Two More Lawsuits Against Sebelius and the HHS Mandate Move Forward

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago has ruled in favor of the plaintiffs in cases of Korte v. Sebelius, 12-3841, and Grote v. Sebelius, 13-1077.  These two cases, brought by Catholic business owners, argued against the HHS mandate which forces businesses to pay for birth control/sterilization/abortion.  Orders by lower courts have been blocked by the Court of appeals, and the finding written by Judge Diane Sykes, supports both the business owners’ AND the corporations’ option to sue over the HHS mandate.

The cases are returned to trial courts with instructions to block enforcement of the HHS mandate of the 2010 Obamacare act.  The 2-1 decision reversed those of the lower courts against the Catholic families and their businesses.  Edward White, the lawyer representing Cyril B. Korte says that he expects the Supreme Court to eventually take up this case due to its importance as a national issue  “to the people who run these small companies and are dictated by their faith in how they should run the company.”


Embracing post-fertilisation methods of family planning: Flushable Women

Embracing post-fertilisation methods of family planning: a call to action — Raymond et al. 39 4: 244 — Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care.

Elizabeth G Raymond of Gynuity Health Projects, and her colleagues suggest flushing women chemically every time they think they might be pregnant.  They even suggest the possibility of flushing women once per month  to be sure that no undesirable embryos are clinging to life in their reproductive tracts.  This type of chemical birth control is touted as possibly  preferable to the forms which have been designed largely to reduce the possibility of fertilization.

The group calls for more research targeting drugs which kill early human embryos.   It’s getting to be a brave new world, with flushable women to fulfill the sexual desires of guys who do not care about them.  Perhaps our overseers think that bringing this new class of drugs to market could enhance the financial position of the new class of part time female, service providers springing up in this economic “recovery”.

Sperm Donors Au Naturelle

It’s interesting to see what disturbs the intelligentsia these days, and compare it to what they condone.

There is little  problem with having sex with a 14 year old, and apparently less so if she commits suicide.

There is no problem with hooking up with a stranger as long as you prevent or kill the baby.

We’ve recently been regaled with a compendium of what passes for sexual propriety in our universities, by one Professor Mike Adams.  Displaying nude pics of children where pedophiles are gathering is OK, while stating the opinion that marriage requires a man and woman is not.  That’s just one example found in Adams’ amazing open letter which is really worth the click.

you can't flush your brain after this
you can’t flush your brain after this

Quite a bit if hand wringing is generated by the practice of meeting a sperm donor online, or through Craigslist, and getting pregnant the usual way. It seems that sleeping with strangers is only a problem if the intention is to make a baby. .

Long lost on the progressives is the idea that with repetition, sex tends to cause babies, (poorly designed birth control methods notwithstanding), and something is very wrong with killing them.

The Carmen Landau Toilet Abortion Protocol

Number six in the Live Action Late Term Abortion film series “Inhuman” features audio of  Carmen Landau and Shelly Sella of the South West Women’s Options Clinic in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Landau uses lethal injection to kill the baby on day 1, (the counselor describes intracranial injection),  does an ultrasound  examination on day 2 to make sure injection worked, then induces labor for delivery of the dead baby on the third day.

Landau has a hotel toilet abortion protocol for those women who begin to deliver too early in the induction process.  If they start to deliver in the hotel room, they are to sit on the potty  and dial the abortion clinic personnel.  The women are specifically instructed not to dial 911 because that might interrupt the process and change the outcome, particularly if the baby happened to be born alive.

Click to hear for yourself the information which Live Action’s pregnant investigator received about the abortion procedure at Landau’s clinic.

live action inhuman 6th video Carmen Landau


Non-news: Obama Administration Complies with Judge Lifting Restriction on Plan B Sales

The Obama administration will, as expected, comply with Judge Edward Korman’s order to allow all underage girls, and their rapists to purchase Plan B without restrictions.

The latest news incorrectly states that “If a girl or woman already is pregnant, the pill, which prevents ovulation or fertilization of an egg, has no effect.”

