Bishop Earl Walker Jackson fires up Election Race in Virginia

Ken Cuccinelli now has the fiery minister E.W. Jackson  as a running mate in his race for the governor of Virginia.  Bishop Jackson is a lawyer, businessman, and clergyman who is absolutely unafraid to advance his conservative principles.   His unapologetic presentation on a wide range of social, economic and governmental issues is causing the left to do what it always does,  accuse him of extremism and bigotry.   What has them so worked up?   Jackson has taken measure of what Planned Parenthood has been doing to the Black community, and has compared the abortion giant’s death dealing to that of the Ku Klux Klan.

Rev. Jackson was raised as a democrat, and like so many other congenital conservatives,  had to leave the party as it devolved into its current (leftist, statist)  form.

If you admire the sort of principled conservative who refuses to  walk back any of his statements whenever the media whines,  get behind E.W. Jackson, as he runs for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia.

Bishop EW Jackson, Conservative Extraordinaire
Bishop E W Jackson, Conservative Extraordinaire

Learn more about Bishop E W Jackson’s views at his campaign site.



If More Politicians Did This, Fewer Would be Corrupted by Washington DC

The spread of the infectious disease, Potomac Fever, would be reduced if more politicians would limit their time in office voluntarily, as Michele Bachmann has.

She’s finishing up her time in the U.S. Congress after eight years, making her announcement with enough time for another conservative candidate to set up a campaign.

The big question: can another conservative succeed in blue Minnesota?

Boston Jihad News is Faster on Drudge and Blaze

Here, there, and everywhere, we’ve been hearing lefties at CCN and various other outlets, naming conservatives as the cause of the Boston Marathon terror attack.  Perhaps they are crying in their Starbucks to find that a pair of Chechan converts to Islam are the apparent culprits.  Once more, they are wrong (lying)  about the right wing.  For the moment the left-media  can thank the bombers for shielding Kermit Gosnell’s infanticide trial from media scrutiny.  New legal proposals for the regulation of pressure cookers and licensure of those who use them are expected.

The eldest of the brothers  Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26,has already been killed.  His 19 year old brother, Dzhokhar, is being hunted and is currently pinned down by law enforcement in Watertown MA.

boston Jihad drudge 4-19-13

It’s always a surprise to the Pharmer  to meet a new conservative friend who hasn’t yet  moved to the Drudge Report as a primary news aggregator.   Drudge is always faster than the boob tube news with respect to election coverage and this current hunt for the second  of two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing.  For people who aren’t satisfied with what Matt Drudge and his editors think are hot scoops,  there is a long list of international news portals, lamestream media,  and editorial links at the bottom of his page.

The Blaze is a more visual site, with a higher concentration of opinion, but it is still whupping the lamestream media in speed of Boston Jihad coverage. continues its quality output after the celestial discharge of their namesake, with Ben Shapiro and crew.  Available there is a timeline of the Tsarnaev brothers stay in the United states which sheds some light on possible motives for the bombing.

Get informed faster on the web, with your conservative  news aggregators and analysts.  Less fluff and more stuff.

Celestial Discharge: The Iron Lady


Thatcher 1982
Thatcher at 1982 Conservative Convention

Margaret Thatcher, Britain’s first female prime minister, and a special pal of Ronald Reagan,  has passed away today, after a stroke, at the age of 87. 

Where did she get that nickname, the Iron Lady?    The Russians gave it to her….. and she is said to have liked it.

Thatcher and Reagan
Best Buddies

Baroness Thatcher leaned a bit to the right, particularly on fiscal matters, and on the role of government. From the European point of view, she was a right wing extremist.

Brought up as a Methodist, and later leaning Anglican,   Thatcher was not in the same camp as your friendly Pharmer, on the social issues, but this interview,  gives a good inside look at her views, both personal and political, on a wide range of topics.

Saying goodbye to her friend
Saying goodbye to her friend

Prayers and respect for a strong lady who, even after her passing, is still driving the lefties crazy.

Lefties Are At It Again: Claiming Without Proof that Rape Is An Efficient Means of Reproduction

The  leftie press is cooking another republican, this time, Celeste Greig, president of the California Republican Assembly.  She stated that the she thought pregnancies from rape are rare, due to the violence of the act, and the “body is traumatized”, while at the same time criticizing Akin for using the wrong word about rape.

