Hobby Lobby Will Defy Obama HHS Mandate

The family of David Green, which owns the 500 plus Hobby Lobby stores, with 13000 employees are likely to incur a half billion dollar cost, while waiting for their challenge to the HHS mandate to be heard in court.    Despite this huge financial threat to their company’s existence,  the Greens have decided to adhere to their religious convictions, and defy Obama’s demand that they fund abortive forms of birth control for their employees.

Prayers for the success of David Green, his family and his company.  They’re putting the commandments of God ahead of the commands of  the most pro-abortion president in history.

If the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops had felt this strongly about God’s commandment to avoid willful killing, there would NEVER have been an  HHS mandate at all!!

Sotomayor Refuses to Block Obama’s Morning After Pill Edict

Supreme Court Justice Refuses to Block Obama Morning After Pill Edict.

Obama’s appointee, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor refused to grant an emergency ruling blocking the effects of Obama’s HHS mandate on Hobby Lobby and it’s sister company, Mardel Inc.

She stated that while the legal requirements for an emergency ruling were not met, the companies may continue to pursue their lawsuits in the lower courts.

Attorneys for the government incorrectly deny the fact that the birth control drugs have abortive mechanisms of action. The government continues to pursue its interest in regulating the populations of its constituency by unethical and deceptive means.

(Another) Pharmacist Refuses to Sell Morning After Pill to a Man

Quite a significant number of pharmacists prefer to sell the morning after pills only to the actual patient.  If you search the net, you’ll find a fair number of stories detailing this phenomenon.

Apparently a recent story has made the news and has a bit of buzz on the blogs. Seems that “Hilary and Jon” had a desire for the morning after pill. They’re not yet married, and apparently not ready to have a baby. Jon was surprised to encounter a female pharmacist who would not sell the drug to him.

Some people have no idea why a pharmacist, who is willing to sell those pills, would make that decision. The girls at Reality Check seem to fall into this group.  So Pharmer made an attempt to explain this to them, and added a bit of extra bonus information.

1) Many formerly over the counter remedies have been placed in restricted access due to abuse.  All cold remedies containing pseudoephedrine are now behind the pharmacist’s counter, and sales are restricted,  because people like to use that chemical to produce methamphetamine.

2) The morning after pills are sometimes abused by males, who give them to females without their consent, sometimes as a chaser to “date rape” drugs.  Because of this, it makes sense to restrict the sale of the morning after pills to men.  Congratulations to the pharmacist who had enough sense to understand  this, and take a stand to protect women.

3)  It is misbranding to refer to a drug as “contraception” if it does not significantly stop or delay ovulation during or after the luteal peak (during the most fertile time of the month).  Part of its action is due to mechanisms operating after fertilization.   The morning after pills are properly classed as “hormonal birth control”, not “contraception”.

4) The morning after pills have shown MUCH less  effectiveness than was initially claimed.  It makes NO sense for a woman to change sexual behavior due to reliance on the morning after pills.  They reduce pregnancy rates by about 60 percent, or LESS.

5) In general, the effect of marketing ulipristal acetate, and levonorgestrel as morning-after-pills will be to stem the decline of the abortion rate.   The spectre of increasingly abysmal medical care, overlaid by ever increasing drug shortages has possibly  killed the mood for a lot of women, leading to a dip in abortion demand in the U.S.  Heavily marketing a poorer quality birth control option might be enough to keep the abortion businesses alive.  Levonorgestrel MAP was strongly associated with that effect in Anna Glasier’s Scottish studies.

Pharmer finds the morning after pills to be problematic on a number of levels, ranging from ethics to efficacy, and doesn’t dispense them at all.

Petraeus Compromised from Within?

Someone has probably come to this conclusion, but Pharmer hasn’t seen it yet.

We have heard thatDavid Petraeus’s leaky girlfriend, Paula Broadwell spilled some classified type beans at the University of Denver.  She says that her ex boyfriend  David knew almost immediately that there was a TERROR attack on the Libyan embassy in Benghazi.

