Melinda Gates has announced, on the website, Impatient Optimists, that the Gates Foundation will stop funding abortion. Apparently she has found this funding to be a stumbling block to their overall efforts to tell Brown women how many babies to have, and how to inject, implant or ingest synthetic hormones to this end.
She will, however push on with the Depo-Provera injections, which can help to super-size the women of third world countries, leading to a whole host of new health problems. One wonders how much Melinda’s shots are contributing to the increased obesity rate in Mexico, and elsewhere. It might not just be the soda.
Last but not least, Depo-Provera is not so efficient at stopping ovulation, and has a number of possible mechanisms of action, one of which is to cause failure of the human embryo to implant. The heavily funded buddies of the Gates Foundation at Planned Parenthood are pushing the IUD (indwelling coat hanger), Paragard, which also helps to flush out developing humans from the uterus.
We know for certain that the abortifacient funding habits of Bill and Melinda Gates are far from over.
New ‘guidelines’for treatment of hypertension has pushed blood pressure targets to 150/90 rather than 140/90, in adults over age 60. According to an estimate coming out of Duke University, this could cause 25% (6 million) those on blood pressure drugs to stop taking their meds.
Pharmer sees this as part of the Obamacare cost cutting pattern. Note that the standards of “need” for mammography, colonoscopy, and various other health measures have recently been downgraded.
One wonders if the pharmaceutical and medical supply companies were forewarned that many of their products and services would no longer be needed with the roll out of Obamacare and the upcoming single-payer plan.
It’s the ultimate in RECYCLING!! Green energy for some UK hospitals comes from incinerating medical waste, part of which is aborted babies.
According to the UK Telegraph, Ten NHS trusts admit to having burned aborted babies along with rubbish, and two trusts have burned the fetal remains in “waste to energy” plants which provide heat for the hospitals.
Some parents are not consulted about the remains after a miscarriage, and these are burned as waste or for heat, as well as those babies who are aborted. Moms are sometimes told that the babies have been cremated. Between 2011 and 2013, the remains of 1101 unborn babies were cremated in the Ipswich Hospital “waste to energy plant” for example. This facility is operated by a private contractor, and a spokesperson of the Ipswich hospital is denying that remains from that hospital are incinerated. Their concern is that remains from other hospitals are being burned there.
Other than the worrythat people are increasingly unable to keep themselves clean, there’s another problem associated with swimming in public pools.
Research out of China Agricultural University and Purdue University purports that the uric acid of urine can react with chlorine in public pools to produce cyanogen chloride (an agent of chemical warfare) and trichloramine, both of which could cause health liabilities, with significant exposure.
This survey purports that 19 percent of Americans admit to having peed in public pools, while Michael Phelps informs us that Olympic swimmers do it all the time due to the need for uninterrupted training.
Perhaps the pool where athletes train is not your best bet for water quality. 😛
………and charging the government for the cost of the prescriptions NOT being filled. Owner of 184th Street Pharmacy, Ahmed Hamed, and pharmacists Mohamed Hasan Ahmed and Tarek Elsayed were arrested and charged with defrauding the New York Medicaid program, theft, and money laundering. They allegedly charged Medicaid 9.8 million dollars for prescriptions which were not being filled, and paying indigent AIDS patients a kickback for not taking their meds.
They’re yukking it up at the LA Times, having found that many computer technology specific acronyms are not understood by most Americans. The big Headliner is that a segment of the population confused HTML (hypertext markup language) with an STD. Unlike the reporter at the Times…….. Pharmer has an idea why HTML brought up infection in the minds of at least some of these people. There really is a sexually transmitted infection called HTLV. Yep…….. three initials in common with HTML. It’s Human T Lymphotropic Virus.One of the types (HTLV I ) of this retroviral group is associated with increased incidences of adult T cell leukemia and various other maladies. It’s an endemic problem in some parts of Asia, and of ongoing concern to the people who handle blood donations and banking.
Programmers linked to the government of Belarus claim to have supplied some of the code used in the Obamacare website. Valery Tsepkalo, of the Belarus government backed High Technology Park in Minsk, claimed (on Voice of Russia radio) that the HHS “is one of our clients” and that “we are helping Obama complete his insurance reform….. Our programmers wrote the program that appears on the monitors in all hospitals and all insurance companies- they will see the full profile of the given patient“. This interview is said to have occurred on 6-25-13, but security officials did not learn of it until early January.
This has U.S. intelligence agencies worried that there might be malicious code which could compromise the private data being entered into the health care network. Belarus is a former Soviet state and remains closely allied with Russia. Last year, a month long diversion of internet data, involving Belarusian networks, rerouted a great deal of U.S. traffic to Belarus.
Despite the admission from Given Industries that it’s Pill Cam is not as efficient as the traditional colonoscopy with respect to image quality, the FDA has given it the go-ahead for use in the U.S. The target market is to be those who cannot tolerate the usual hosing, or fail the exam process, and perhaps those who absolutely refuse it. This alternative has already been approved in other countries and is potentially much cheaper and less nasty than the colonoscopy procedure.
A major source of Continuing Education, which Pharmer utilizes for keeping updated, and which serves both pharmacists and physicians, had downgraded the concept of linkage between abortion and breast cancer to the status of “rumor”. This was done in the face of a large body of peer reviewed research, and meta analyses which had produced conflicting results.
Under normal circumstances, a competent educator would conclude that there is a possible link, but that so far the analysis of data is conflicting or inconclusive. Further study is warranted. If an educator were not invested in the ideology that at least one abortion is a necessary female rite of passage into the Pentagonal Order of the Gaia Green Sisterhood, health professionals would be advised to be alert to the possibility of abortion breast cancer linkage and await further results.
Well, a new meta analysis from China is out now, showing a stronger link between abortion and breast cancer, as well as a sort of dose effect (the later the abortion, the bigger the linkage). Click on the image below, or click this link to see the reference.
Pharmer has not paid great attention to the theory of abortion breast cancer linkage, because so many abortion customers likely have such a high risk tolerance, that a 30 or 40 percent increase in the rate of breast cancer would be meaningless to them. It might be more useful to a woman who has been impregnated against her will, rather than as a result of willingly assuming personal risk. Public policy makers might have more interest in that linkage, as an impetus to control health care costs. The current crop generally likes population control and abortion so much that they are unlikely to be swayed.
This example is supplied mostly to inform people that their health care professionals are often being “educated” by ideologues rather than dispassionate purveyors of medical information. Consequently, the things that your health care professional tells you might be fairly inaccurate, or even opposite of the truth.
In conclusion, abortion (and late child bearing) probably do have a positive association with the increased breast cancer rate, but as always, further study is warranted. It’s not such a big deal that a person should need Xanax three times a day due to anxiety over breast cancer, but getting the mammograms and being a bit more vigilant would help if either of these life style options applied to you.
Your friendly Pharmer thinks that there are much bigger reasons to avoid abortion.
Pharmer has long asserted that men would not put up with the things which are done to women medically. For one example, birth control hormones for men have not made it to market.
Now, the Dallas based American Board of Obstetricians and Gynecologists wants to give men a taste of women’s medicine. Formerly the physicians were not certified to treat men for anything outside of circumcision, transgendered conditions, and in conjunction with couples’ fertility problems.
According to Reuters News, the board will now permit certified ob-gyns to treat men so long as a majority of their practice is devoted to obstetrics and gynecology. This will allow more latitude for the docs who are branching out into such things as plastic surgery.
It will be interesting to see if men prefer treatment from these docs, along with their Obamacare.