Brooklyn Catholic school rejects donation from politician who voted for gay ‘marriage’ |

Brooklyn Catholic school rejects donation from politician who voted for gay ‘marriage’ |

New York Democrat assemblyman Joe Lentol normally gives a small donation to a Catholic school around graduation time.   This year, Queen of Rosary Catholic Academy returned his donation.

This is in compliance with a request from Bishop Nicholas Dimarzio for the Catholic institutions to refuse any ‘honors, donations or distinctions bestowed’ on them by the politicians who passed New York’s gay marriage law.

Pharmer wishes that more of the U.S. Catholic  bishops had felt so strongly about the abortion, embryonic stem cell, and physician assisted suicide issues.

Lefties and Giffords’ Father Accuse the Tea Party

But Jared Lee Loughner, who critically wounded Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, and killed or injured many others,  does not fit that profile.

Coming from ABC:

In the same video, Loughner accuses the government of mind control.

“In conclusion, reading the second United States Constitution, I can’t trust the current government because of the ratifications: The government is implying mind control and brainwash on the people by controlling grammar. No! I won’t pay debt with a currency that’s not backed by gold and silver! No! I won’t trust in God!” it says.

In the YouTube profile, the account holder, identified as Loughner, lists “The Communist Manifesto” and “Mein Kampf” among his favorite books.

Amazing that even ABC has put a pointer on what really is Loughner’s problem.

Meanwhile the Lefties (who, if they were normal, could have cooler heads) are echoing Spencer Giffords’  emotional outburst.

Spelling the main point out,  in case a leftie reads this…..  Teapartiers wouldn’t list Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto as their favorite reads.

The leftist moral tenet that criminal profiling is wrong,  as well as the seeming incapability for analytical thought,  will continue to cause   more untimely deaths.

Big Bad Michael Wolfensohn Busts up Kids Bake Sale in the Park

New Castle councilman calls cops on boys’ cupcake sale | | The Journal News.

New Castle Councilman Michael Wolfensohn came upon some busy underage entrepreneurs selling refreshments and baked goods at Gedney park, and called the cops on them.

Yes, it’s true, this  politician  says that the kids’ business needs to be licensed, and, instead of just telling the kids, he called the cops and Busted them!  This guy’s a real, socially adept charmer

I recommend for the kids, Andrew DeMarchis and Kevin Graff, and their friends  to dial up a  conservative radio host or two.   That would bring Wolfensohn all sorts of entertaining  email. He deserves it for  using the cops to break the bad news of government interference  to these budding businessmen.

I did not find the party of Michael Wolfensohn in the article but will now go look for it, because I bet………….. yes he is a Democrat  🙂

My Way News Gamely Clings to the Fantasy that Most Voters Prefer Democrats

though the reporter states that only a third of those polled want their incumbent back in 2010.

My Way News – AP-GfK Poll: Only a third want own lawmakers back.

Now for a bit of reality…….

This is an interim election.  Pharmer’s area of the country would be characterized as “Reagan Democrat” in its demographics.   This was not reflected in the primary voter  turnout on May 4th  with 81 percent of voters asking for the Republican ballot, and 19 percent asking for the Democrat ballot.

Soooooooo, if these figures are any indicator of the voter turnout in November:    Bye Bye,  Lefties.    So Long, Baron Hill.

Hank Johnson, Democrat GA 4

YouTube – 3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv.

The health problem exhibited here is perhaps hepatic encephalopathy resulting from a long battle with Hepatitis C.  It is sad that the congressman  has remained in place only to be made into a public laughing stock.  His party should have exercised better judgment.

Kudos to the good Admiral  for his self control in dealing with this situation without further humiliating the congressman.

Perhaps keeping Congressman Johnson in such a position  means that the Dems  place the retention of their power far above human dignity.