Two More Lawsuits Against Sebelius and the HHS Mandate Move Forward

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago has ruled in favor of the plaintiffs in cases of Korte v. Sebelius, 12-3841, and Grote v. Sebelius, 13-1077.  These two cases, brought by Catholic business owners, argued against the HHS mandate which forces businesses to pay for birth control/sterilization/abortion.  Orders by lower courts have been blocked by the Court of appeals, and the finding written by Judge Diane Sykes, supports both the business owners’ AND the corporations’ option to sue over the HHS mandate.

The cases are returned to trial courts with instructions to block enforcement of the HHS mandate of the 2010 Obamacare act.  The 2-1 decision reversed those of the lower courts against the Catholic families and their businesses.  Edward White, the lawyer representing Cyril B. Korte says that he expects the Supreme Court to eventually take up this case due to its importance as a national issue  “to the people who run these small companies and are dictated by their faith in how they should run the company.”


Only One More Step to Forced Abortion in U.S.A.

We can blame  the religious leaders (for one example, the USCCB)  who  supported the leftist  plan to make us into a socialist state.  We are only one step away from forced abortion in the United States.   That’s right…… only one step away from being just like China.

The CBO has announced that if we pass Trent Franks’ bill H.R. 1797 restricting late term abortions  it could add $ 400 billion  to the federal deficit.   Philip Hodges at Godfather politics points out that this might be the first time that the politicians ever cared about the deficit, now that it can be used to push abortion.

Why?   The Congressional Budget office  projects  that a good portion of the kids that we allow to live will need medicaid for the costs of their birth, and then more welfare benefits for the rest of their lives.    This was brought to you by the “compassionate” religious leaders who wanted to outsource charity to the government until most of the population became dependent on it.

The last step towards forcing women to kill their babies is to make the health care professionals do it.   Once participation in abortion is required for health care practice,  (and we’re already on our way in a number of states),  it will be easy for the government to coerce women to kill their babies.

Bishop Earl Walker Jackson fires up Election Race in Virginia

Ken Cuccinelli now has the fiery minister E.W. Jackson  as a running mate in his race for the governor of Virginia.  Bishop Jackson is a lawyer, businessman, and clergyman who is absolutely unafraid to advance his conservative principles.   His unapologetic presentation on a wide range of social, economic and governmental issues is causing the left to do what it always does,  accuse him of extremism and bigotry.   What has them so worked up?   Jackson has taken measure of what Planned Parenthood has been doing to the Black community, and has compared the abortion giant’s death dealing to that of the Ku Klux Klan.

Rev. Jackson was raised as a democrat, and like so many other congenital conservatives,  had to leave the party as it devolved into its current (leftist, statist)  form.

If you admire the sort of principled conservative who refuses to  walk back any of his statements whenever the media whines,  get behind E.W. Jackson, as he runs for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia.

Bishop EW Jackson, Conservative Extraordinaire
Bishop E W Jackson, Conservative Extraordinaire

Learn more about Bishop E W Jackson’s views at his campaign site.



Religious Freedom Action Day

Email or call your congressman today about H.R. 940, the Health Care Conscience Rights Act, especially from 10am to 12pm, but anytime of day will do.

Congressional contact Link is ALWAYS on the sidebar, Down on the Pharm,  under U.S. representatives. 

Please tweet this to your associates, under hashtags #religiousfreedom and #conscienceprotection, and pass it to your email and social media pals.  It’s easy.


Lifenews: Australian Doc Might Lose License for Refusing Sex Selection Abortion

Victoria, Australia requires physicians to perform an abortion or refer for one whenever asked.   This includes cases in which women want to abort a baby because it’s a girl.

Yes, there is a big leftist war on women going on in Victoria, Australia.

Dr. Mark Hobart, in Melbourne is expecting to have to give up his license to practice medicine because he refused to cooperate in an abortion for a couple because they didn’t want to have a girl.

Hobart refused to give a referral for the sex selection abortion, Hobart has broken the law in his state, and he is expecting suspension or complete loss of his license.

In Victoria, abortion and the state’s war on women trumps any human rights.   Consider this if you have thought of moving to that part of the world.  The remaining medical professionals  are probably of decreasing quality as the ones who balk at killing are being removed from practice.

A Gay Adult Has Poked REALITY Through the Noise

The debate on homosexual marriage has been largly been reduced to a gluey morass of useless emotions.  For this reason it is refreshing when  a useful and cogent view on the topic pushes through the noise and garbage.

