Leftist media has interviewed students who saw graphic abortion pictures plastered in the girls’ restroom at Steel High School in San Antonio, TX.
One hundred percent of the subjects selected for this interview, voiced opposition to the presence of the pictures, with one girl mentioning being afraid to go into the bathroom for fear of seeing more of these pictures. As expected, the lamestream media outlet, KEN 5 local news, did not interview anyone who thought that the pictures might be helpful in preventing abortions.
One student was ready to give up all privacy to ensure that she never has to see such pictures again: “ It’s not appropriate to be in a school, and I think they should start monitoring places like bathrooms to make sure it doesn’t come back”.
Yes, she really said that, and is apparently is ready for POTTI-CAM. Abortion trauma is a serious problem. Pharmer implores this girl, and all the other selected interviewees to utilize healing services provided by the pro-life movement. It’s a sign of PSTD for a female to request bathroom surveillance in order to avoid seeing pictures of abortions.
Please recall that on occasion, one might even be able to see the actual ‘abortion’ results in a girl’s restroom. This problem did not seem to generate such a call for bathroom cams.
Once KEN-5 pulls down this vid and story, you can still hear an audio montage of the unidentified interviewees (without reporter James Munoz) HERE —> Abortion pics in bathroom news interview Steele highschool