Washington DC Navy Yard Shootings

There is a report of 16 people having been shot at the Navy Yard in Washington DC, with 4 said to be killed thus far.  It is claimed that one gun operator has been shot and killed and that another is “down”.   There is the suggestion that three people are involved.

Similarly to  the case of Major Nidal Malik Hasan, we are being assured that this is not an act of terrorism.

It will probably be a long time before this story has coalesced into something that is believable.  Do not hold your breath.

At The Blaze, a news timeline is being published.

Prayers for the wounded and deceased.

Obama “Recovery” Hurts More than Bush Recession

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the inflation adjusted REAL median annual household income has fallen twice as much during the “recovery” (between 6/2009 and 6/2013) as it did during the preceding recession.

That horrible economic plunge, at the end of the Bush term coused a 1.8% decrease in household income, falling $1002 from $55480 to $54478.  During the period which Obama’s media has labeled a “recovery” the median income fell 4.4%, or $2380, from $54478 to $52098.

The last four years of Obama has seen average  household income drop almost $2400  per year. expressed in 2013 dollars.  A lot of this decrease is due to the conversion of full time jobs to part time jobs.  Has this happened to you, or anyone that you know?

You have been hearing the Obama media call this decrease in Americans’ average income a Recovery.   Do you agree with this term?    Would the media have labeled such a Decrease as a Recovery if it happened during any other president’s watch?

Do you think that Obama’s decision to put off the Keystone pipeline for another year is encouraging an actual economic recovery?  Do you think his decision to stop the construction of coal fired power plants is encouraging economic recovery?  Do you think the spectre of paying for higher priced health insurance has encouraged companies to hire more people, or do you think it might be the reason that more jobs are now part time?

Do you think that any other president would have been held more responsible for the negative economic consequences of his policies?   Does Obama get a pass because the media does not expect as much from him as they have  from other presidents?

Washington Post Sold at Bargain Basement Price

…..lower than pawnshop markdowns.  WaPo, selling at a 87% percent loss (from its value 10 years ago, not counting inflation) was priced somewhere between flea market and free-cycle rates, and Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon.com  snapped it up as a cute news accessory.

Possibly the headlines touting his name and his company’s name constitute advertising which is worth the cost of this purchase.

This change of ownership is the buzz of media everywhere, eclipsing even the news of the New York Times selling off the Boston Globe for pennies on the dollar.

Pharmer had personally experienced the bias of the Washington Post, and  asked the interviewer about its effect on their readership and ad sales.   This might have been a reason for a stoppage of the regular, early summer calls from Rob Stein. 😉   It appears that he has jumped ship and moved to the NPR science desk.

Certainly internet news has put a huge dent in the print media industry, but almost all large newspapers maintain an online presence.   The leftie press has so tarnished its reputation, and chased away readers, that they can no longer maintain advertising  sales.  The occasional publishing of an actual news story has been aptly termed a “random act of journalism”. 


Did George Zimmerman get away with murder? No. Juror B29 is being framed. – Slate Magazine

Did George Zimmerman get away with murder? No. Juror B29 is being framed. – Slate Magazine.

Above are the headlines which were automatically generated when the WordPress “Press This” button was pushed on William Saletan’s  article on ABC’s treatment of  Juror B29, ‘Maddy’.

Going to the article itself, there is an apparent change, and the milder look is shown below.  The discrepancy is probably due to a need to keep the original link URLS and tags, after editors tone down the appearance of the article itself.

zimmerman hung juror Slate article grab 7-26-13

Aside from that apparent change, William Saletan has provided a good analysis of media bias coming from ABC. Their video cutting and editing provides an impression that juror B-29 thought Zimmerman was guilty of murder, but had to acquit due to the letter of the law.

When a less edited video is heard or viewed, it is apparent that the juror understood that Zimmerman was guilty of killing Trayvon, (an undisputed fact of the case) but that this was not manslaughter or second degree murder because no Intention to kill was apparent.  Saletan tells us that ABC interviewer put the phrase “got away with murder” in Maddie’s mouth.   She was repeating it  (vid link) as she analyzed the question being put to her.

Saletan gets a thumbs up for analyzing the media treatment of this case in a dispassionate way.  Click his link and read for yourself. 

You’ll meet a juror who wanted to find Zimmerman guilty of the killing, out of sympathy for the victim and his family, but knew that the charges did not fit the situation.  She put aside her feelings and  and conscientiously interpreted the law.  You will also see the ill effects she is suffering, now that she is aware of the government-fomented race war which has been generated from this case.

Jay Carney: Such a Cranky Boy

jay carney, gabe finger zimmerman question
Gabe Finger, high school intern with Daily Caller
Jay Carney still awaits puberty
Jay Carney still awaits puberty

Gabe Finger, a high school intern with the Daily Caller, appears to be further past puberty than Jay Carney, the Obama, White house spokes-kid. This might be one reason that the prospective journalist was able to get under his skin, with a question about the Zimmerman family’s current security issues. Violence fomented by the DOJ in the aftermath of the trial has instigated numerous threats to their lives.

Click here to watch intern Gabe Finger’s question, and Jay Carney’s inappropriately snippy response.

Below is the text, found at The Blaze.

“Because of the death threats being received by George Zimmerman and his parents, is the president going to take any action for their security or are they on their own?” the intern, Gabe Finger, asked.

Carney at first humored the high school student, referring him to local law enforcement in Florida. Carney said he had not heard of the reports about death threats against Zimmerman and his family.

“So they’re on their own?” Finger pressed.

“You can editorialize all you want and I have no doubt that you will, but that is a ridiculous statement,” an annoyed Carney shot back.

