Feds Studying Obesity Among Lesbians.

The Federal government promises to make the sequestration as painful as possible, but it has spent $1.5 million, so far,  for a very special study.

It is of burning urgency to discover why there is more obesity among lesbians than among heterosexual women.  It seems that 75% of lesbians are overweight, compared to %50 of heterosexual women.  Brigham and Women’s Hospital will receive about $778,000 per year through 2016 to solve this mystery.

Pharmer suggests that governance of this study might fall within the purview of Michelle Obama’s anti-obesity campaign.

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A Reason to Reconsider Your Application to DePaul University

De Paul University, Chicago, has mismanaged itself into an untenable situation.

Kristopher Del Campo, chairman of the Young Americans for Freedom was found “guilty” of “Disorderly, Violent, Intimidating or Dangerous Behavior to Self or Others” and “Judicial Process Compliance.”  This conclusion was reached at a De Paul University tribunal which did not allow Del Campo to have counsel.

That charge sounds so horrible!

What he actually  did, was release the names of vandals who admitted to destroying a pro-life display that his group had put up on campus with permission of the University.  His organization posted a copy of the university’s incident report online, just like THIS. <—- Click it!

We have not heard that the vandals will be expelled for their “Disorderly, Violent, Intimidating or Dangerous Behavior to Self or Others”, but that’s what is likely to happen to Mr. Del Campo, 13 weeks before he was to graduate.

So…… for giving out information which would have been public record in any other locality, Del Campo appears to have wasted six figures of tuition dollars to attend this  university, which punishes the victims rather than the criminals.

Pharmer advises you not to similarly waste your yearly $32,000 tuition/fees, and $6,500-$11,000 room and board to attend this institution.  You might wind up being flushed out of the university for doing what  journalists and bloggers do routinely: pasting reports of crimes online.  We’ve all grown up with the first amendment, and have expected freedom of speech.  At the nominally Catholic De Paul University, it’s considered a  crime to report a criminal act.

Frequently, private or ivy league colleges find themselves to be serving as the babysitters of spoiled, or sometimes mentally ill, children of wealthy individuals, or diplomats.  These institutions  attempt to keep the misdeeds of their wards hushed up as a service to the parents, who might return the favor with contributions to the institution well in excess of the tuition dollars.

This might have been the intention of De Paul University to protect the reputations of their benefactors and  their income stream.

With the internet, and cameras everywhere, it is much more difficult to keep a lid on such things.  The administrators of De Paul as well as their benefactors, need to understand that criminal activities cannot be expected to be shrouded in secret anymore, and that they cannot guarantee such complete protection to some of these “children” they are babysitting.

The situation of De Paul University, which finds itself punishing the victims instead of the criminals, results from a failure to connect with today’s reality, and it is likely to hurt their income stream more than the loss of the  13 spoiled brats involved in the vandalism.

Gay marriage support ‘more likely from straight men who watch porn’

From The Telegraph of the UK, comes a story from the old humping  …errr.. stomping grounds  of A.C. Kinsey, the legendary pervert of the Midwest.   Yes……. a study from Indiana University has concluded that:

Gay marriage support ‘more likely from straight men who watch porn’ – Telegraph.

Heterosexual men who watched the most porn were more “open” to the idea of same sex marriage, according to Assistant Professor Paul Wright.

He opines that porn ‘adopts a’ singular….. whoops….. ‘INDIVIDUALISTIC, non-judgmental view’ on all sorts of sexual behavior.   Exposure to this  is said to be linked to a more positive view of same sex marriage.

Per the Telegraph, people of the UK have seen sufficient porn that they are quite (over) ripe for gay marriage.

It seems to Pharmer, that after viewing a lot of porn, the users could just marry themselves, and save themselves the trouble of maintaining a long term relationship with another person.   😛

Soylent Brown- Double Horsemeat Fraud

Horsemeat found in British supermarkets ‘may be donkey’ – Home News – UK – The Independent.

It seems that a change in Romanian regulations has banned horses drawn carriages from the roads.   This has resulted in wholesale slaughter of horses, and is said to have precipitated fraudulent horse meat distribution throughout Europe.

Now it appears that there may be an added problem.  Some of the horse meat might actually be DONKEY!!   Is it actual donkeys, or have leftists taken their convictions about recycling to the max??  🙂

The Food Standards Agency of Europe is rejecting the idea of a ban on all meat imports.  Their claim is that all the products on sale are safe for human consumption.

Pharmer begs to differ.


Study Suggests India Was Right to Utilize Television for Birth Control

The power of TV: watching 20 hours a week halves sperm count, according to new study – Health News – Health & Families – The Independent.

Another sperm study is associating inactivity, obesity and particularly watching television more than 20 hours per week with markedly reduced sperm counts.

A Study of 189 healthy, young  men, appearing in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, tracked them for three months, observing diet, activities and sperm quality.   It found that men who watched the most television showed a 43%  reduction in sperm count, under those who watched the least.

Subjects who were the most active (more than 15 hrs of exercise per week) showed 73% increase in sperm count over those who were the least active.

Men who were active, but watched the most TV, also showed reduced counts.

The original rationale behind the Plan in India to give out televisions as birth control devices,  was that people would be too distracted and tired from staying up all night watching the tube.   The above study adds another mechanism by which television watching can lower the baby making.


More Housework, Less Sex for Men

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions”, whines the AFP  report on a study comparing men who do more “traditionally female”  chores around the house, compared to men who do not.

More housework, less sex for married men: study – FRANCE 24.

Carefully left out of this report are the confounding factors which drive guys to do housework, the most significant of which would be

1) chronic  illness of the wife,

2) longer work hours for the wife,

3) income and privacy impediments which would often attend households with a female primary breadwinner,

4) marriage to a feminazi!  😉

This study is just another one among millions which raise an  association vs causation question.