Breitbart calls this a shock, but it’s NOT. Brian Williams, the NBC Nightly News anchor has had to recant a 12 year old tale about his helecopter being forced down by an RPG hit during the 2003 Iraq war. This often repeated story has been inflated to the status of media legend. Williams was forced to admit his lie during an interview with Stars and Stripes after crew members of the helicopter which had been hit said that the “news” man was not on board, nor was he on the other two helicopters in that group. His helicopter arrived at the site about an hour after the emergency landing, according to crew from the 159th Aviation Regiment’s Chinook which had been hit by the RPG.

NBC has become rather well known for inventing “news” after doctoring the 911 tape of George Zimmerman, (a disposable Democrat voter) appear racist, and has provided numerous other reasons to find other news sources.
Update 2-7-2015… It appears that Williams will be taking a hiatus from his anchor position on NBC Nightly News.
Right Wing Media is carrying out an investigation of other Brian Williams stories. Sooper Mexican has amassed quite a collection at his site, including Katrina stories