Gloria Steinem as been spotted on CBS This Morning, in full throated whine about the status of Feminism in America, by Jeffrey Meyer of MRC Newsbusters. Most of what is killing the religion of feminism is the “elitist” priesthood of feminazis, who made abortion a major tenet and sacrament, as Mr. Meyer correctly highlights. This group even endorsed sex selective culling of the unborn because of their screed that abortion, regardless of reason, should be legal. (And Gloria wonders why the numbers of women are now less than men.)
Let’s not forget that the industry of selling woman as sex slaves relies on abortion for maintenance of the “product”, and the abortionists readily agreed to provide cover, as they have for domestic abuse.
Is it a coincidence that, in the U.S., the numbers of abortions are dropping as feminism crumbles?
Abortion has also been a large part of what made LIBERAL a dirty word. The other parts are socialism and support for illegal immigration. The leftist Atheists seem unable to understand that they top the radical Islamist list for death, (even above Christians, Jews and Gays). They’re either clueless or suicidal.
The basic problem with feminism and liberalism is that they both are contrary to the survival of humanity as a species.
The cognitive dissonance in Gloria’s mind ought to be deafening by now.