After Apparent Missile Attack on Malaysian Airliner, Consider Behavior Modification

This would be the best recourse for people at high risk of HIV.  Men who have sex with men, have 19 times greater chance of contracting this horrendous disease, according to the World Health Organization Sex workers appear to have a 14 times greater susceptibility, and the incidence is 50 times higher among transgender women.

What relation does this have to the loss of the Malaysian Airliner?  About a hundred of the passengers aboard that plane were HIV researchers flying to a big International AIDS Conference in Australia.  The list includes Dr. Joep Lange, former president of the International AIDS Society, and WHO spokesman, Glenn Thomas were among those lost.   This is a big disaster from the standpoint of medical progress in combating HIV, as well as a personal tragedy for many thousands of people.

Your friendly Pharmer, always a big fan of preventative medicine, suggests behavior modification as a means of preventing infection with HIV, (a rather fastidious bug) which, barring assaults, is not too difficult to avoid in most cases.

The  effects of this act of war on the Malaysian Airlines flight  MH 17 will ripple outward for many generations.

More Kinky Sex Ed at 2 Colorado Planned Parenthood Facilities -Live Action Films

Live Action Films, has released the second video in their Planned Parenthood Exposed series.  This episode shows a woman, posing as a 15 year old girl, being given detailed counseling on Bondage and Discipline, as well as Sadomasochism.   Two affiliates of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains, in Littleton, and in Lakewood, Colorado, are featured in this film.

Planned Parenthood is  50 shades of NASTAAAAY.    Pharmer’s recommendation is for people to go to a real health care provider for their reproductive medical needs.

Two affiliates of Planned Parenthood of Rocky Mountains are BUSTED for giving kinky sex advice.
2 affiliates of Planned Parenthood of Rocky Mountains are BUSTED for giving kinky sex advice.

Full length footage is available at

How We Know the Catholic Church is Not Money Hungry

While this is not the only example of churches promoting illegal immigration, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church is funding and helping illegal immigrants to travel East from Fontana, California.

The United States portion of the Church is said to comprise 60 percent of the financial wealth of the  Catholic Church worldwide.   We know that the Catholic Church is not money hungry because it’s been trying to cut down this financial resource for decades, by promoting uncontrolled immigration, and through support of big government and socialist policies.

Pharmer supports increased and simplified LEGAL immigration:  We could swap out our  lefties  for  immigrants who want to become  Americans, and who like to work for a living.  We could rebuild American culture that way. 🙂

Pervy Liberal Democrat Candidate Offers Money for Nude Pics of Female Hunter

Kendall Jones has received plenty of vitriol from the left for posting hunting pics on social media.  Topmost in the heap of slime are the tweets from Mike Dickinson (liberal democrat congressional candidate in Virginia).   He’s offering $100,000 for nude photos or videos of Kendall, because “she deserves to be a target”.

Don’t expect the voyeur-perv Dickinson to be asked to apologize, or to suffer much criticism.  Abortion supporting libs are permitted to abuse women in this upside down world.

Mike Dickinson attacks Kendall Jones
Mike Dickinson attacks Kendall Jones

Alternative news scoop is that Facebook has deleted some of Kendall Jone’s hunting pics, but has allowed a “Kill Kendall Jones” page.

It’s just another skirmish in the left’s unending war on women.


Costco Suffers Social Media Backlash for removing D’Sousa’s Book from Stock

WND confirmed that Costco has made a decision to return copies of Dinesh D’Sousa’s book, ‘America: Imagine the World Without Her’ to the publishers.

Jerome Corsi adds that Costco’s cofounder, Jim Sinegal is a big leftie, who is a Democrat donor, spoke at the 2012 DNC convention, and has personally done well within the capitalist system that Obama abhors.

Businesses have a right to sell whatever products they like, and exclude other products.  Shoppers have a right to patronize businesses which exude a culture and sell products which are more in tune with their own views and lifestyle.  Your’s truly is  wondering if some of the family members  will be moving over to Sam’s Club on account of Costco’s repeated expressions of affinity for the leftists.  The decision to cease carrying  D’Sousa’s book might be the last straw.

