Why Sex Stopped Being FUN, and became a Job and a Human Right

Arizona Birth Control Bill Allows Employers To Fire Women On The Pill Based On Religious Beliefs – International Business Times.

Above is a  touch stone,  a  headline from International Business Times, making  a false claim about Arizona legislation which would make employer coverage of employees’ birth control optional.

This AZ house bill 2625  allows employers to avoid covering recreational use of hormones for birth control based on their religious beliefs.  Women can still get coverage for medical need for indications other than birth control.  This bill does not  give permission to employers to fire employees for use of birth control pills. If the woman is obtaining her own pills, it would be a violation of HIPAA regs for the employer to have the info, and a violation of a bunch of other laws for the employer to fire for that reason. Nice try. The IB Times needs to surrender to the fact that the “war on women” ploy is not working. Birth control pills are just too cheap to merit such a whine-fest. Go back to that other loser “abortion”.
The headline  is an example of how completely unreliable the mainstream press is, as well as the ACLU and Huffington Post.

There are  many heated debates  over whether employers and insurance companies should pay for birth control pills when used to prevent or stop  reproduction.

One of the commenting individuals expressed offense that Pharmer  used the term recreational drug to describe birth control  drugs, and recreational  sex to describe the kind people have when they don’t want to make babies.  Specifically the idea was introduced that sex,  with the desire to avoid reproduction,  is NOT  recreational.   Pharmer thinks that when sex stops being fun, it is time to quit. 

Sex becomes a job  or a human right when people want others to pay for it!!!   It rises to the level of a religious freedom issue.   If a person has a belief that their sex is NOT fun, and it is a ritual activity that has become a JOB, then others should  respect it as a human right under the first amendment and pay for it, even if that  practice violates their own religion.    It’s Sandra Fluke all over again, and  despite  this admission from the Left  that sex is not fun anymore,  Rush Limbaugh  got in trouble for saying that it was a Job for Sandra.

Eureka!   The  pattern is elucidated:   Recreation stops being recreation, or becomes an offensive term when people start wanting to be PAID for what should be considered FUN!! They turn it into a job, a  ritual, or a human right!

It’s ‘welfare’ gone WILD!!!

The 13 Catholic Senators who voted against allowing Catholic organizations conscience rights | LifeSiteNews.com

The 13 Catholic Senators who voted against allowing Catholic organizations conscience rights | LifeSiteNews.com.

Catholic Senators who voted against the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act as the Blunt amendment

Mark Begich Alaska D
Tom Harkin Iowa D
Richard Durbin Illinois D
Mary Landrieu Louisiana D
John Kerry Massachusetts D
Barbara Mikulski Maryland D
Claire McCaskill Missouri D
Robert Menendez New Jersey D
Kirsten Gillibraind New York D
Jack Reed Rhode Island D
Pat Leahy Vermon D
Maria Cantwell Washington D
Patty Murray Washington D

*update- add Lisa Murkowski Alaska R, because she wishes she could take back her vote. She meant it to be about religious freedome, but she thinks her voters who want “free” birth control should be able to have what they want, because they’ve whined the loudest.

On the sidebar of this blog are links to the U.S. Senate and House, if you are in the mood to communicate with these people. Also check out the

The Catholic Advocate Congressional Scorecard

After What They Did to Palin, Lefties are Whining

Call a Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulance!

Lefties whined when Sandra Fluke, a Georgetown University Law student, was refused an opportunity to tout birth control and the desire to have it funded by others, at a hearing on the constitutionality of Obama’s HHS mandate.

Rush Limbaugh has seized the opportunity to give the grrls a taste of their own medicine.

He said that if tax payers have to pay for that law student to have sex, they should be able to see videos of it. He compared Ms. Fluke to a prostitute, for wanting the money from others in order to have sex, and likened the tax payers to johns.

What is it when a woman expects money for conducting her sex life? Rush made a reasonable analogy. Leftists are now shrieking about his disrespect for women.

What have they been doing to Sarah Palin since 2008, though she has never made such a request from others, and has comported herself with dignity?

What are they doing when they deny female patients the right of informed consent about birth control and abortion? What are they doing when they enable and support the sex selective abortions of girls? What are they doing when they oppose efforts to upgrade abortion facilities to at least the standards of veterinary clinics?

Rush has tweeked the media again, as he did when he invented the term feminazi. This is a sustained action tweek, which will pay off in much free media exposure of Lefties’ insane expectation that others be forced to pay for their recreational drugs.

Update *Over the weekend, Rush relented and apologized for some of his terminology used to describe Ms. Fluke. Congressman Darrell Issa is in no mood for apology, as his female staffers are enduring much worse vitriol because of his hearings on the constitutionality of the HHS mandate.

