Outing the Infanticide

It could finally be possible to force the media to acknowledge that Obama is an infanticidal nutcase.


Pharmer harkens back to Memorial Day weekend of 2011, when New York Congressman (D),  Anthony Wiener,  was outed in the conservative blogosphere for showing too much of himself online to very young ladies.   The lamestream media tried its very best to stuff this  revelation back into obscurity, but it was too nasty, hilarious, titillating, or otherwise entertaining to too many people.  The online tsunami of information overcame the leftie press, and the disgraced  Representative Weiner was forced to resign his position.

It could be possible with the juxtaposition of Abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s trial for multiple  infanticides, the memories of Obama vigorously opposing the Born Alive Infants Protection Act of Illinois, and the latest OUTING of Planned Parenthood’s infanticidal agenda, to finally make the low information voters understand that Obama and his pro-abort supporters are off the wall extremists.

Remember what the lefties did to Sarah Palin for refusing to kill her fifth kid, Trig, because he had a prenatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome?  They’re still at it.

Remember what the Dems did to Todd Akin, because he thought that the stress of a violent rape makes a woman infertile?  Recall what they did to Richard Mourdock for suggesting that a new life coming out of the miserable crime of rape could be God’s will?   Who would try to tell Ryan Bomberger, Rebecca Kiessling, and the rest of these people, who were conceived as a result of rape, that they should be killed?  The media, using false pretexts,  beat up two legitimately good political candidates so badly that their own cowardly party disowned them.

Don’t you think it’s time to return the favor to the abortion supporters, and their left wing media, whose war on women has killed  millions? 

Grab some links, write your own stories, spread them in your social media.  Bang the buttons below this post, or copy and  paste it into your email.  HELP YOURSELF!

Let everyone know that Obama and Planned Parenthood are not going to stop with Abortion.  They are out of the closet for infanticide.  

planned parenthood Alisa LaPolt Snow infanticide lobbyist for  Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates

War on Women

The Democrat party  has  conducted  a war on women, and is  projecting the blame on others similarly as in their war on minorities and their war on religion.

1) American lefties are supporting sex selection abortions, since the culling of girl babies from families generates abortion revenue.   The decision of a woman to kill her daughters and spare her sons is not to be infringed.

2) The lefties regulate  the population of their minority “voter stock” by abortion clinic placement and funding practices which has resulted in Blacks being aborted at almost 5 times, and Hispanics at 3 times the rate of Whites.

3) The Democrats  have not a word to say about the acquittal of the virginity testing docs in Egypt. There is total silence on this obvious violation of human rights. Testing virginity is a gratuitous vaginal entry which serves no medical purpose. As our Democrats look the other way, and Obama sends our tax money to the interim government there, the women who were violated by military virginity testers, including Dr. Ahmed Adel, have been thrown under the bus. The judicial decision amounts to a denial that the incidents ever occurred.

Using the already routine pre-abortion ultrasounds to inform women about her developing, unborn baby, before she decides to abort, is the leftist idea of rape. Since those ultrasounds area already a part of the procedure, it’s just the Virginia state requirement of  offering  information to the woman which has raised their cry of “rape”.

The Georgetown Birth Control Gurl, Sandra Fluke, has been compared to activists in Myanmar who have payed the price for their pro-democracy speech with long prison terms. At the women of the world summit, Hillary extolled women “who are assuming the risks that come with sticking your neck out, whether you are a democracy activist in Burma or a Georgetown law student in the United States.”
The ridiculousness of comparing Fluke, who is whining for free birth control, to women such as Zin Mar Aung, who spent years in jail just for writing a letter, is obvious to any sane person.

In the sclerotic brain of Hillary, our  desire not to have to pay for the birth control of college students at a $45,000 per year school, amounts to controlling women.

The leftist war on women, which they have  projected onto Republicans,  has allowed or fostered  the torture and killing of females, while profiting   from the mechanisms which are used  for increasing their  sexual availability.