Leftist Self Destruction

There’s a cycle of misery and  abuse among the leftists, and periodically one can step back and see how the current events fit into this cycle.

The National Organization of Women has made the above cycle so plainly visible, with their objection to Tebow’s superbowl ad,  that even other radical feminists are embarrassed.   NOW grrls won’t stand for speech that promotes the woman’s choice to keep her baby.  Their programming is to sell abortion.  Why is this programming so strong?  One  can obtain a childhood history of abuse or neglect from almost any NOW gal.   Inability to recover from this has  left them with a need for vengeance against all men (including the good ones) while at the same time, a compulsion from their inner programming to deliver more of their younger ‘sisters’  into the clutches of abusers.   Abortion serves both sick needs simultaneously.   Good men can be hurt by it.  Abusive men are enabled by it.

Elevating women to more  fullness of life is NOT on the agenda of these crazy feminazis.   In fact they Hate  women who exhibit  that fullness.   Prior to hating Sarah Palin,  the feminazis  hated  ol Pharmer  during a  few brief periods of public  notoriety.

Another  example,  while this topic is bubbling, is the fashionable hatred of Christianity by the left.   Most of these people are brought up in, or next to Christian culture, but in environments of dysfunction and non-adherence.   Using the usual leftist illogic, the ethical system of Christianity is then blamed for those who fail to adhere.    As a means to display rejection  all things Christian, the lefties are embracing those who practice Islam.   Which lefties, including Obama, have enough self discipline to survive  Islamic practice?

For example,  a thief can have his hands chopped off,  and the punishments for other criminal activities are equally severe.  Abortion, a favorite sacrament of leftists has made no further headway in the UN, mainly due to Islamic nations objections against  the practice.

Christians are hated for saying that gay sex or certain other  sex practices are against the Creator’s design of the body, and therefore sinful.    Paradoxically  there is this leftist attraction to Islam, which regards gay practice as a sin worthy of incarceration, torture, hanging, or beheading.

Moths to the flame………  yep, that’s our lefties.

* Islamic view given at  UN  Beijing Womens Conference is worth a look.
