The Debts of the Parents are Collected from the Children by the IRS.

Apparently the IRS has begun the practice of seizing the tax returns of citizens in order to satisfy supposed debts of their parents to the government.  It seems that they are not required to supply proof of said debt, nor are they giving effective  prior notice before taking the money.

Tax payers now have another reason to attempt to pay only what is owed on their taxes so that no return is due after they file.

From the Washington Post comes a story of a woman whose tax return mysteriously disappeared into the bowels of the IRS. When she sought explanation, she was told that a social security overpayment (stemming from the death of her father)  to her now-deceased  mother was being collected from her, as the one of her remaining siblings who 1) has an income, and 2, could be located.

This woman, Mary Grice was able to file suit, in order to find out what was going on.  It seems that the IRS initially seized the entire $4,462 tax returns, but after the Washington Post inquired about the case, some of this was returned, as the supposed debt was only for $2,996 dollars. Grice wants all of the money back, because she is not the one who incurred the supposed debt.

Get ready for some surprises from the IRS if anyone in your family has overdrawn government benefits.  It seems that this new practice was authorized by the farm bill, 110th Congress Public Law 246, extending the ability to collect debts beyond.  10 years.  In 2011, the Treasury dept started grabbing this money more agressively, and this year has collected $75 million on debts, which are more than 10 years old, and stopped a total of $1.9 billion from tax refunds.

From Breitbart Texas: 35 ‘Acts of Love’

35 ‘Acts of Love’.  <– Click to see a counterpoint to Jeb Bush’s thesis that immigrating illegally can be an act of love.

Some theorize that Jeb is saying things to  purposely disqualify himself from presidential candidacy.  Perhaps he knows how many of us would refuse to vote for him if he won the republican primary.

Reforming immigration should not reward those who break the law.  Instead it should streamline the process so that legal immigrants don’t have to pay for specialized legal advice in order  to comply with a byzantine legal labyrinth.  The U.S. would benefit from more legal immigrants who want to be Americans,  not lawbreakers.

Sebelius Can’t Take It Anymore

Kathleen Sebelius has “resigned” her position as Secretary of Health and Human Services, after delivering the failed offering of Obamacare to the public. The exhausting sessions in front of Congress, giving made up numbers and self contradictory statements have taken their toll. She can’t take the public “floggings” anymore.
After existing private insurance plans, made illegal by Obamacare have been pulled, many people are unable to sign up or afford the government designed alternatives. While the government is claiming that 7 million people have signed up, it seems that the exchanges, with their lack of ability to make collections and actually make the connections of people with their supposed new insurance plans, lack the ability to enumerate who has paid, and who actually has active health insurance.
Possibly Sebelius has grown tired of making up stories about Obama’s train wreck health care plan. More likely, she’s symbolic sacrifice to relieve the downward pressure that Obamacare is having on Democrat election chances this November.

sebelius websites for dummies - Memphis Daily News
sebelius websites for dummies – Memphis Daily News

New York Inspects Tanning Salons More Often than Abortion Clinics

There are 25 abortion clinics recognized to be under the purview of the New York State health department, but they are not visited very often for inspection.  Eight clinics were never inspected in the years between 2000, and 2012, five were inspected one time, and eight were inspected two or three times.  Altogether, the 25 clinics were paid a total of 45 visits in 12 years.  New York State inspects restaurants every year (and harassed some during the power outages after Storm Sandy).  Tanning salons are required to suffer inspections at least every two years.  

Abortion advocates claim that there are 225 abortion providers in New York State.  Facilities are permitted to perform abortions without revealing this in their operating certificates, explained Elizabeth Sullivan, records official at the Health Dept. The Department apparently does not maintain a full listing of abortion providers.

The Chiaroscuro Foundation, an organization which works to reduce abortions,  filed a Freedom of Information lawsuit in order to pry this information from the state.

Other Abominations from New York
What Else is Wrong with NYC? Health Dept. App for Kid Sex
Birth Controlling the High School Herds in New York City
Breastmilk: How will Mayor Bloomberg Control the Quantity Babies Drink?

Mozilla Taking Backlash for Firing Brendan Eich

Mozilla, the company which brought us the open source browser, Firefox, Thunderbird mail client has really stepped in it.  It seems that their co-founder Brendan Eich, (also the inventor of Java), has become persona-non-grata, for his politically incorrect views.

Eich has recently been made CEO.  Then someone discovered that he had given a thousand bucks in support of California’s proposition 8, a law supporting traditional marriage, way back in 2008.   This made him anathema to the Gaystapo and other totalitarian leftists, and demands were made for Mozilla to fire him.

