Missouri Democratic Party Files Ethics Complaint Against Todd Akin | TheBlaze.com.
Dems are very much afraid that Todd Akin will defeat Claire McCaskill. They see contributions coming in for Akin, as well as endorsements from Jim DeMint and Rick Santorum. That’s why they’ve invented an ethics complaint. Perhaps the conservatives in Missouri need to return the favor against Claire McCasKILL.
Demint might have gotten feedback from more conservatives like yours truly, questioning whether or not his group had abandoned or spoken against Todd Akin. Perhaps they surmised that their stance as conservatives would gain more credibility if they actually stood behind Akin.
Yes, Pharmer donated to the Senate Conservatives Fund, as well as Todd Akin’s campaign. Pharmer is likely to donate again to Jim DeMint’s fund now that he has endorsed Todd Akin. Richard Mourdock also requires more support.