Thanksgiving Obamacare Propaganda Draws Laughs from the Family

Obamanator, Nanny Bloomberg and Planned Unparenthood have all requested their supporters to push their respective agendas at the family holiday gatherings, this double-header week of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah.

It looks like Joan’s Thanksgiving Day Video is going viral. Get a laugh, and help her along. Click HERE to see what happened when her family was offered the wonderful opportunity to have assistance in obtaining their Obamacare insurance policies.

Family bursts into laughter when offered help to sign up for Obamacare at Thanksgiving
Family bursts into laughter when offered help to sign up for Obamacare at Thanksgiving

Obama Administration Revving Up for Christmas

The first Christmas Present from Obama is to delay the Obamacare Mandate for Small businesses (unilaterally, without an act of Congress) so that fewer people will find out how much his health-kill plan sux until after the 2014 elections.  The other reason for the delay is that these incompetents could not get the website up and running in time to implement the requirements of the law as it was written.  The delayed, Dec 1 deadline also can’t be met.  This should increase your longing for  a totally socialized system, with the current administration of idiots running it.

Obama Evil Santa from The People’s Cube

You can head to The People’s Cube to find out the 12 burdens of Obamacare that SantObama has for us… in a parody of the classic song.

Evil SantObama’s IRS  is now auditing a cancer patient who dared to tell Fox news that his insurance policy had been cancelled because of Obamacare.  The man’s luck changed when  insurance company subsequently found a way for him to keep a policy, but the IRS is going to audit his 2009 books and punish an insurance broker, who dared to lend him assistance, with an audit back to 2003.

Take your Medicine -The Looking Spoon

The message is that you are to keep silent while Obama screws your life away.


Non News: Plan B Morning After Pill Does Not Work Well for Big Girls

The European manufacturer of Norlevo, which is their version of Plan B  (Levonorgestrel) has very kindly decided to warn people that their product does not work for women over 176 lbs, and is less effective for women over 165 lbs.

Thanks, HRA Pharma.

Check out the new warning in the Norlevo Package insert for yourself.  It discourages women over 75 Kg from relying on the drug.

This comes under the “told you so” dept. of Pharm information.  In fact, people ALSO could learn here that the newer morning after pill, Ella (ulipristal acetate) has the same problem

All of this  is obvious to those who pay attention to how drugs are designed.   Pharmer has openly warned people for years not to expect good efficacy for birth control pills designed for 130lb women  t0 be as efficacious in women who are much larger.

The U.S. recently moved the  snake oil drug, Plan B, over the counter.   Perhaps this was a crony capitalist effort to help manufacturers snap up as much profit as they could before the general news came out that the drug is not reliable for any women, and really worthless for the larger set.

It appears that Mother Jones is the first of the mainstream media to let the kitty out of the bag in the United States.  They note that the average weight of American girls is 166.2 lbs, which puts them over the weight limit for Plan B to  work at its touted 60 percent effectiveness.   The avg weight of Black and Hispanic women from 20-39 years of age is 186 lbs, which means that they can completely forget about Plan B.

Any hospital or clinic  using  this drug as a part of rape treatment is therefore pushing ineffective treatment and  charging fraudulently.   Planned Parenthood and its ilk are doing the same.

Pharmer’s favorite and oft cited birth control researcher, Anna Glasier, sent up a warning flare in 2011. Click on her effort to identify the groups for which morning after pills do not work.

The American manufacturers have not put out this warning in their product package inserts yet.   Please help your female friends  who will be paying $50 bucks for this drug at the pharmacy,  to understand that Plan B One-Step, Next Choice One Dose, My Way, and various generic one and two pill packs of levonorgestrel morning after pills are fairly worthless as birth control, and when they do work, can have an objectionable mechanism that operates AFTER fertilization.    (As a practical matter,  any perverts who are abusing underaged girls ought to be made aware of this too, so that at least one aspect of the abuse might cease.)

Noting that these hormone analogs have weight dependent efficacy, how much should women be relying on the daily or continuously administered birth control drugs????

Who is REALLY waging the war on women, who remain the  medical underclass????

