Obama Demonstrates His Delusional Thinking

Nutty Obama  scolds congress today for failing to raise the debt ceiling.  This is a quote from his speech, revealing  his strategy to pay the debt by incurring more debt.

“These are bills that Congress ran up. The money’s been spent. The obligations have been made. So this is not a situation – I think the American people have to understand this – this is not a situation where you know, Congress is going to say, ‘Okay, we won’t buy this car or we won’t take this vacation.’ They took the vacation, they bought the car, and now they’re saying maybe we don’t have to pay or we don’t have to pay as fast as we said we were going to. That’s not how responsible families act. We’re the greatest nation on earth and we can’t act that way. So this is urgent and it needs to get settled.”

via Obama Scolds Congress, Says Malia and Sasha Are More Disciplined – Political Punch.

Pharmer wonders if Malia and Sasha are being taught to have Mom and Dad raise their debt ceiling to cover irresponsible expenditures.

Obama has Until Friday to Justify Libyan War to Congress

Boehner gives Obama Friday deadline on Libya – Washington Times.

Obama initiated war number 3 in Libya, claiming that it would be over in days.   This, of course never works out, and now he is in violation of the War Powers Act, which allows the Executive branch to initiate military actions, but holds them accountable to Congress for continued support.   Obama’s time has been up, and finally the Speaker of the House appears to be addressing the problem directly.

Pelosi Now Says Weiner Should Resign

Calls mount for Weiner’s resignation – CNN.com.

Since Congressman Weiner (D, NY)  is known to have been texting the underaged,  (though he claims it was not indecent),  Pelosi is undoubtedly worried about what will pop up next.  She’s  has currently determined  that Weiner should quit. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Steve Israel concur with Pelosi’s  momentary position on the issue.

Since Anthony has held no private sector jobs, and has no law degree, he might have some difficulty with income, should he be booted from his seat, and this is a  reason that many speculate that he has not stepped down on his own.

Update: Rehab for Weiner to make him a better family man. He’s asking for a leave of absence from his congressional duties.

Congressman Radioactive Wiener – Could be Good for America if He Stays

You knew it would happen……. further public humiliation of Anthony Weiner.   Shock jocks grabbed pic that Breitbart had refused to publish, and released a low quality pic of the pic to Gawker which loves to show us everything.

Weiner’s malformed ego would not let him do the right thing and fade into oblivion.   He had to hang on, put his family and associates through misery, and show us the quintessential Leftist. With elections coming, even the dems are wishing he’d go away, but are too  wussified  to say it out loud.  (Plus,  they all have their own odd private lives in mind.)

It’s nasty, Jerry Springer stuff, but probably good for the public  to have a peek at the model,  sexual  agenda of the left.   It’s just like all of their other agendas……….. NON PRODUCTIVE!.  A whole lot of time is devoted to the pursuit, but it elicits NO results!   This is just like their idea of health care, their war on poverty, their foriegn policy, their energy policy. etc..

When you think of what the leftists will do for us while they’re in power… just think of Anthony’s non productive cybersex, and how much time he devoted to it.

Joe Kovacs: Protect Kids on the Internet from Anthony Weiner

Anthony Weiner – New York’s 9th District.

Joe Kovacs over at WND found this great page,  linked above, spouting Congressman Anthony Weiner’s passion for protecting kids on the internet from the likes of …… HIMSELF!!

Mind you,  Weiner was wandering the social media,  sexting with ‘females’  whose age was a mystery to him.  You know how kids lie about their age  to get  a facebook page.   The congressman has admitted to having no certainty about the age of his sexting partners.

Pharmer wonders  if Weiner has contemplated the possibility  that those with whom he has been sexting may not all be female.


Hannity: “Weiner is About to Come Out Now”

Anthony Weiner has been tearfully apologizing to everyone in todays press conference, (announced as above by Sean Hannity, on the air) for sexting, sending nasty pics to several women, including a shot like the underwear pic, but without the undies.

Weiner’s disordered mind has not yet come to the conclusion that he should resign his congressional position, however.

This 46 year old guy thinks that people should still trust him after he violated the trust of his wife,  did kinky stuff on the internet,  lied to people about it, attempted a coverup,  and  invented a false accusation of hacking which subsequently was pinned by some  to conservative reporters.

Being a Democrat,  Weiner just might keep his position,  as we ALL know that lefties are not held to the same behavioral standards as conservatives. Some, however, believe that since that there will be public access to an actual wiener pic of Anthony,  he might reconsider his current attempt to finish out his term and run again in 2012.

Conservative news sources  had originally  declined to out Meagan Broussard, a 26 year old cyber-pal of Weiner, to whom he sent many electronic messages and photos since April 20, 2011.   However Meagan, a single mom in Texas, has decided to out herself in an interview with ABC news, and tell her story before others tell it for her.  Perhaps it will bring some funding and help for her to continue in her ambition to become a nurse.