Meanwhile, her ex-boyfriend David had testified in a  closed congressional meeting that the attack on the embassy was inspired by that anti-Muslim video that almost nobody saw.

We also know that the FBI and people higher up in Washington knew quite  some time ago that David and Paula had been doing the wild thing, and that  David obsessively sent thousands of emails to Paula after their breakup, thereby making an utter fool of himself.

Heres Pharmer’s guess, just from the little news which has come out on the matter:

David Petraeus was  the real security problem, because he  compromised himself, and was in turn compromised  from within the Obama administration.  Obama’s Abysmal Foreign Policy was concealed with the help of Petraeus because they had the goods on him.  They could tell the world what a drooling old fool he was for Paula, and what was in all the humiliating emails he sent to her when she broke up him.  Therefore it wasn’t hard for the thugs in Chicago to get David Petraeus to lie for Obama to congress.   This lie very likely affected the outcome of the election.  Even  people who live for free Obama stash might have found this cover up of Obama’s Abysmal Foreign Policy too much to handle.

The conservatives that we have in Congress are still a minority.  We’ll have to wait to see what the majority of wimps think about this.

Kessler: FBI Investigation Led to Petraeus Resignation

“At some point after Petraeus was sworn in as CIA director on Sept. 6, 2011, the woman broke up with him. However, Petraeus continued to pursue her, sending her thousands of emails over the last several months, raising even more questions about his judgment.”

via Kessler: FBI Investigation Led to Petraeus Resignation–NEWSMAX.

The FBI investigation on this problem started last spring, with the agents expecting that Petraeus would be fired quickly, due to the compromising potential of the affair and the  above mentioned strange behavior.

This weirdness of wasting so much time with the thousands of  emails after the relationship (with biographer Paula Broadwell) was over, apparently doesn’t flag as unusual enough for a resignation request by the Obama administration.

The Petraeus security threat remained for almost a half year after it was apparent.

Thousand’s of emails!   If this is true, then the guy is completely crazy……. Who will believe whatever he has to say about Benghazi?  What a mess.

Facebook Censors the Navy Seals Benghazi Page

Understandably the Navy SEALs are quite Unhappy with their Commander in Chief after finding out that their compatriots in Benghazi, Libya were denied assistance directly from the White House.
The Special Operations Speaks PAC put up a Facebook page with the following image to express their displeasure. It was removed with a warning from Facebook.

The SOS PAC replaced the image along with a link to Facebook feedback, for people to express their outrage at the censorship, and were promptly suspended from Facebook.
Apparently the folks at Facebook hold their loyalty to Obama uppermost over their function as social media, and overall customer satisfaction.
Stockholders should expect for Facebook to gradually fade away….
Pharmer is carrying the SOS PAC image so you can see it.

Vote Early, Vote Often

Michelle Obama tells us to vote early because something could come up on election day, for example your “toilet overflowing”.

Michelle: Vote Early Because Your Toilet May Be Overflowing on Election Day | CNSNews.com.

Apparently our government thinks we should vote often, since it contests the state voter ID laws, with Texas being just one example.

It also is tearing down billboards which admonish people to obey existing election laws.

Anti Voter fraud billboards to be torn down in Ohio and Wisconsin-

Oddly, the only early voting that the Obama administration seems to oppose is that of the military, which needs this opportunity the most.

Obama administration opposed Ohio allowing in-person early voting for military voters.

Fort Hood ‘workplace violence’ survivors plea for terrorism designation in YouTube video | Twitchy

The survivors of Major Nidal Malik Hasan’s 2009 massacre at Ft. Hood are pushing for the killings to be called an act of terrorism. The Obama administration has labeled it “workplace violence” although Hasan’s ties to Islamic terrorist groups were apparent.
At issue is proper recognition for those in the military who suffered death and injury at Ft. Hood, which operated under military policies which put the personnel at unnecessary risk. The mis-labeling of this attack also has deprived survivors of benefits which would be normally accorded to military personnel injured in the line of duty.

Fort Hood ‘workplace violence’ survivors plea for terrorism designation in YouTube video | Twitchy.