted in unraveling of the U.S. stature in the Middle East, as well as the unnecessary loss of life which extends far beyond the four people killed at the Embassy.

Libya-Gate is far too gentle a name for the egregious failure and negligence and dishonesty which characterizes the handling of the Benghazi incident.     The cover-up of the Watergate burglary is Nothing compared to this.

CBS has let loose an unaired 60 minutes clip which establishes that Obama lied about the nature of the attack on the Libyan Embassy.

The White House had intelligence on the attack two hours after it started.   The attack proceeded without response from the U.S. for many hours, at the end of which, the final two victims lost their lives. It is established that the attack was pre-planned and organized by Al Quaida

If you will recall,we were told  repeatedly by the Obama administration and its media allies that the attacks sprang out of natural protests of a video that almost Nobody  knew about before the U.S. government advertised it.

What is essentially has been coming out of this incident is that the Obama Administration has been assisting the wrong Midde East factions,Al-Quaeda is alive and well, Obama failed to answer the “3am call” -choosing to campaign and raise funds  instead, Obama and the media covered it up, and an American has been illegally persecuted  for producing a video that had nothing to do with this.

CBS chose not to air this clip from Sixty Minutes for an entire month.

Life News: Obama Continues War on Women

Obama waged another battle in his war on women during the October 16 Town Hall debate against Romney.

“There are millions of women all across the country who rely on Planned Parenthood for mammograms, for cervical cancer screenings,”  Obama lied.

He said the same thing in an interview with Glamour magazine.  The problem is that no Planned Parenthood facilities do mammograms.  Life News has assembled links to some of the evidence and admissions from Planned Parenthood that they do NOT  have mammography equipment  at any one of their facilities, and are not  certified for such procedures.  Komen Foundation had sought to cancel grants to Planned Parenthood, on this basis, but backed down due to a media assault from the abortion giant.

The tax payer  funded, non-profit Planned Parenthood has allocated six million dollars for  ads to reelect Obama and the democrats.  There’s another  half million dollar ad dump in Ohio and Virginia, and another quarter million going for ads in Colorado, newly announced by America’s largest  abortion provider.

In answer to a question on jobs for women, Obama reiterated his plan to force employers to cover birth control, abortion and sterilization, otherwise known as the HHS mandate.  To help women in their jobs, Romney suggested flexible hours and a shot in the arm for employers and the economy, to allow opportunity for unemployed women.   Obama spoke of his  mandate  to  force employers to provide for  preventing or aborting  pregnancies.

The Voice of John

Nurse MaryAnn Lawhon,  found a baby who had survived an abortion, left to die of exposure.  She rocked him as he died, baptized him, and named him John.  She promised that she would carry his message, and this has inspired the title of upcoming movie, “The Voice of John”.

The Voice of John will be released on Nov 4, this year, hopefully not too late for people to respond by voting to remove Obamacare from our lives on November 6th.

Indiana: Just Say NO to Justice Steven David

According to the Indiana Constitution, Supreme Court  Justice Steven David is up for reappointment  by the People on Nov 6th.

JUST SAY NO to Justice Steven David.

Remember his decision to remove citizen’s right to resist unlawful entry of law enforcement officers into our homes.

Here’s the background you need to evaluate Pharmer’s advice. Click those links!

Indiana Judicial Elections, 2012  Note that Justice Robert Rucker, who dissented against the decision written by Justice Steven David, is also up for reappointment.  With respect to this particular constitutional issue, Rucker survives the flush test.

Mitch Daniels Appointee, Indiana Supreme Court Justice Steven David rules contrary to 4th Amendment

The Indiana legislative bodies and Governor Mitch Daniels (who appointed Justice David) passed another law to negate that horrible Supreme Court decision.

Effort to Undo the Indiana Supreme Court Decision Overturning 4th Amendment Rights


Catholics Launch Fortnight for Freedom

Starting June 21 and running through July 4th is a two week period of prayer and education to counteract the Obama healthcare mandate and its threat to religious freedom.


Fortnight for Freedom Bulletin Insert

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Gets A Clue.

Speech by a Bishop Who had a clue early on. (Archbishop Chaput moved from Denver to Philadelphia to clean house.)

Coverage at The Blaze

Video from Washington DC Archdiocese

Busted: China admits to forced late term abortion

China confirms forced abortion case after uproar – Yahoo! News Canada.

China admits to a forced late term abortion of a 7 month old baby which has the world quite upset at the “news”.

Of course, it’s not really “news” that  the forced late term abortions have been occurring.   China has been at this practice for a very long time.

This blog is getting hits on an article linked to older incidents, as outraged internet surfers attempt to locate the info.

The newer case is HERE at Life News and many other places. Click to see the pic of Feng Jianmei and the baby which was aborted because she did not have money to pay the fine to the family planners.

Some news articles report that China has apologized to the woman, and says that the actions of dragging her from her home for the abortion were illegal.

Here’s the older article showing Wang Liping and her 7 month baby, killed by forced abortion.Details are HERE.   <– Read for info smuggled out of China on numerous women assaulted, and their babies killed by  Chinese government officials.

Why did the Pharmer Unsubscribe from Groupon?

Major U.S. company offers torture-porn tour.

Groupon is too KINKy!

The Waronillegalpornography folks have spotted two ads from Groupon for a tour of a historic armory in San Francisco which has now houses KINK, a producer of torture porn.

The tour offering specifies the possibility of being able to see a live filming. Gross.

Pharmer took a look at the story in the film below and promptly unsubscribed from Groupon. Don’t need their spam mail and won’t be using their offerings.