Obama to Raise Funds for Planned Parenthood

Obama will be heading to  a Planned Parenthood Gala (fundraiser) in Washington DC on Thursday of this week.  While the Kermit Gosnell infanticide trial proceeds,  Obama will be bringing in additional dollars for his long time supporter, which is the largest abortion provider in the U.S.Obama refused to comment on the Gosnell situation, giving the excuse that the trial is ongoing.

love at first sight
love at first sight

Update:  Amid all the furor over Kermit Gosnell’s trial for abortion and infanticide atrocities, Obama has opted NOT to give the keynote address at the Planned Parenthood fundraiser, opting to perhaps appear on Friday morning during the event.  Apparently this top  gathering of abortion supporters is a conference.  Its location has been a well kept secret, in order to ward off the pro-life protests.