Related: The low information guys weigh in.
A comprehensive review of Planned Parenthood’s Plan B Scam


Obamacare Website Went Online Long Before it was Finished

Obamacare Official Admits Something So Incredible You’ll Wonder Why You’re Just Now Hearing About It | Video |

From the discussion between Rep Cory Gardner and Henry Chao, (deputy chief information officer for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services), one might surmise that the Obamacare Website is about 60 percent complete, and it is the payment systems  which send money to the companies which issue policies.

“There’s the back office systems, the accounting systems, the payment systems … they still need to be done,” said Chao.

This ought to make the health insurance companies really comfortable…..

Meanwhile, David Kennedy, head of TrustedSEC, an information security firm, has testified before the house Science, Space and Technology committee that the Obamacare website is prime hacker bait, because security wasn’t built into the site from the beginning.  He thinks that the SQL injection attacks against the website mean that it’s being hacked right now.   That should make everyone feel more secure in doing business with the Obama administration.

Stop digging. Demolish Obamacare. –

Stop digging. Demolish Obamacare. –

A historical change-  The Chicago Tribune (which endorsed the Obamanator twice)  has put out an editorial calling for the complete repeal of Obamacare.  Their solution is to start over.

Pharmer’s solution is to leave health care to the private sector, because it’s more efficient.  The Feds should get out of the way while localities and charities deal with the issues of the medically under served.

Priceless: Obama has just discovered that buying insurance is complicated

Click here for the opportunity to hear President Obama say that he really does not know what he’s doing with respect to his signature legislation.  However his overarching plan to dismantle the health care system, and U.S. economy is proceeding apace.

At this point, Obama is pretending that he will allow insurance companies to keep selling the plans that his law has already wiped away.   In other words, he can talk about keeping his promise to the American people, but he can’t (won’t) do it.

Remember that the cancellations occurring presently are affecting mostly people who buy their own insurance.  Yet to come are Additional cancellations of policies that employers purchase for their employees.

If You Get Obamacare News from WebMD

You should know that they have a 4.8 million dollar contract with the government to “educate” physicians  about the joys of Obamacare.  This news comes after Sebelius praised WebMD for its online resource to “help” Americans understand the labyrinthine law.

With this in mind, you should not expect unbiased info about  Obamacare from this company on either of its venues, WebMD (News), and its Medscape platform that serves health care professionals.  It wouldn’t be nice to make Obama and Sebelius mad after accepting government funds from them.


Two More Lawsuits Against Sebelius and the HHS Mandate Move Forward

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago has ruled in favor of the plaintiffs in cases of Korte v. Sebelius, 12-3841, and Grote v. Sebelius, 13-1077.  These two cases, brought by Catholic business owners, argued against the HHS mandate which forces businesses to pay for birth control/sterilization/abortion.  Orders by lower courts have been blocked by the Court of appeals, and the finding written by Judge Diane Sykes, supports both the business owners’ AND the corporations’ option to sue over the HHS mandate.

The cases are returned to trial courts with instructions to block enforcement of the HHS mandate of the 2010 Obamacare act.  The 2-1 decision reversed those of the lower courts against the Catholic families and their businesses.  Edward White, the lawyer representing Cyril B. Korte says that he expects the Supreme Court to eventually take up this case due to its importance as a national issue  “to the people who run these small companies and are dictated by their faith in how they should run the company.”


Three Programmers Build a Workable Obamacare Web Site

Int a couple of nights, three programmers  were able to make a working health care website by putting the information that people want, (health plans and cost) where and when they want to see it.  The design purpose of differs drastically from the Obamacare site, however.  It was built to serve the customer, not to aggregate their private information for government use, nor to register potential democrat voters.

Ning Liang, George Kalogeropoulos and Michael Wasser, certainly are much more competent and business oriented  programmers than the government would think of hiring.

According to the Blaze, thehealthsherpa site is not a substitute for the government site, but it offers contact information for health insurance providers which could allow a person to sign up for eligible health care without going through   This is a valuable service to the people of America.

The website of Liang, Kalogeropoulos and Wasser services a lot more than just California.  Pharmer  entered Florida and Ohio zip codes and obtained info insurance plans local to those areas also.  Overnight, the trio added a calculator to help estimate tax subsidies  for the plans.

Try  and find yourself an insurance plan.  Hopefully these programmers monetize their site and grab a little ad money in the true capitalist tradition of America.   They’ll need a big big  server to handle all of those who don’t want to hand their private info over to felons and miscreants hired by the Obama administration.