Petulant Party Pooper

The government remains 85 percent functional during the so-called “shutdown”.  Picking and choosing what is closed during the shutdown is the job of the executive branch, which is the government entity which enforces rules and regulations.  Additional money is actually being used to enforce the shutdown, with examples to follow:

Cones are put up to block scenic overlooks on the roadside, which normally allow drivers to view Mt. Rushmore safely.

The petulant one spends money to block the views of Mt. Rushmore
The petulant one spends money to block the views of Mt. Rushmore

People are being driven out of their vacation homes, even if they own the homes, that are located on federal land.  This is something like having a condo, and being forced to leave it because the land is not yours.   It’s a bad deal. Consider what the feds are doing to people such as 77 year old Joyce Spencer and her 80 year old husband Ralph, who were tossed out of their Lake Mead property in Nevada.   Do not buy a vacation home on federal land.  It’s not a good idea to make a contract with such an unstable business as the U.S. government, which can be headed up by any unknown freak to whom the media takes a liking. (No link is provided to KNTV news, which is ABC.)

Park Rangers have been instructed to make life as difficult for people as possible.  They are ordered to keep people away from private businesses which are located on federal land.   Do not start a tourism business which is tied to a federal park.  This administration is just too insane to run a business, and makes a very poor partner.

The TSA is blaming the government shut down for their inability to stop a 9 year old boy from successfully stowing away on a plane, with no accompanying adult.

The Obama administration has shut down the Amber alert website, but has left up Michelle’s “Let’s Move” website.  LMAO  at their priorities.

Harry Reid, aligning with the Zero Negotiation stance of his president, asked “why would he want to” ? fund NIH cancer treatment trials for sick children.

One bright spot amid the hostile activity of the Obama administration is that government regulations are not currently being written and promulgated.  Let’s hope this continues.

The republicans even offered to commit suicide, by delaying the individual mandate TAX until after 2014, so the Democrats would not suffer losses based upon the anger of people who find that they can’t afford Obamacare.  Obama refused this republican self immolation because he did not want it to appear that his opponents  could move him one millimeter in any direction.

The Petulant one is running around telling people that the government will default on its debt if he does not get his way.  This, of course, will be his choice, because the government continues to take in enough revenue to pay the interest on the debt.  That means no default is necessary unless Obama wants it.

While you are observing the vindictiveness of  the executive branch: the Obama administration, as it reacts to the resistance from Congress, remember that America put him in charge of health care, and this is the guy EXECUTING  policy, willy-nilly,  that might mean death for you.

10/11/13 UPDATE:  The Blaze catches up with Pharmer on the expense of closing federal parks and monuments.  CLICK.

Shots fired at U.S. Capitol, woman killed |

Shots fired at U.S. Capitol, woman killed |

A woman reportedly rammed a white house barricade, then led a multiple car police chase to the capitol until she rammed another barricade.

Reportedly the woman is now dead, and the child riding in the back seat has been taken to the hospital.   One injured cop is said to be hospitalized.

Pharmer suggests visiting the Drudge Report to find out what happened once the smoke clears.

Write Your Congressman: DEFUND Obamacare Friday

As soon as Friday, (Tomorrow) 9/20, the House of Representatives might be voting to defund Obamacare.  Tell your congressman that you really want Obamacare defunded, no fake bills, no shell games, no loopholes.   Pharmer always has a quick route to your congress-critters on the sidebar under LINKS.  Please use it whenever you feel the need.

Here they are, pulled up for your convenience.  Use the U.S. Representatives link today, put in your zipcode to find your Rep. fast, …...and tell your congressman how much you think Obamacare sux.



The Nobel Peace Prize Winner Wants to Start a War with Syria

Obama wants to start a war with Syria, but is going to ask for Congressional approval so that it can be blamed on the Republicans.

You know that war is routinely started by Democrats and blamed on Republicans, and here we go again!!

Additionally, it appears that al Qaeda and the Muslim brotherhood will benefit from the planned intervention.  So if you want to call and write your representatives, now would be the time.  Don’t forget to mention defunding Obamacare and stopping the fake “immigration reform” while you’re at it.

Celebrities Have Access to Vital Nutrients Which Are in Shortage at Hospitals.

