Stupid Educator Tricks: Nursing Text Pushes Anti-gun Agenda

World Net Daily reports on a new textbook, “Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children and Their Families, which advises nurses to discourage firearm ownership and support gun regulation.   This material is placed right at the beginning of the text, following the section on poverty and immigration.  Learn  a little bit about the author, Nicki Potts, HERE, and view info on the text HERE Pediatric Nursing Text Nikki Potts anti-gun page 11

It’s interesting that gun crime in America is plummeting  as gun ownership is rising sharply   The media and the anti-gun nuts would not want you to be aware of either of these facts.

Students Who Want Sex Change Should Apply to Duke

Duke University has jacked up the fees  for all students in order to offer payment for sex change surgeries for students.  This will now be covered up to $50,000 dollars.

This puts Duke University on the list of nearly 40  universities which cover sex change operations.

Students who are anticipating such a change in their life should strongly consider applying to  a school on this list of universities, of which Duke counts itself near the top.  Those who do not feel that they can afford  to contribute to sex change surgery can also opt to avoid this expense.

Brown University
California Institute of Technology
Carnegie Mellon University
Case Western University
Colorado State University
Cornell University

Duke University
Emerson College
Emory University
Harvard University
New York University
Northwestern University
Portland State University
Stanford University
Stony Brook University
University at Buffalo
University of California, Berkeley
University of California, Davis
University of California, Hastings College of the Law
University of California, Irvine
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, Merced
University of California, Riverside
University of California, San Diego
University of California, San Francisco
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of California, Santa Cruz
University of Colorado, Boulder
University of Connecticut
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri
University of Oregon
University of Pennsylvania
University of Vermont
University of Washington
Washington University in St. Louis also lists Universities which only pay for the hormonal support/maintenance of sex changes for students.

Extra issues to consider:  Sexual ambiguity as a congenital malformation has risen with the use of hormonal birth control.  Those children with such physiological difficulties currently receive medical assistance much earlier in life.  This is particularly true of the population which has access to college education.

U of Wyoming Students Protest Leftist’s Alleged Threat to Rape Herself

Students at University of Wyoming have been rallying against violence in response to a threatening Facebook post directed at activist student, Meg Lanker-Simons.   This missive appeared on a Facebook page called UW crushes, in which students could post who likes Whom, and in what manner.

Last week, a post, ostensibly from someone of opposing ideology was directed at Ms. Lanker-Simons: “I want to hatef— Meg Lanker- so hard,” the Facebook post said. “That chick that runs her liberal mouth all the time and doesn’t care who knows it. I think its hot and it makes me angry. One night with me and shes gonna be a good Republican b—-.”

Lanker-Simons was catapulted into the public position of victimhood, where leftists often like to be. Problems with remaining there erupted when a police investigation revealed that the offending post originated in Lanker’s own computer while it was in her possession. It’s worthwhhile for readers to check out the image showing the victim allegedly replying to her alleged self. 😉

rape threat to self UW-crushes-post_1-620x361

The aspiring victim might be facing legal charges of her own, for generating a tempest in a teapot.
Meanwhile, the leftists are praising the good result of generating protests against (fake) violence.

Yes, the headlines become ridiculous when the social problems of leftists are self generated.

Your Kids Belong to the Community, Says MSNBC Ad. How far will this concept go?

Everyone is losing their minds over what Tulane professor, Melissa Harris-Perry has to say  in an MSNBC “lean forward” (bend over) ad.  You can check that out for yourself at this link.  

Harris-Perry says that in the U.S. we  haven’t had a very collective notion that these are our children.” “[W]e have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to their communities,

Doesn’t this sound like Hillary’s book  “It Takes a Village”?

There’s an idea put forth that kids are community property.   This lead your inquisitive Pharmer to explore just how far this concept goes.

Now that Planned Parenthood and Obama are Out of the Closet for Infanticide,  will the community have anything to say about this?

At what point of development does the baby become community property?

Will you be allowed to conceive without village approval?

Will the community direct when you should have an abortion?

How will this impinge upon the in vitro fertilization industry?  What about those frozen human embryos and the eggs which are being harvested from aborted baby girls?   Do they belong to the community?

If  you deliver a baby, and the “community” thinks she’s an FLK  will the collective be able to tell you to kill her?

Is the community going to insert itself between a leftie-gurl and her abortionist?

