Media Matters Action Joins 26 Others In Defending Planned Parenthood From Right-Wing Attacks | Political Correction

Media Matters Action Joins 26 Others In Defending Planned Parenthood From Right-Wing Attacks | Political Correction.

Soros’ Media Matters joins Julian Bond, former chairman of NAACP, and a gaggle of other left wing organizations to say that aborting almost half of Black Babies and aiding and abetting sex slavery  and abuse of minors is OK with them.

They’re all writing to Congress, asking to allow planned parenthood to continue spending our tax dollars on their idea of utopia.

Meanwhile, the Obama administration was sufficiently embarrassed at the rising abortion rate that  the CDC decided not to produce the data this past November as it has for the last 40 years.  After a good deal of public outcry, it appears that they have decided to produce a report at MMRW   (possibly) by February 24.

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