“Children are dying,” says Steve Plogsted, a clinical pharmacist who chairs the drug-shortage task force of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN). “They’re not getting any calcium or any zinc. Or they’re not getting any phosphorous, and that can lead to heart standstill. I know of a neonate who had seven days without phosphorous, and her little heart stopped.” Click the quote.   This situation of parenteral (administered intravenously)  nutrient shortages, described by Alexandra Robbins in the Washingtonian is absolutely true.   Your friendly Pharmer has been adjusting physician orders, in response to this situation for years now.

At one time, the U.S. could take drastic measures to enhance the supply of  life saving drugs.  Breweries were co-opted during war time to bolster supplies of penicillin, halfway through the last century, for example.   Mired in the inertia of huge government and its regulations,  shortages of relatively easily supplied medications can no longer be managed.  Now it takes years to bring up a new production facility when an older one fails or goes out of business. There are only a few manufacturers  which provide electrolytes and nutrients for parenteral use, for those patients whose digestive tracts are not able to process food.   Very possibly, the new progressive administration, staffed with many who regard humanity as a pestilence upon the earth, is not motivated to address the shortages and mal-distribution of lifesaving drugs.

Most recently Ms. Robbins has exposed the fact that celebrities are using parenteral nutrients for cosmetic reasons, performance enhancement, or hangover treatment  while premature babies are dying for lack of vital nutrition. It seems that the clinics which provide these treatments are not put at the back of the line for products which have been on shortage.

Your friendly Pharmer knows directly that there have been shortages of many electrolytes, soluble vitamins, lipids and trace elements which are needed for parenteral nutrition.  When some shortages subside, other shortages take their place.   There is a constant need to reformulate parenteral nutrition solutions in order to rebalance electrolytes to make up for those which are unavailable.  While older patients can usually  survive for awhile without some nutrients,  the premature babies are out of luck.    It’s not good for health care business for providers to  advertise that vital supplies are missing from their institutions.   It’s not good for the current administration for the media to advertise their incompetence or unwillingness to address this problem.

Please take the time to read Alexandra Robbins two articles linked above.  Her style of writing will adequately convey the nature of this problem and its consequences to those without specific medical training.  Pharmer recommends either to  lower your expectations of health care, or call your legislators and ask them to address this problem, and while they’re thinking about health care, remind them  to defund the “Affordable” Health Care Act  this September.  Links to the Senate and House contacts are on the side bar of this blog ALWAYS.  Monitor drug shortages for yourself.  There’s an app for that!

CDC Abortion Surveillance Report Concurs with Pro-lifers: Minorities are Targeted

Pro-lifers have known for decades that abortion clinics are concentrated in minority neighborhoods.  It’s been a eugenics program all along, to regulate the population sizes of Blacks and Hispanics most particularly.

In November, the CDC Abortion Surveillance Report was published, which shows that 63 percent of the abortions in the U.S. end the lives of Black or Hispanic babies.  This wildly outpaces the proportions of these minorities in the general population, and it directly relates to the locations of the abortion clinics.

From the CDC Report comes a data set from 2009.

White women had 38% of abortions  or 8.5 abortions 1ooo women (15-44yrs) or 140 abortions per 1000 live births.

Black women had 35.4% of abortions, 32.5 abortions per 1000 women (15-44yrs) or 477 abortions per 1000 live births.

Hispanic women had 20.6% of abortions, 19.3 abortions per 1000 women (15-44yrs) or 195 abortions per 1000 live births.

Women of other races: 6.3% of abortions, 17.7 abortions per 1000 women (15-44yrs) or 243 abortions per 1000 live births.

Admittedly the CDC is not counting all of the abortions, but the analysis of data which they have been able to collect bears out what pro-lifers have noticed all along.   The placement of abortion clinics is having its intended effects.

Ecuador Considers Asylum to Snowden, Renounces U.S. Trade Benefits

Ecuador, a country which depends on the U.S. for about half of its trade, has rejected one of two possible trade preference agreements from the U.S. and is considering asylum to NSA whistleblower/leaker  Edward Snowden.   Apparently the final decision is only made once Snowden arrives in the country and makes his request in person.   Communications Minister, Fernando Alvarez, said that Ecuador “does not accept threats from anybody, and does not trade in principles, or submit to mercantile interests, as important as they may be.”

It’s a sign of increasing global disrespect for the U.S., and its ever more apparent, governmental culture of corruption.