This misrepresentation conflicts with the manufacturer’s own provider information shown below, which recognizes that the pill has multiple mechanisms of action, some of which act AFTER fertilization.  You are not being well served, in matters of science and medicine, by the news media.
Another misrepresentation  involves word play with the term “pregnancy”.  This is now said to begin about a week after embryonic development starts, in order to disguise the fact that Plan B can operate to kill an early human embryo by affecting its ability to implant in the uterus.
Plan B One-Step Mechanism
Note:  Over the counter Plan B, which demonstrates <60 percent effectiveness in actual use, is like condoms with holes in them.

Melinda Gates and “Women Deliver” Bring Their Best to Women’s Health

Melinda Gates, wife of Bill Gates is continuing her quest to control  reproduction of the Brown people on planet Earth.  She’s been working on the Women Deliver Conference, an outreach by the abortion arm of the UN.  “Trainers” brought  to this week’s  conference in Kuala Lumpur include  Peter Singer (who thinks that infanticide is fine), and LeRoy Carhart,  (who has an unlicensed nurse at his Maryland Clinic, and a nurse who might lose her license in August, at his Omaha clinic).

Ms. Gates is raising funds to bring Depo-Provera, and other birth control to 120 million more women in the developing countries.  She has also partnered with the United Nations Population Fund, which has been helping  to administer China’s one child policy.  Gate’s latest push is called Women Deliver, but it’s much more likely to prevent that.

You would think that Gates could afford to bring better trainers than Singer and Carhart (whose Maryland clinic has eight pages of failures listed on its  last state inspection). Only women would put up with such low quality  “health care”.

Incidentally, three fourths of Maryland’s 16  abortion clinics failed to comply with safety regulations, as reported by that state’s Dept of Health and Mental Hygiene. One fourth of the clinics were deemed to be bad enough to be shut down immediately.   There’s not a chance that men would tolerate this kind of substandard health care for themselves.

Part of What’s Wrong with New York is that the Catholic Archdiocese Pays for Birth Control

As U.S. Catholics realize,  their bishops forgot about the birth control and abortion issues for a long time.  The instructional vacuum has hastened the social decline of the U.S.  About halfway through the last decade, under pressure from the Vatican, the bishops started notice that the richest nation in the world also had one of the highest abortion rates.  Another kick an the pants has jolted them to start paying attention to their birth control problem, which contributes to their abortion problem.

The New York Times noted yesterday that NYC’s Archdiocese, had been paying for birth control beginning prior to the time that  the man-who-could-not-be-Pope  took leadership.

We note that NYC also has an abortion rate higher than the rest of the U.S., and rivaling that of China and Russia.  New York City’s own media calls it the “Abortion Capital of America”.

Is Plan B Worthy of Pharmacy Shelf Space?

Now that whacky Judge Korman has removed the morning after pill, Plan B or Plan B One-Step from pharmacist purview altogether, it might therefore be treated by the pharmacists as an unhealthy thing, not to be sold in pharmacy environments at all. There are various over the counter products which are regarded by us to be ineffective and/or deleterious quack remedies, not worthy of being associated with any health care practice. Tobacco, ma huang (Ephedra sinica), and bitter orange have been deleted from the stock of pharmacies for health reasons. Many pharmacists have relegated homeopathic remedies to the trash heap, on account of the infinitesimal chance that the recipient might be ingesting or applying  an active medicinal ingredient.
The levonorgestrel in Plan B (U.S.)  and Levonelle (U.K),  is likely the least reliable hormonal birth control drug on the market.  It’s less than 60 percent effective per use, and is in a race with ulipristal acetate, or Ella, to the bottom.  Repeated reliance on this drug is likely to soon result in pregnancy, with the embryonic baby clinging to life, awash in an unbalanced mix of hormones.  Might not pharmacists be doing their patients a favor by telling them that this drug is too much of an unreliable, (and unethical)  mess to be used for birth control?