Which Republicans Said Yes to the Bogus Obama Fiscal Deal?

Below is the list of Republicans whobent over and yes to the bogus Obama tax deal.  Pharmer is pleased to see no Indiana names on that list of wimps and wusses.

The interesting name to see on this list is Paul Ryan.   Perhaps he is tired and wants to go home.

Obama used the fraudulent  fiscal cliff method as a final stab to the republican party, which will permanently remove it from power.

Conservatives won’t be able to get behind the people on this list.  Since the Republican establishment can’t tolerate conservative candidates,  it necessarily means that the Republican party will not be able to take the majority in either house, or  win the presidency.

They are finished.

House Votes ‘Yes’ on The Senate’s ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Bill\

Media Bails on Obama: Libya-Gate

Unlike the days of Nixon, the media has assisted Obama in his cover-up of the actual occurrences and portrayed a false view of both the occurrences in Benghazi during the U.S. Ambassador to Libya was killed along with three other Americans.

CBS has decided to do a 180 and bust both itself and Obama for the negligence and the coverup, which resulted in unraveling of the U.S. stature in the Middle East, as well as the unnecessary loss of life which extends far beyond the four people killed at the Embassy.

Libya-Gate is far too gentle a name for the egregious failure and negligence and dishonesty which characterizes the handling of the Benghazi incident.     The cover-up of the Watergate burglary is Nothing compared to this.

CBS has let loose an unaired 60 minutes clip which establishes that Obama lied about the nature of the attack on the Libyan Embassy.

The White House had intelligence on the attack two hours after it started.   The attack proceeded without response from the U.S. for many hours, at the end of which, the final two victims lost their lives. It is established that the attack was pre-planned and organized by Al Quaida

If you will recall,we were told  repeatedly by the Obama administration and its media allies that the attacks sprang out of natural protests of a video that almost Nobody  knew about before the U.S. government advertised it.

What is essentially has been coming out of this incident is that the Obama Administration has been assisting the wrong Midde East factions,Al-Quaeda is alive and well, Obama failed to answer the “3am call” -choosing to campaign and raise funds  instead, Obama and the media covered it up, and an American has been illegally persecuted  for producing a video that had nothing to do with this.

CBS chose not to air this clip from Sixty Minutes for an entire month.

Vote Early, Vote Often

Michelle Obama tells us to vote early because something could come up on election day, for example your “toilet overflowing”.

Michelle: Vote Early Because Your Toilet May Be Overflowing on Election Day | CNSNews.com.

Apparently our government thinks we should vote often, since it contests the state voter ID laws, with Texas being just one example.

It also is tearing down billboards which admonish people to obey existing election laws.

Anti Voter fraud billboards to be torn down in Ohio and Wisconsin-

Oddly, the only early voting that the Obama administration seems to oppose is that of the military, which needs this opportunity the most.

Obama administration opposed Ohio allowing in-person early voting for military voters.

Insight: GM’s Volt: The ugly math of low sales, high costs | Reuters

Since it costs about twice as much to build a Chevy volt, than the base price which GM charges, the taxpayers will be paying 49,000 dollars for every volt on the road. They already pay aout 7,000 dollars for government subsidy of each customer purchase.
As you know, the Chinese government is subsidizing the production of the cars over there, but production is likely still at a similar loss.
Be aware that the losses incurred by the GM plants in China will fall on the American tax payers in the next bailout.

Are you feeling green today?

Insight: GM's Volt: The ugly math of low sales, high costs | Reuters.

Put Wisconsin First: Data Mining the Scott Walker Recall Petitioners

Put Wisconsin First. <-- Click for the data. Put Wisconsin First and thousands of volunteers have undertaken to verify signatures, and characterize those who signed the petitions to recall Governor Walker. Petition data used in this effort was accumulated at Verify the Recall, a joint effort of the Wisconsin Grandsons of Liberty and We the People of the Republic. The Verify effort was an effort to confirm eligibility of the signatures and allow non-signers to search to make sure their name was not fraudulently used.

Put Wisconsin First undertook a project to match the signatures of petitioners to court records.
Among the signatures corresponding to actual humans, they found thousands of delinquent tax payers, felons, sex offenders etc.

Pharmer believes that the numbers are disproportionate to the actual population, and even more disproportionate to the population of likely voters. It is suspected that many of the signatories could not find their way to an election location, were they to be registered to vote on a random street corner.

A circuit court search tool at Put Wisconsin First locates the petitioners by category of crime, and includes misdemeanors as well as felonies, charges and guilty findings.

It was fascinating to see that thousands of people who did not like Gov. Scott Walker’s fiscal measures, to prevent worsening of tax burdens, were unwilling to pay their own taxes, and unwilling to pay child support.

On Conservative Distrust of Science

There’s a  ‘study’ which concludes that Conservatives increasingly distrust science, and this group has shown the greatest change from trust to distrust in the last three-plus  decades.    The author  attributes the intertwining of science and public policy as a possible reason.   Left out of the coverage is the issue of rampant dishonesty and fraud, which has become increasingly visible to those outside the research fields.

In the coverage at the Blaze, there is an interesting comment that people don’t really agree on what science is.   It’s a fact that most people, as a result of the dismal failures in education, have no idea that science is a methodology for studying the physical  phenomena.  Many of them erroneously  think that science is an aggregation of information honored as “fact” by consensus.

Retraction Watch   <—– See a blog which monitors science journal retractions. This exemplifies the main reason why there’s a growing distrust of science. People observe and hear of rampant fraud and abuse. An example of this, the Global Warming Hoax (cult religion), has become very expensive to us.

This former researcher, and present day pharmacist is often hard pressed to distinguish what appears in NEJM, JAMA and Lancet from what is written in the Journal of Irreproducible Results.

Among the false intellectuals who dominate academia, there is little sense of accountability. They scoff at the idea that a person has responsibility to others. This is passed on to their students.

The natural result is dishonesty and work product of low quality. Conservatives, who show a tendency to think in a more left brain fashion, would be the first to notice this and register the loss of confidence.