The Daily Signal has 21 questions for the Washington Florist who is being sued for refusing to provide service for a same sex marriage. You won’t see this view in the mainstream media, which is why she received mountains of hate mail.
This Lady exhibits a great deal of kindness and courage, along with her (enviable) natural social skills.
From one with fewer social skills comes some financial analysis:
Mrs. Stutzman is being sued as a business owner, as well as personally. This means that ALL of her assets are up for grabs.
Who is footing the bill for this decision to punish a person for her religious beliefs, for an act which does no real harm, and does not even limit services to the affected couple? THE TAX PAYER! The costs of these kinds of frivolous litigations are borne in large part by the public, since public facilities are used and tied up by the proceedings, and since the public safety net covers those made broke by paying the damages. Most of it is mediated by government funded bureaucrats.
In addition, after all of the accumulated wealth of the Stutzman’s is transferred to lawyers, and to the gay couple, the couple will become eligible for all sorts of federal and state services, and of course, YOU, the taxpayer will be paying.
Basically YOUR money is being transferred to a gay couple, lawyers, and a bloated legal system, because ONE florist, among many, could not do their wedding on account of her religious beliefs. It is important to know that these legal proceedings were initiated by the State Attorney General, in an assault on cultural diversity.
Please think about this, and determine if you want it to continue.