Just asking…………



Update:  Are you in the mood to call out  the news media for their non-coverage of Kermit Gosnell, Planned Parenthood and Obama’s infanticides?

Pharmer dropped in on Politico just now:

We can see that the Politico has chosen to feature the Texas college stabbing story, but a search of the site reveals N O T H I N G about Abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s ongoing trial for serial murders of already born, near term infants. at his Philadelphia clinic.

Why the attempt to cover this up?? Understand that the leftist media has been scooped thousands of times on this story, which they resolutely choose to ignore. Perhaps it might highlight the Planned Parenthood advocacy of infanticide while lobbying against Florida’s Infants Protection law, and Obama’s own staunch opposition to the Illinois Infants Protection Act.

Has the Infanticide Jumped out of the closet too soon for the media to have learned how to make it look acceptable?



Did a Nursing School Really Boot a Military Veteran Student Out for Playing With a Gun Phone App

No Way!!!!!   The Blaze and the Todd Shnitt Radio show  have revealed an  apparent Nursing School Obamanation!   Dan, a 33 year old military vet reports being suspended from Ultimate Medical Academy, Tampa, FL, for showing Android Phone app, Gun Club 2, to a fellow student.

Is this for real?   The story is that a female student complained to administrators that she felt a threat to her life due to the awesome sound of this phone app.  Dan says the sound quality is pretty wimpy.   Pharmer has the i-Gun app, and yes……… the sound from  small phone speakers does not, in any way,  convey the true sound of gunfire.

UMA  Spokesperson, Linda Weldon, has assured everyone that UMA will not be commenting on this incident, which is good, because  nothing is going to help the reputation of this school, which advertises itself as military friendly, after the word gets out.

Enquiring minds want to know that if a student is traumatized by the sound of  a phone gun app,  what good will she be as a nurse?   How will she handle dementia patients, violent patients, or sex offenders in the various clinical settings??    Is she the preferred quality of student for UMA  to send into the Obamacare environment??

One of those commenting  at the Schnitt show was pondering whether the Ultimate Medical Academy should have accreditation with the Department of Veterans Affairs if they would  allow a military veteran to blow 40,000 dollars and get within three months of graduating, only to expel him for playing a phone app.

Dan has obtained some G.I. Bill  tuition assistance as a veterans’ benefit.  Do avail yourself of the Shnitt link to see that he is NOT  likely a waste of money.  Would this  suspension mean that UMA is burning your tax dollars???  A possible side story is that Dan might be experiencing backlash for objecting to  fellow students cheating, and copying teachers’ test materials.  Perhaps the Veterans administration would like to investigate UMA’s accreditation and use of G.I. Bill funds.ultimate medical academy veterans

Boston College Wants to Discipline Students for Handing out Condoms

Administrators at Jesuit-run Boston College have sent out warnings of possible disciplinary action to students who have been passing out free condoms on campus.

Students have established so called “safe sites” on campus for distributing the prophylactic devices for males and females.  As readers know,  condoms and the premarital free for all is against Catholic teaching.  While the  administrators are not spying in individual dorm rooms for condoms and sex, they object to the public distribution at their institution.

One might expect that students who desired to attend a Catholic institution might have some respect for the religious sensibilities and teachings, even if they do not fully concur.  But we have learned, from Sandra (the riveted) Fluke that some students attend these institutions for the purpose of tearing them down.   The condom distribution is said to have been occurring since 2009.  Perhaps the practice has become extremely overt, or perhaps an administrator finally mustered the courage to address the issue.

A Washington DC group,  “Advocates for Youth, is donating $400 each semester for condom distribution at Boston College according to the Boston Globe.

It appears that the local ACLU is ready to jump into the fray.  Perhaps this would not be so bad.  If the Jesuits lose this argument in the legal arena, it might be a step towards smaller government.

If the ACLU can establish that penalties against  handing out condoms in public at a religious educational institution, are unconstitutional  then we can establish that laws against smoking in public are likewise unconstitutional.  Remember…. condoms don’t stop the spread of HPV (genital warts), etc.  In fact, new STI cases VASTLY outpace  than new jobs AND  new graduates in the United States, with an estimated 19.7 million new infections in 2008, says the CDC. This costs the nation $16 billion in direct health care costs per year.   On these bases ‘Nanny’ Bloomberg and Michelle Obama would have to shut down their obsessive-compulsive meddling.