Kudos to Gabe Finger, who has likely exempted himself from all federal grants and loans for his college education.  This might turn out to  be a good thing for his future.

Media Continues Malpractice after Zimmerman Acquittal

John Nolte of Breitbart.com has provided a timeline of media abuse and dishonesty in coverage of the George Zimmerman / Trayvon Martin case.    It includes misrepresentation of George Zimmerman’s race, which was key in morphing a local shooting incident into a race war, as well as a distraction from national scandals of the Obama administration.The timeline also shows examples of the media editing the 911 call that Zimmerman made, and falsely attributing racist statement to him, in order to whip up racial tensions.

The New York Times chose to cover the verdict in the Zimmerman case with the image of a protester outside the courthouse, a distraught Black woman, Darrsie Jackson  with her  two children, Linzey Stafford and Shauntina Stafford,   continuing the misrepresentation of this case as a racial issue.  Chris Hayes of MSNBC has weighed in with his tweeted opinion of the verdict. The media remains invested in producing a race war.

President Obama, who is perhaps up to 25% Black, depending on which story of his ancestry one believes,  assisted in the effort to divide America by publicizing his affinity for Trayvon Martin.   George Zimmerman, a registered Democrat, who is 12.5%Black, as well as Peruvian, from his mother’s lineage, was painted as a racist thug, who was looking for an opportunity to shoot a Black person.  Obama’s Justice Department’s Community Relations Service  forwarded money and personnel to help organize protestors in an attempt to influence the legal system as it managed the shooting incident. 

The jury has acquitted Zimmerman of the murder charges, but he certainly will not ever be free again.  The threat of retaliatory violence will follow him and his family everywhere, as a direct result of the media malfeasance, and intervention by the Obama administration, which appears to have a vested interest in fomenting racial turmoil in the United States.

Non News: 74 shot in Chicago over holiday weekend.

Those gun control laws are really amazing.  Chicago, a city with very restrictive gun control reported 74 shootings over the July 4 weekend (4 day period) and 12 people were reported dead.

The media yawned at this news, and continually reported the losses of the airline wreck in San Francisco instead.  Incidentally, Chicago’s  weekend violence dwarfed those two crash  fatalities,  likely because of the construction and  safety  features of the Boeing 777.

Meanwhile,  there has been  a big rush for Illinois to pass concealed carry legislation today, to beat a federal court’s deadline to allow this practice in the state.  The lefties seek to retain significant restrictions, to hamper the ability to carry in public.


NBC Malpractice Watch

NBC has repeatedly been caught editing video and audio recordings  to convey  false impressions about a person or a bit of news.  The case of George Zimmerman’s 911 call has become famous, and NBC is now  being sued for cutting the audio to make it seem as though though Zimmerman was out  hunting Black kids.

Breitbart and Newbusters have been keeping tabs and if you follow those links, to the left,  you can see fudged news number 7.   You can follow this link to see number 6 of their collection, which creates some fake content in a Joe Biden speech.

Number 7 is cut to convey the false  idea that Pete Sessions thinks the poor are disproportionately comprised of rapists murderers and pedophiles.  They cut and pasted clips from a number of his speaking segments to assemble this bit of anti-news.  Instead, if you hear all of the segments, you will learn that Sessions is pushing  to cut food stamp benefits from those aforementioned convicted criminals,  so that those in actual need of assistance can be prioritized.

For those of you who hate conservatives, your feelings might be derived from listening to too much NBC anti-news.

Obama’s Big Ears Are Listening to You

William Binney, who worked for the National Security Agency for 40 years, quit after 911 had moved his employer to what he felt was excessive snooping on American citizens. He believes that all phone companies, and not just Verizon are involved in turning over records of calls to the NSA.

The surprise to many of those reporting on this issue of monitoring phone data is that it has continued and has drastically increased since Bush left office.

An internet surveillance program called PRISM, started in 2007 under Bush, and has also massively increased during the reign of  Obama. A report by another whistle blower reveals that internet giants Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Pal Talk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, and Apple are submitting to government snooping into the private data of their users. Apple is said not to have joined this effort until 2012,  after Steve Jobs had died. Perhaps this was part of the reason for the government attacks on the company.  Microsoft was purportedly the first company to jump  on board with the program.
The threat of lawsuits and “regulation” from the government has been enough to secure compliance from the companies.
Spokesmen from these companies continue to deny knowledge of government access to their databases.

It is interesting to watch some of the leftie media outlets responding to the idea that the government has been monitoring their private communications and internet activities, and that the Obama administration appears to have vastly increased the scope of the snooping.  This appears to have really gotten their attention.

Benghazi: Waiting for the Media to Catch UP

Ben Shapiro, at Breitbart.com has summarized the frustration that people in the New Media feel about waiting for the Old (decrepit) media to catch up.

Pro-lifers feel his pain.  We always have to wait years, and even decades for the lamestream media to report on what we have known forever.  There is the constant derision coming from the media elites, followed years later by their admission that we were correct all along.

In the case of the attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi, the media covered up an Obama administration cover up, so that BHO could be reelected.  Now that all the participating parties, except for Barry himself, have moved on to other jobs,  the Old Media is now forced to reveal some of the facts.  In doing so, they’re pretending that they were played as dupes for months by Obama and Hillary Clinton.

We know better.   Obama got re-elected, and he got away with ANOTHER coverup, similar to that of the Fast and Furious debacle.  Unlike the Nixon coverup,  Obama’s crimes have initially cost hundreds of lives and damaged U.S. foreign relations.   Many more lives will be lost due to our nation’s resultant loss of stature on the world stage.

The Benghazi story, which will be made clear in upcoming testimony by whistleblowers, is one more reason for people to stop viewing or reading the Old media, and turn to the internet for their news.