Here’s Obama when he wanted your vote…. remember this? He was going to erase the evil of astronomical CEO salaries.
When Obama had a chance to regulate the pay of his very OWN Government Motors CEO…… $9 million, has just been approved, plus hiring him a helper, at almost $3 thousand per hour because, as you remember, Ed Whitaker ‘doesn’t know a thing about cars’!
GM CEO Whitacre receives $9M pay package – Yahoo! Finance.
Check out this video of Obama carrying on about the wall street CEO bonuses, telling them to cut their own pay.
Then watch February news as he changes his mind……. well, those bonuses are suddenly OK again. There’s also the pretense from the Obama-press that using stock to pay the bonuses is something new. Those of us who have ever read business news know better.
Lefties, it appears that Obama is not going to solve your bonus-envy issues after all.
Why don’t you go buy some stock in the offending companies and show up at the shareholder’s meetings?