While Obama publicly said he did not want to be wheeling and dealing in agreements with other countries in order to obtain extradition of Snowden, his minions are taking care of that for him.

Senator Bob Menendez, the Senate Foreign relations committee chairman, and a face of corruption himself, has said that he  “will lead the effort to prevent the renewal of Ecuador’s duty-free access under GSP and will also make sure there is no chance for renewal of the Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act.”

Pharmer’s inclination is to buy more broccoli and artichokes and whatever other products which are imported  from Ecuador.   It’s worth mentioning that inept U.S.  foreign policy is the means by which other competing powers, with opposing interests, strengthen their influence in South America.

Edward Snowden Shines Light on NSA Snooping, then Drops out of Sight

Drudge NSA leaker Edward Snowden 6-11-13

Edward Snowden, the whistle blower who  allowed us to know how extensively the National Security Administration has encroached on our privacy, has disappeared from sight, shortly after allowing his identity to be made public.

Snowden provided information on the process, but not the content or details of NSA snooping on all internet communications via a program called Prism. All of the major internet service providers have signed on to this program, which allows the NSA access to the information on their servers, without a warrant.

Snowden had fled to Hong Kong, in the hope that its vague extradition laws (presently in a state of flux) will allow him to avoid being sent back to the U.S. Russia has indicated a possible willingness to grant political asylum to the whistle-blower, according to their newspaper, Kommersant.

The UK Guardian is the main media purveyor of Snowden’s information to the public, though the Washington Post published part of an NSA power point presentation which he provided on the topic.

James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, is predictably wanting the head of Edward Snowden.  Others, such as former Representative Ron Paul, say: “We should be thankful for individuals like Edward Snowden”.

Pharmer is leaning more towards Ron Paul’s opinion, as the executive agencies of government are being used as tools for administrative vengeance on those who disagree with the party line.

Glen Greenwald, Guardian reporter on the Snowden story assures us that more revelations are yet to come.

Among pro-lifers, the question in the air is:  Without a right to Privacy, what happens to the main argument for the legalization of abortion?

Related:  Obama really didn’t mean it.

Obama’s Big Ears Are Listening to You

William Binney, who worked for the National Security Agency for 40 years, quit after 911 had moved his employer to what he felt was excessive snooping on American citizens. He believes that all phone companies, and not just Verizon are involved in turning over records of calls to the NSA.

The surprise to many of those reporting on this issue of monitoring phone data is that it has continued and has drastically increased since Bush left office.

An internet surveillance program called PRISM, started in 2007 under Bush, and has also massively increased during the reign of  Obama. A report by another whistle blower reveals that internet giants Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Pal Talk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, and Apple are submitting to government snooping into the private data of their users. Apple is said not to have joined this effort until 2012,  after Steve Jobs had died. Perhaps this was part of the reason for the government attacks on the company.  Microsoft was purportedly the first company to jump  on board with the program.
The threat of lawsuits and “regulation” from the government has been enough to secure compliance from the companies.
Spokesmen from these companies continue to deny knowledge of government access to their databases.

It is interesting to watch some of the leftie media outlets responding to the idea that the government has been monitoring their private communications and internet activities, and that the Obama administration appears to have vastly increased the scope of the snooping.  This appears to have really gotten their attention.

On the Boy Scouts Specifically Admitting Gay Boys

There’s big news about the Boy Scouts admitting gay C H I L D R E N to their organization. First of all, this is strange because the sex preferences should not even be a big deal during childhood. The organization is temporarily excluding gay scout leaders, but this policy will quickly be overturned by including the government oversight by means of a discrimination lawsuit.

Taking this issue on more globally, this burning question needs to be asked: Why does every single group have to concern itself with the sex lives of its members?

When there is a policy to specifically admit people who advertise where they like to put it, then that issue becomes part of the function of the group, and those preferences must be rubber stamped by every member of the group.

Making an issue of everyone’s sex preferences, adds sex as a primary function of every group. Each time sex invades and is placed at the top of group priorities, a new group will have to form which excludes sex as a part of their mission. This kind if segregation will occur until the government makes it illegal to “think” that there is a proper and improper way to have sex.

People are willing to give up every single other freedom in order to have completely unfettered sex practices, ‘whenever and wherever’. This idea of “freedom” has come to include the sexual abuse of children and animals.
The disorder of America, and a major reason that it is in the death spiral is that the sex preferences have become more important than any other aspect of life.