Naturally Mozilla folded, and forced Eich to resign.  Since then, thousands of people have been writing and petitioning Mozilla over this issue.  Some say that the company is experiencing it’s own “Duck Dynasty” disaster.  Remember what happened to A&E after they tangled with Phil Robertson?  Below is what the Mozilla Firefox feedback page looked like this morning (April 7th).  It seems that more than 90 percent of respondents are Unhappy with Mozilla for dumping Brandon Eich over his past support of traditional marriage.

Mozilla having a Duck Dynasty Experience, after dumping Brendan Eich
Mozilla having a Duck Dynasty Experience, after dumping Brendan Eich

Some note that way back in 2008, when Eich made his contribution, Barack Hussein Obama claimed to hold the same view about traditional marriage. No one is asking for Obama to resign.

You can drop a message on the Firefox input page, to let the Mozilla people know how you feel. has a petition page relevant to this issue, where you can give Mozilla a piece of your mind.  Pharmer is now using Opera, a browser created by a Norwegian company, to put this post onto the blog, and is fixing to remove Firefox and the Thunderbird programs from all the network computers.


Modestly Proposing that Abortion is Good

Abortion: the best thing since sliced bread.

Adam’s abortion commentary impelled Pharmer of Redneckia to dredge  past memories of literate pursuits, and Jonathan Swift’s “A Modest Proposal“, (which is worse than ‘Soylent Green’), came to mind. Click to hear Adam.

The satire that kids put out has to really bite deep to get a response, because they have had so much audio visual shock administered early in life.  Adam tried to go farther and crazier than the abortion supporters of today to elicit the laughter from his peers.  The problem is that being crazier than the abortion extremists is impossible, and that’s what has some people  wondering if Adam was kidding.

This confusion is the same thing that occurred with the “Abortionplex” parody put out by The Onion.  Some people really believed that the abortion sellers had (already) created such a facility……..just because it is within the realm of possibility.

See also: 
Hospitals in UK incinerating aborted babies for heat.
A Modest Proposal, by Johnathan Swift

New Standards for Hypertension Treatment

Millions could go off blood pressure meds – Yahoo News.

New ‘guidelines’ for treatment of hypertension has pushed blood pressure targets to 150/90 rather than 140/90, in adults over age 60.  According to an estimate coming out of Duke University, this could cause 25% (6 million) those on blood pressure drugs to stop taking their meds.

Pharmer sees this as part of the Obamacare cost cutting pattern.   Note that the standards of  “need” for mammography, colonoscopy, and various other health measures have recently been downgraded.

One wonders if the pharmaceutical and medical supply companies were forewarned that many of their products and services would no longer be needed with the roll out of Obamacare and the upcoming single-payer plan.

Stupid Educator Trick: Weird Sex Ed in Switzerland

Graphic ‘Sex Box’ for Swiss Kindergartners has Genitalia to Teach Kids that Sex is Pleasurable |

Two of the possible reasons that schools in Switzerland might have adopted the sex indoctrination program (story linked above) are given below.

1) Swiss lefties have so lost cerebral cortical activity that they believe their offspring have to be taught how to play with themselves.

2) Swiss leftists feel more comfortable having sex with young children, and wish to formally prepare the kids for the interactions in kindergarten.

Click that link if you have a strong stomach, and see if you can come up with more possible motivations for this toxic weirdness.

Former White House Aide Dishes on Michelle / White House Defends

White House ex-aide: First Lady Michelle Obama has turned East Wing into ‘worst wing’ – NY Daily News.

Reid Cherlin has bailed from his job as an assistant press secretary and is making his bucks by dishing on work life with the Obamas.  He repeats what we’ve been hearing for years, that Michelle is not loving the constraints of First Lady-ism, and that this adversely affects those who service her day to day needs in the East wing of the White House.

A Michelle-administration spokesperson has defended her thusly: “From day one, the First Lady ambitiously set out to make a measurable impact on the lives of everyday American families. The First Lady is laser-focused on moving the needle wherever and whenever possible.”

Work has become  “moving the needle”.

Dear White House spokes-BOT:  please understand just how stupid this sounds to the people in this country who produce things, and perform useful services.  Please also understand that the rest of the world is laughing at the community organizers who think that “moving the needle” is a useful occupation.

Vladimir Putin has at least 3 more years of space in which to rebuild the Soviet Union, generated by the brain vacuum in Washington DC.