Microsoft App To Guide Users Away From High-Crime Areas Proves Controversial « CBS Dallas / Fort Worth.
This proposed Microsoft app, allowing travelers to dodge high crime areas, might have been invented by a techie who only wants to look at pretty things, or perhaps one who had been traumatized by a mugging or carjacking. Pharmer imagines it could serve lefties who want to keep dreaming that LBJ’s Great Society plans actually produced good results.
Multiple headlines came to the mind of your humble blogger.
NAACP assumes that high crime areas = increased Black population areas. Their Official is caught complaining that an app to divert travelers from crime ridden areas means they’re seeking to avoid neighborhoods of predominantly blacks.
Avoid Ghettos App will keep you off of MLK Boulevards. No lie, the NAACP president in Dallas said THIS: “Can you imagine me not being able to go to MLK Blvd. because my GPS says that’s a dangerous crime area? I can’t even imagine that,” .. as if the app dictates where you go.
Just about every sizable city has a road named after Martin Luther King. Pharmer knows the one in Cincinnati end to end, from traveling it before and after it got that name, through high school, the years of research, and pharmacy school, etc. There’s not an app that would keep the rural dwelling pharmacist from driving there, for example to get to the concert she attended in October, just off of that boulevard. What is wrong with Juanita Wallace? She got herself in news that would travel nationwide, dumping on MLK neighborhoods across the country because she apparently views the one in Dallas as a crime ridden area.
NAACP Dallas President Reflexively Connects Crime With Black Neighborhoods. “It’s almost like gerrymandering….It’s stereotyping for sure and without a doubt; I can’t emphasize enough, it’s discriminatory.” Said Ms. Wallace.
The app is designed to avoid murder theft, rape, dope pushers,etc. not Black people. It’s Wallace who is making the connection. Other interviewees are speaking about how the economy of higher crime portions of the cities will take another hit from loss of business and tourism. The one talking about stereotyping is the one doing the stereotyping.
Take the ADVANCEMENT out of that acronym. With representation like that, who needs enemas!
America needs the NAACP like it needs RINOs. USELESS!