** Jimmy Castor Bunch experiences revival of their 40 year old hit: Troglodyte, thanks to Rush. Think of the Georgetown ladies going back to the barefoot and pregnant state, if they can’t get taxpayers to fund their birth control.

Celestial Discharge: Andrew Breitbart

Conservatives grieve the loss of another happy warrior, Andrew Breitbart, who fearlessly defended his profession, truth in journalism, and his beliefs publicly. Pharmer expresses gratitude to Breitbart for giving a forum to James O’Keefe, Live Action Films, the Memorial Day Weekend, Springer Scoop on Anthony Wiener, Fraud at the Dept. of Agriculture, the real Occupooper agenda, and so many other stories the old media chose to lose. Pharmer has this to say about Mr. Breitbart going to God so early : Good for him and BAD for US. Prayers for his family, and thanks for sharing him with America. His fearlessness and desire for truth is a model for conservatives to emulate

This one is up on my blog because this H.S. aged Gurl is responding in thoughtful and rational manner to the loss of Andrew Breitbart, whom she admired.

Thoughtful and rational at age 17……… yep she’s a real conservative.

Federal judge says Washington State cannot force pharmacies to sell morning after pill

Governor Christine Gregoire is expected to appeal the federal court ruling which supports the pharmacists’ right to not dispense Plan B for reasons of conscience.
Judge Ronald Leighton noted that Washington state accepted all sorts of secular reasons for not stocking or dispensing a drug, but excluded conscience reasons. He declared the application of their rules to force pharmacists to dispense morning after pills to be unconstitutional. He noted that the Washington Board of Pharmacy stocking rules were “designed to force religious objectors to dispense Plan B.
Judge Leighton had originally blocked the application of the dispensing rule to make Stormans’ pharmacy carry Plan B, but that was overturned by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which remanded the case back to Leighton. After an 11 day trial, this new opinion was issued, which Leighton says has been created with a skeptical appeals court in mind.
Kevin Stormans, owner of Ralph’s Thriftway pharmacy and fellow pharmacists have been waging a legal battle since 2007, with the aid of The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, and Seattle law firm of Ellis, Li & McKinstry.

Pharmer congratulates these courageous Washington Pharmacists on their legal victory, and prays for their continued success.

See the Ruling by Judge Ron Leighton HERE.

Injunction Granted for Physician Conscientiously Objecting to Abortion in Spain

Physicians win victories for conscientious objection to abortion in Spain | LifeSiteNews.com.

Spain recently liberalized its abortion laws allowing abortion on demand up to 14 weeks and a bit more restriction for later abortions. Since that time, doctors have been struggling to have their human right to avoid killing patients recognized by the socialist government.

The Superior Tribunal of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia has ovrruled a lower court and granted an injunction giving Dr. Manuel Resa conscientous objector status, until a final decision on the rights of doctors can be reached.

Previously, the Supreme Tribunal of Spain ruled against a couple who sued a doctor for denying them the opportunity to abort their baby, by failing to inform them of an untoward fetal diagnosis. The ruling stated that the deformities were not of serious enough nature to invoke such “right” to abortion.

Sending Health Care Back to the Dark Ages

Democrats: GOP Conscience Protection Amendment Would Take Us ‘Back to Medical Dark Ages’ | CNSNews.com.

Click  above and see  Crazy democrats who think that protecting  conscientious health care professionals  and their institutions  will send health care back to the dark ages.  Their real message is that government should involve itself in the distribution of birth control  / abortion / sterilization, and enslave the unwilling to pay for it and to participate in the distribution.  This further extends the  violation of civil rights that is abortion.

The Republicans are opposing government mandated distribution and enslavement.  Under the Blunt amendment,  people would have to obtain their own birth control / abortions/ sterilizations  from willing providers.   Those who are unwilling to do this could retain their freedom and self determination.

In general, the Democrats  are most easily able to order others to do their killing for them.  Their separation from the actual act of killing preserves them from perceiving the consequences directly.  Possibly they also  are on enough meds to dull the pain.  The Democrats remain the party of slavery.

Killing is not an easy thing to do.  Pharmer knows personally  that killing animals for research or for eating is not easy.  It is very hard for military people to kill.   Most veterans take no joy in thinking about past  combat experience.  Some will avoid even killing animals for food, or exterminating vermin.  Some even have to catch and release when they go fishing.   Killing is  the not  the thing that  normal people  want to do.

There are decreasing numbers of abortionists.  Many health care workers cannot stay in that field for long.   It causes sickness.   The Dems are wanting to involve all of the tax payers and health care professionals in this killing.  They resent  those of us who don’t want to kill the very young, the disabled or the elderly.

We will be leaving health care  in order to avoid the assignment of killing.

This is what will send health care back to the dark ages.