Yours truly has long recognized that social recognition of marriage is not for the couple getting married.  Instead, society has recognized marriage as a vehicle for stabilizing and promoting the process of bringing up children.   Marriage as an institution is much closer to a “childrens rights” issue.   There really is really no right for any individual to be married, nor is there a right to be a parent.  The rights of an individual stop where they impinge upon the rights of another.   Marriage is a whole lot of impingement and, as such, it is a privilege, not a right.

Please attend to the writings of one Mr. Doug Mainwaring, a Tea Party leader, who opposes gay marriage with similar arguments.   As a conscientious adult, (an increasingly rare type of individual) Mr. Mainwaring is putting the rights of others ahead of what might be his own social comfort.   He is likely paying a higher immediate social price for his opposition to same sex marriage because he himself is gay.  The left tends to insist that all gays think a certain way, and it can be as bad for the conservatives among them as it is for Black right wingers.

Mr. Mainwaring  points out that politicians are selling this issue, disguised as a push for equality, for votes, and  says that the same sex marriage concept is undefining marriage instead of redefining it.   He points out that in the quest for self gratification, adults are reducing children to “chattel like sources of self fulfillment“.   He eloquently  conveys the fact that the state’s  interest in marriage is all about the children, and nothing more.  Check out his article HERE.

Find more thoughts HERE. 

Legitimate Reason to Leave the Catholic Church ??

Magdi Allam made international news when he converted from his Muslim faith to Catholicism on Easter, 2008, at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, with Pope Benedict XVI officiating.

Allam now says that he is leaving Catholicism, but will always remain a Christian.  He is upset that the Catholic Church has stood by for the “Islamization” of Europe, which he sees as an affront to Western civilization, and the “fundamental rights of the person”.   He points to the persecution of Christians in the Muslim countries, and  explains that a practice of appeasement will not be effective in stopping the maltreatment.

“I am convinced,” Allam stated, “that Islam is an ideology inherently violent as it has been historically conflictual inside and warlike outside.”

Pharmer does not see all Muslims as being cut from the same cloth, though Allam is certainly correct about the more extreme Islamic groups.  The main difficulty with Islam occurs when it is practiced as a political system, rather than as a religion.  There are those who hold that Islam is inherently a political system.

There are some additional forces driving people from the Catholic Church.  In the U.S.  the Church has been very weak in speaking up for the rights of the unborn, the elderly and disabled, preferring to sell them out for government funding of their charitable and educational interests.   The U.S. Catholic church has also seen fit to place charitable functions and health care into the hands of a very corrupt government.   After doing this, the Bishops then feigned surprise that abortion, birth control coercion, and IPAB death panels were a part of the government health care plan, brought by the most pro-abortion/infanticide president in history.

Yours truly thinks it is plausible that the Catholic leadership in the U.S. knew what was coming all along.  It is observed that the nominally Catholic lawmakers who pushed this abortive health care agenda are still able to publicly partake in the Eucharist.  This serves as an indication that Obamacare, and all the death and destruction it is bringing our way, might  have  been pre-approved by the church leadership in America.

Does it make sense, with this in mind, to follow the example of Magdi Allam?   Pharmer is not taking such a step.   Perhaps it makes more sense to stick with the ideals of the Catholic religion as an ethical system apart from so many current clergy and leaders who not taking it seriously.

Perhaps it also makes more sense to abstain from the Eucharist in the place of Biden, Pelosi, et al, and do penance for having allowed them to govern us.  


Pastors challenge IRS rule with partisan talk –

Pastors challenge IRS rule with partisan talk –

What makes most non profit 501 (C)(3) tax exempt groups so quiet about their causes? Why are they afraid to name names, and speak loudly against the politicians who oppose them? On this past Pulpit Freedom Sunday, more than 1500 Pastors openly defied the 1954 IRS regulation which sought to squash political speech by non profit groups, by scaring them with the IRS boogieman.
In all these 58 years, the IRS has done next to nothing against politically activist churches and non-profits. The IRS has only succeeded in stripping one church of its tax exempt status, in 1992. That particular church in Binghamton, NY ran newspaper ads against Bill Clinton and his positions on abortion and homosexuality.
Since then the IRS has sent only warning letters to a relatively few churches, and since then has had a policy of not enforcing this law.
The Pulpit Freedom Sunday supporters believe that the IRS fears losing ground on this First Amendment issue.

So…….. Why are so many churches and pro-life 501(c)(3) groups so quiet and polite about the political issues which impinge on their cause?
Why don’t they take a chance with their own careers, and income, as so many pro-life health care professionals have been doing? If they led by example, more people would be standing up and taking personal risks to stand up for life.

Don’t forget, the supposedly non-profit, tax funded, and tax exempt planned unparenthood has been openly funding and endorsing candidates for years.