Real Men Don’t Hire Hookers.

“Real men don’t hire Hookers.” That’s what Lt. Colonel Ralph Peters is quoted as saying on the O’Reilly Factor, and Mediaite’s Frances Martel thinks that is a controversial statement.

The topic under discussion was the secret service Prostitution scandal in Columbia. Pharmer has not spending much time on that, because it distracts from Obama’s larger projects of destruction.

The left has always been the party of slavery and it continues to this day. The vast majority of the world’s prostitutes are operating under conditions of slavery.

Sometimes lefties like to mask it by railing against suboptimal employment, e.g. “sweat shops”, which for many women of the third world, are the first available alternative to prostitution. Some women don’t want the sex abuse, diseases, and botched abortions. Some parents don’t want that for their daughters. Sometimes the alternatives to starvation are quite limited. But the left doesn’t like choice.

Real men don’t use slaves.

Very Late Term Abortions Have Been Suggested for Bioethicists Minerva and Giubilini

A bit of a media uproar was generated by Alberto Giubilini Francesca Minerva who were published in the Journal of Medical Ethics. These two were former associates of the Journal’s Editor, Julian Savulescu, who seems a bit disturbed by the backlash. It seems that some people have written to these two large masses of unproductive tissue that they might be eligible for very late term abortions.

While your friendly  Pharmer  desires to avoid killing any humans, she is not surprised that the same slippery slope of habitual and gratuitous killing that is now justifying infanticide, would be extended a little further to include bioethicists. After all, that group certainly has less  claim than infants do in the area of productivity and value to society.  While newborns don’t do too much, they  seem to bring a sense of hope and joy  to many casual observers.  The same is not true for these bioethicists.

Obama Owned NBC Will Not Dump its President, Steve Capus

Editgate: Three Strikes and NBC’s Steve Capus Should Be Out.

John Nolte over at Breitbart  outlines three major instances of media malpractice by NBC,  designed to Wag the Race War for the Left.

If we’re distracted by racial polarization, we might pay less attention to the looming spectre of Obamacare,  the destruction of our economy, and the mismanagement of forieign policy which will soon ignite World War III.

Obama ‘owns’ Jeffrey Immelt,  CEO of GE,  which still owns 49% of NBC.    President of CE, Steve Capus, has overseen a good deal of media abuse during his tenure, which began in 2005,  which, in earlier  times could have cost him his job.

NBC’s latest attempt to start a race war involved purposefully editing the Zimmerman 911 tape (click this)  to present  a racist, wanna-be cop, pursuing a  Black kid.   NBC is still claiming that the editing wasn’t with this intent,  but listening to the cut version vs the original version leaves zero room for doubt.

George Zimmerman has to hide, in fear for his life.  NBC has supposedly fired the senior producer, who edited the tape, but will not name him.   He is free to continue his malpractice elsewhere.

Contessa Brewer remains in place after chopping the head off of a gun toting individual photographed at a Tea Party event.   This is because NBC did not want anyone to know that he was a Black Man.  It wouldn’t fit the Brewer’s narrative  that we’re all a bunch of racist, white homophobes,  who could constitute  threat to Obama’s life.

NBC’s Ed Schultz similarly edited a speech by Rick Perry about the Black Cloud of 14-16 trillion dollars debt, hanging over America.  He chopped out the words about debt on either side of the “Black Cloud” words,  and then stated that Perry was talking about Obama.    Race baiter,  (and misogynist)  Ed Schultz,  still retains his job.

Hat’s off to John Nolte for his triple header — check it out if you want to see  additional evidence of editorial malpractice.  

Reason TV Nanny of the Month: Michael Bloomberg

Nanny of the Month: Bloomberg Halts Private Donations to Homeless Shelters.  <— video linked here

Pro-lifers know there’s Nothing Right about  NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg.  This is the guy who has been harassing crisis pregnancy centers for years, and wanted to force the ob-gyn medical students in his city to participate in abortions as part of their training.  He wouldn’t touch his Planned Parenthoods, however,  even after Live Action Films busted one of them for aiding the sexual abuse of minors.

We’d call Bloomberg an oddly inconsistent nanny, even with his supposed concern for the well rounded diets of New York’s homeless.    He has banned private food donations to the city’s homeless shelters.   Apparently the  fare in the dumpsters is considered more healthy than the  food donations from area restaurants which have been supplied for generations, out of neighborly concern.


On Conservative Distrust of Science

There’s a  ‘study’ which concludes that Conservatives increasingly distrust science, and this group has shown the greatest change from trust to distrust in the last three-plus  decades.    The author  attributes the intertwining of science and public policy as a possible reason.   Left out of the coverage is the issue of rampant dishonesty and fraud, which has become increasingly visible to those outside the research fields.

In the coverage at the Blaze, there is an interesting comment that people don’t really agree on what science is.   It’s a fact that most people, as a result of the dismal failures in education, have no idea that science is a methodology for studying the physical  phenomena.  Many of them erroneously  think that science is an aggregation of information honored as “fact” by consensus.

Retraction Watch   <—– See a blog which monitors science journal retractions. This exemplifies the main reason why there’s a growing distrust of science. People observe and hear of rampant fraud and abuse. An example of this, the Global Warming Hoax (cult religion), has become very expensive to us.

