According to the Indiana Constitution, Supreme Court Justice Steven David is up for reappointment by the People on Nov 6th.
JUST SAY NO to Justice Steven David.
Remember his decision to remove citizen’s right to resist unlawful entry of law enforcement officers into our homes.
Here’s the background you need to evaluate Pharmer’s advice. Click those links!
Indiana Judicial Elections, 2012 Note that Justice Robert Rucker, who dissented against the decision written by Justice Steven David, is also up for reappointment. With respect to this particular constitutional issue, Rucker survives the flush test.
Mitch Daniels Appointee, Indiana Supreme Court Justice Steven David rules contrary to 4th Amendment
The Indiana legislative bodies and Governor Mitch Daniels (who appointed Justice David) passed another law to negate that horrible Supreme Court decision.
Effort to Undo the Indiana Supreme Court Decision Overturning 4th Amendment Rights
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