For more information and to learn how to contact  Costco’s current CEO, W Craig Jelinek, visit WND today. 

UPDATE 7-10:  “Nevermind!”   Costco claims to have discontinued the book based upon sales, and claim to have reversed their decision based upon sales (and not vigorous outcry from their member-shoppers).  The company is  reordering D’Sousa’s book

Obama’s War on Children Claims Life of 11 year old Guatamalan Child

The body of an 11 year old immigrant child, believed to be from Guatamala, was found in the brush near La Joya, TX.  The child is a more recent victim of the Obama administrations war on Children.  Evidence of Obama regime plans to bring immigrant children, (unaccompanied by adults) into the U.S. exists  on the Federal business opportunities website.  Job contracts to transport the anticipated influx of 65 thousand EXPECTED minor immigrants within the U.S. were OFFERED in JANUARY 2014 on the Federal Business Opportunities website.  The government has confirmed the authenticity of the document first noticed and presented at the conservative, Weazel Zippers website. 

The supposed immigrant crisis is no surprise to those who invited minor children to travel to the U.S. without adult family members to protect them.  Naturally, children are being abused, suffering injury, and dying along the way. That’s no big deal to Obama, the one and only politician to publicly defend the practice of infanticide on the floor of a legislative body (the Illinois Senate).   He’s been this way for a very long time.


Supremes: Obama Can’t Force Companies to Pay for Birth Control

Congratulations to Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp, first for filing lawsuits to protect their religious freedom, and second for defeating the Obama Administration before the Supreme Court.

The courageous owners of these two companies objected to being forced to pay for forms of birth control which can have prominent interceptive (early abortive) mechanisms of action.  In a 5 to 4 decision, in which Justice Roberts and the conservatives upheld religious freedom, (and naturally the leftists did not), the two companies are excused from paying for birth control which people could most certainly provide for themselves by other means.  At issue were Plan B, Ella, and the indwelling coathangers otherwise known as IUDs.

This decision appears to be protective of closely held, for-profit corporations, but appears to  exclude non-profit entities such as Little Sisters of the Poor.

Naturally the idea of religious freedom for Christians is causing the lefties to curse, swear, and threaten lives and property of their ideological opponents.  Violence has always been integral to leftism.   Those people are anything but compassionate.

Why Hillary Will NOT be President

Ed Klein's Book, Blood Feud, Leaks Hillary Medical Info
Ed Klein’s Book, Blood Feud, Leaks Hillary Medical Info

Click the caption above for Drudge’s preview from Klein’s book, Blood Feud.   When that link is gone, use the link below.


The claim is that Hillary has a coagulopathy, which has been  causing clots in various places of her body, including the brain, exacerbated by long hours of air travel.   She is said to have had a stroke event precipitated by non compliance with her anticoagulant therapy.

Bill and Melinda Gates Claim they will Stop Funding Abortion

Melinda Gates has announced, on the website, Impatient Optimists, that the Gates Foundation will stop funding abortion.  Apparently she has found this funding to be a stumbling block to their overall efforts to tell  Brown women how many babies to have, and how to inject, implant or ingest synthetic hormones to this end.

She will, however push on with the Depo-Provera injections, which can help to super-size the women of third world countries, leading to a whole host of new health problems.  One wonders how much Melinda’s shots are contributing to the increased obesity rate in Mexico, and elsewhere.  It might not just be the soda.

Last but not least, Depo-Provera is not so efficient at stopping ovulation, and has a number of possible mechanisms of action, one of which is to cause failure of the human  embryo to implant.  The heavily funded buddies of the Gates Foundation at Planned Parenthood are pushing the IUD (indwelling coat hanger), Paragard, which also helps to flush out developing humans from the uterus.

We know for certain that the abortifacient funding habits of Bill and Melinda Gates are far from over.

Read more from Dr. Susan Berry at, and see the statement by Melinda Gates HERE.