Boston College need not “discipline” the students for their undiplomatic and discourteous treatment of their educational institution and its traditions.   Instead, the students  could be “praised” online with video and verse, and in letters of recommendation, for their very public “concern” for  the sexual health and availability of their fellow students.  Particular attention could be paid to the students who pass out condoms in front of the church.  That information would remain as searchable as the facebooks, resume, and other activities of the students, and help to  track them into appropriate career paths.  😉

“BUGS ‘R’ US”, says the CDC.


Oregon Public School Teacher May Be Fired for Dissing Planned Parenthood

Benson High School, in Portland Oregon has suspended, and may fire a pro-life teacher, ostensibly for his opposition to Planned Parenthood.   Bill Diss, who has taught computer science and math in the public schools for 11 years, is known, and sometimes baited by the students due to his openly pro-life views.

The math teacher was escorted out of the school by police on March 19th, and is on paid leave, awaiting a possible firing.   This is thought to stem from his refusal, in September of last year, to allow two planned parenthood employees into his classroom, because they did not have proper ID.   They were supposedly there to teach an optional sex-ed class to the students.  Mr. Diss also organized a protest at a school board meeting against Planned Parenthood’s presence in the school district.  He says that he had  kept his protests against planned parenthood outside of work until they were invited into the school to teach.

Another issue of contention was the use of Mr. Diss’s name on permission  forms sent home to the parents of students, for planned parenthood’s teen outreach program.   His attorney contested the misuse of Diss’s name as though he endorsed the TOP program, and demanded a retraction of statements on the forms.  Since that time,  the school officials have been sending notes to Diss concerning his teaching practices, and requiring him to attend various hearings.   He has been told that his teaching contract will not be renewed.

Diss concludes that it appears to be much more important for the school to have Planned Parenthood at Benson than it is to have a teacher teach computer science and math”.

Teacher Bill Diss Fired for prolife views

According to US NEws,  Benson Polytechnic  High School is not doing so well academically.

Benson High School test scores USnews

Now Benson H.S. is  down by one more math teacher. but who needs math when one can have planned parenthood’s version of show and tell?  Poly-Technique!


Sister of Charity, Marge Kloos Agrees to Plead Guilty of Vote Fraud

Sister Marge Kloos, 54, of the Sisters of Charity has agreed to plead guilty to a charge of fraudulent voting. She apparently sent in an absentee ballot for Sister Rose Marie Hewitt, who had been celestially discharged’ on October 4th 2012.

Is Sister Marge a democrat? Pharmer bets the Pharm on it. The Chicago native joins the embarrassing list of Catholic left-leaners who signed  this Letter to John Boehner, which exhorts him to stop his cooperation with the “reckless Teaparty”.

Sister Marge  has resigned from her position as the dean of the Division of Arts and Humanities at Mount Saint Joseph College, in Delhi twp., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Sister Joan Cook, president of the Sisters of Charity says that her organization is  cooperating with the investigation of Sister Marge Kloos.

CBS Journo-LOSTS Demonstrate Educational failure.

Officials: 80 Percent Of Recent NYC High School Graduates Cannot Read « CBS New York.

The article above  informs us that 80 percent of NYC High School Students need remedial instruction in the basics before going on to college.  In other words,  they have to pay for additional education because they’re not being adequately prepared by the government funded education.

Three hours before Pharmer encountered the article, another reader, “SS”,  had commented on a typo in the word ‘group’, (grouip), the mispelling of the word ‘nervous’, (nervus),  and the use of “emersion” rather than immersion.   Two of the errors were corrected, but the word “nervus” still remained at the time of this reading.

Were this a blogger, such as yours truly,  who posts news on the fly, without the benefit of an editor, one might expect some errors.  Journalists write for a living, and have the “benefit” of editors, who are supposed to review articles before publication.

Fortunately, CBS has a third layer of help from those who append comments to the posts.   Thanks “SS” for your voluntary service to news readers.


Societal Rot Fostered in School : Students Suspended for Disarming Gunman

Three Cypress Lake High School Students in Fort Myers Florida,  have  been suspended for disarming a fellow student, a 15 y o football player.  The latter student, had pointed his loaded .22 pistol directly at another student on the bus, and threatened to shoot him.

The three students were suspended immediately, for 3 days,  without a hearing.  It is said that they will be permitted to go back to school on Monday.

The gunman is charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Punishment and stigma  is the consequence for defending the lives of others on school property.  This is training for the new leftist order.