This former researcher, and present day pharmacist is often hard pressed to distinguish what appears in NEJM, JAMA and Lancet from what is written in the Journal of Irreproducible Results.

Among the false intellectuals who dominate academia, there is little sense of accountability. They scoff at the idea that a person has responsibility to others. This is passed on to their students.

The natural result is dishonesty and work product of low quality. Conservatives, who show a tendency to think in a more left brain fashion, would be the first to notice this and register the loss of confidence.

Draft Mental Health Bill 2011 | Sterilizations at Any Age | Natural Society

Draft Mental Health Bill 2011 | Sterilizations at Any Age | Natural Society.

Brave New World: Australia has introduced a bill to allow children to consent to sterilization. It also allows children 12 years and older to independently consent to psychosurgery and electroshock. This is a cost containment effort, to mitigate the burden of mental health care on the socialized medicine system.

Email the Mental Health Commission to express your opinion:
[email protected].

Australian Parliament Contact site

Some Leftists are Unteachable, They Must be Defeated Politically

Gingrich Slams Media on Limbaugh Focus.

With Extreme, brainwashed Leftists such as David Gregory, of Meet the Depressed, there is no compromise. This man has demonstrated that he cannot take in a new idea that deviates from his narrow template of memorized dogma.

Rush Limbaugh has provided a good deal of live air time for conservatives to express the real issue behind the HHS mandate, which has nothing to do with access to birth control, and everything to do with attacking religious freedom of pro-life people.

Click above and read Newt repeatedly explaining that women have easy access to birth control now, and that the HHS mandate is for the sole purpose of forcing religious people to violate the ethical tenets of their faith. Witness the unresponsivness of Dick Gregory, and evaluate whether he could be trusted to present any issues reliably.

This is an issue for people of any faith, since your religion could be next, at such time when it is found to be inconvenient to the aims of the state.

No viewing of Meet the Depressed was required for this article. You can monitor the media on the internet without wasting the time viewing it, and the accompanying ads.

Update: It’s always fun to see different takes on the media personalities and their modes of operation. The Anchoress has an idea that Gregory might be our man on the inside because he gave Newt his minutes of uninterrupted air time.

One of Pharmer’s more interesting radio interviews involved a host who asked the whole line of left-style questions on the pharmacist conscience issue, which is very much the same vein as this whole HHS mandate business. Pharmer did a similar thing as Newt did, and not for the first time. What added the interest is the call back from this man after the interview. His feelings were hurt by the way he had been addressed by yours truly. He said he was really on our side but was playing devil’s advocate. He had been addressed as the actual opposition.
This man seemed to feel that he had to interview as a leftie in order to have media credibility. Your Pharmer told him that he had been addressed in his assumed role, and he should view it as such.
Maybe these are our people on the “inside”. They do what it takes to stay in position. But maybe if they were not so desperate to be getting along on the inside, that “inside”, which carries so much garbage news, would no longer exist.

*This blog has rapidly expanding new readership. Help yourself to the links, which show as faded print and reveal themselves as you roll the mouse over them.

Celestial Discharge: Andrew Breitbart

Conservatives grieve the loss of another happy warrior, Andrew Breitbart, who fearlessly defended his profession, truth in journalism, and his beliefs publicly. Pharmer expresses gratitude to Breitbart for giving a forum to James O’Keefe, Live Action Films, the Memorial Day Weekend, Springer Scoop on Anthony Wiener, Fraud at the Dept. of Agriculture, the real Occupooper agenda, and so many other stories the old media chose to lose. Pharmer has this to say about Mr. Breitbart going to God so early : Good for him and BAD for US. Prayers for his family, and thanks for sharing him with America. His fearlessness and desire for truth is a model for conservatives to emulate

This one is up on my blog because this H.S. aged Gurl is responding in thoughtful and rational manner to the loss of Andrew Breitbart, whom she admired.

Thoughtful and rational at age 17……… yep she’s a real conservative.

“Infanticidal Lefties!” We Told You So

After-birth abortion: why should the baby live? — Giubilini and Minerva — Journal of Medical Ethics.

After about 40 years of hearing that the pro-lifers’ slippery slope arguments against abortion and euthanasia were not valid, or a departure from reality, Pharmer takes this opportunity to say We TOLD you so!.

As if this is news, the internet has taken up the above example, authored by “bioethicists” (qualified to be on Obama’s health advisory team) that infanticide of any newborn is OK, if the baby is considered inconvenient to the lifestyle of the parents.

Wesley Smith is giving the same article one more go around at Second Hand Smoke. Even he seems tired of writing about them.

What seems to be a shock in the media is just old news to pro-lifers, who knew our leftist, ideological opponents, and realized their nature from the beginning. Killing and slavery is still their thing. They have not evolved to anything higher throughout the centuries.

The question is whether those of us without this appetite for destruction are going to continue to fund the plans of these people to kill and enslave us.

Are you attending to your boycotting? Are you paying attention to the “service” projects that your kids are doing in school? Are you directing your charitable efforts towards groups aligned with your ethical beliefs?