Why You Should Not Trust Statistics Coming From Abortionists

It appears that abortions of babies diagnose with cleft lip/palate, are 10 times as common as the UK health department reports.

The British Department of Health gets its figures on the abortion of babies with congenital anomalies from forms that abortionists fill out at the time of the procedure.

Eurocat  (agency which monitors congenital abnormalies in 23 countries) tracks a foetus from the time that he or she has been identified with an abnormality, with the initial data coming from those who make the diagnosis.  The fate of the fetus is then connected with this data.

While the UK Dept of Health recorded 14 abortions due to cleft palate in that country from 2006-2010,  Eurocat logged 147 such events in the UK.

During the same period, Eurocat also caught 250 babies  aborted in the UK for club foot.  The UK dept of health stopped recording this figure as a separate category after 2002, when they only recorded 2 cases.

The Eurocat number of abortions for Down syndrome in 2010 was 886, compared to the Dept of Health number, 482.

Abortionists are said to avoid filling out the reason for abortions on the forms either to spare the mother’s feelings or to avoid backlash from controversy over eugenic killings.

The UK Telegraph has some PAST related articles:
Twenty-six babies aborted for cleft lips or palates
Government secrecy on cleft palate abortions
Baby that survived abortion rejected for ‘cleft lip’

Romney Triple Flush

The social leftist wing of the Republican Party has been casting about for the Romney substitute, because they know he’s too liberal to garner votes from conservatives.

1) Romney had to argue against Obamacare, after instituting Romneycare, which contains most of the unsavory aspects of Obama’s  healthcare mess.

2) Romney believes in the religion of global warming.

3) American Right to Life   (remember their huge protest  sign at the DNC convention?)  won’t let anyone forget that Romney isn’t serious about his pro-life claims.  They’ve visited his fundraiser in Denver with a devastating reminder.  You can see them at Jill Stanek’s. “Dogging Romney” is not  really new to this group.

Tom Blumer at the Bizzy Blog provides the evidence supporting  American Right to Life’s  sign in Denver which reminds us:  “Romneycare: 50$ copay abortions” See the images of Romney care features, including the tax payer funded abortions.  Blumer also reminds us that Romneycare came complete with tax penalties for those who did not provide proof of health care coverage.


Vanderbilt Doubletalk On Their Nursing Residency Requirements

Nursing Residency applicants to Vanderbilt’s ‘woman’s health track’ are required to sign a statment containing the following bolded text.

I am aware that I may be providing nursing care for women who are having” procedures including terminations of pregnancy.

“It is important that you are aware of this aspect of care and give careful consideration to your ability to provide compassionate care to women in these situations,” the acknowledgment states. “If you feel you cannot provide care to women during this type of event, we encourage you to apply to a different track of the Nurse Residency Program to explore opportunities that may best fit your skills and career goals.”

Naturally this would be offputting to any pro-life  applicants, who would probably decide to choose another residency program.  This might be the actual  intention.

John Howser, the medical center spokesman  claimed  that it does not mean to suggest that residents with religious or moral objections will be required to participate in the actual procedures. He , in classic double talk noted that nursing students are not required to sign a similar letter of acknowledgment.

What is the difference?   Why require something of the residents which is not required of the nursing students in that track?

Care for patients who are having abortions would naturally be expected to include assisting with the procedure, unless specifically stated  (in writing) otherwise.   The verbal assurances of Howser, the media frontman, cannot be construed to assure nurses who object to abortion that their conscientous objection will be respected, and that they will not be penalized for it.

David French, senior counsel with the  Alliance Defense Fund is addressing this issue currently, seeking rewording of the application materials for Vanderbilt’s nursing residency program.   The basis for immediate  legal repercussions are the existing  federal restrictions on institutions WHICH ACCEPT FEDERAL GRANT MONEY.

In the era of Obama,  one cannot necessarily  expect enforcement of said restrictions.   A free market  solution is for  the (more competent) pro-life nurses and prospective nursing students  to avoid application to Vanderbilt.  There are many more  educational opportunities available.