Like Pavlov’s dogs, the Republican party will hear the bell rung by the leftist media, as dinner is served, and immediately begin salivating and eating their own.  This time, the entree is  a smaller portion: a little female politician but look for them to devour her just the same.

The media knows they totally HAVE the republican party on this, and they know how to keep the republicans gnoshing on their  own people, and driving the rest of us away from the party in disgust at the cannibalism.   Dems would be crazy not to keep doing what works.

There is no definitive conclusion on the rate of pregnancy resulting from rape, because there is  no systematic retrospective study. The idea that stress and trauma decrease fertility has come from physicians who noted that in the old days (prior to legalized abortion on demand) they did not encounter very many pregnancies from rape, and sought to explain why. Meanwhile, some leftists have tried to claim that rape actually is associated with greater fertility. At the same time, these people buy into all sorts of alternative medicine, stress relieving regimens in order to gain health. Is rape a stress reliever to them, that increases physiological efficiency?

Why it has suddenly become a sin to repeat an idea which seems to fit with so much of the rest of medicine, telling us to reduce stress in our lives in order to achieve health and optimum bodily function?

Why have the republicans adopted the practice of eating their own, at the behest of the leftists?

Yours truly is not impressed nor cowed by shrieking lefties who put all sorts of unstated ideas into the mouths of those who think that sex from violent rape is not a very efficient means of reproduction.
Your friendly Pharmer is  even less impressed by the entire body of leftists which supports planned parenthood and its concealment of child sex abuse, incest and rape, as well as its support for pimps managing their sex-slaves. Yes, you can find the successful lawsuits, the audio recordings, and the videos online. The abortionists been observed in their own habitat…. with hidden cameras, in a manner harking back to the work of Jane Goodall and her primates.

Not so far from now, when we’re in the same unsustainable, population decline as Russia and Japan, we can look forward to a dementedly unethical, leftist clinician designing a prospective study of the influence of rape on pregnancy rate.

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad Tells Karl Rove to Stay Out

Iowa Gov. Branstad to Rove: ‘Stay Out’.

Karl Rove, who is currently at war with the conservatives of the Tea Party, and who has been instrumental in the defeat of a number of Tea Party backed candidates, has been asked to keep his super PAC out of Iowa.

Governor Terry Branstad told Rove that it is not smart for groups from outside Iowa to be attacking candidates in that state.

Rove has been attacking Representative Steve King, who is in the running for the Senate seat being vacated by Tom Harkin.    Since he is a conservative, Rove’s PAC has been smearing him, and accusing him of having the “Todd Akin problem”, and that everything he has ever said is going to be hung around his neck.

Yes, the Republican establishment is wanting to eat the conservatives.   We have no place in that party.

Thanks to Gov. Branstad for having the sense to tell Rove to get lost.

In another sign of the Times,  the California Republican party has put Ben Shapiro in a keynote speaking position formerly to be filled by Rove, supposedly due to a scheduling conflict.  Perhaps this is an attempt to throw an olive branch to conservatives.

Pharmer believes that the Republican party is too far gone, and that much more pain, and a great deal of shrinkage,  is to befall Americans before there is a return to constitutional and conservative principles.


Dr. Benjamin Carson for President

Even prior to his famous and viral speech, lots of people have been asking the plain spoken and practical Dr. Benjamin Carson to run for president.
Here’s another interview, in which Dr. Carson informs us that he will retire from pediatric neurosurgery, and move into the area of education.

Available HERE is an interview with Allen West, who explains that, in the eyes of the leftie media, Dr. Carson broke the unwritten rule that Black men cannot criticize Obama.

“Whatever Happened to Common Sense?” – E.T. Williams

Elmer (E.T.) Williams is a modern day prophet, verbally flogging Americans  for their political sins, and dragging them back to the land of common sense.  Check out his Blog.  From there you can surf his videos, pick up his books, and tune into “the Doctor of Common Sense” on blogtalkradio.

Like Pharmer,  Mr. Williams has concluded that the two dominant political parties are not getting the job done, and he’s entertaining the probability of a third party alternative.

Watch: Mr. Williams processes the Fast and Furious gun running debacle for the Obama Supporters: