Call a Waaaaaaaaaaambulance: Congressional Staffers Fret About Obamacare


A Congressional Management Foundation survey reveals that Congressional aides in Washington DC, who make between $95,000 and $170,000 yearly are fretting over the cost and coverage of Obamacare. One staffer commented:  “Everyone felt as if we were pawns in this political argument,” says The Politico.

Remember, these are the people who write the regulations emanating from the multi-thousand page “Affordable” Care Act.  They’re feeling put upon by the cost of Obamacare, even though the Feds are subsidizing 75% of their cost. 

The bureaucrats and legislators of the federal government are living in a dream world.   How can they complain about any aspect of the bill which they are inflicting on Americans, whose median family income dropped to  $51,017 as of Sept 2013?

The federal subsidy for these Washington bureaucrats is funded by the very families who are only  making half or a third of their salary.  How do the idiots in government think Obamacare, or the subsequently planned  single payer plan, is going to work????

Forty Days for Life, Out and About, Abortion Clinics Closing

The fearsome Forty Days For Life Campaign, that biennial event that has abortionist quaking, is doing it’s Autumn thing. This is a nationwide prayer and rally effort which is strongly associated with abortion clinic closures. Forty one of the clinics visited by this group have shut down, with the latest being in Livingston Montana.

Call a waaaaaaaaaaambulance for abortion sellers from Sept. 25, to Nov. 3, because these 40 days are bad for their business.  When people become more educated about the nature of abortion, it naturally becomes more unwanted.

Forty days prayer vigils have sprung up in 501 different cities around the world thus far.  There are 306 participating cities on the roster this fall.  You can use this map to find a prayer vigil near you, if you’d like to participate.  It’s a big part of the multi-tentacled effort to end the demand for killing babies prior to birth, and bring respect for all human life.

Follow the Forty Days for Life Fall campaign HERE.

Atheists are screeching about Ball State’s Profs who believe in Intelligent design.

The hiring of Astronomy Prof Guillermo Gonzalez by Ball State University in Muncie Indiana has induced the misnamed  “Freedom from Religion Foundation” members to ‘urinate  lava’ once more.  The physical consequences of this inspire the Pharmer to call for them a fire truck as well as a


While unable to understand the inherent contradiction in his organization’s name,  (Atheism is a religion),  attorney Andrew Seidel  has focused his efforts to suppress freedom of thought at educational institutions.

Intelligent design involves a belief that God started the creation of things, but it does not specify a mechanism.  Therefore, those who believe in intelligent design may entertain all sorts of scientific…… T H E O R I E S ….about the mechanisms by which things were brought into existence.  (Dogmatist Atheists, please review the term ‘theory’.)
Creationism is a subset of belief,  under the umbrella of the thought  that God started things, and it  generally purports that He is much more involved in the specific steps of formation and maintenance.
Equating Creationism and Intelligent Design, as Andrew Seidel appears to do, demonstrates a good deal of ignorance of religion, science and philosophy.
Freedom of thought and inquiry at universities has certainly been stifled by intolerant and close minded individuals such as Jeffrey Coyne and Andrew Seidel. There is nothing wrong with suggesting to students that a Creator started things.  The default RELIGIOUS belief of atheists, that things are self initiating and self maintaining, has no physically demonstrable basis, and is as much a BELIEF, as intelligent design or creationism.  Any promulgation of the religious belief, that things created themselves, should be under equal  public scrutiny as the suggestions by Ball State’s other intelligent design proponent, Eric Hedin, who is now under “investigation” for his course content.

Professor Gonzalez should not feel that he has to continue restricting his more expansive thoughts on the origins of things to his blog.

Dial 911, for another Waaaaaaaaaaaambulance call for Steve Driehaus, Abortion Supporting Dem

When FORMER Ohio Rep. Steve Driehaus lost his 2010 bid against Republican Steve Chabot, he threw a temper tantrum directed at the Susan B. Anthony list.  The latter pro-life group had put up billboards citing Driehaus for his abortion support, because he voted in favor of Obamacare.  At first Driehaus pursued a criminal charges against Marjorie Dannefelser, of the SBA list, with the Ohio Elections board.  That effort was abandoned for an attempt to turn his loss in to money with a civil defamation suit, claiming that the SBA list cost him his job.

This suit was allowed to proceed, but eventually was decided against sore loser, Driehaus, by Judge Timothy Black.   This Obama appointed Judge, a former director of planned parenthood, initially  supported Driehaus’s legal pursuits, but eventually tipped in favor of the SBA List.  Possible inducements for this decision probably included the ACLU’s  backing of  the SBA List, (and their own interests) as well as the recent Supreme Court decision of the Alvarez vs U.S. (Stolen Valor) case.