Reid Changes Senate Rules: Now Obama Can Appoint any Judge He Wants

Harry Reid and his Dems have changes long standing Senate rules which have stripped the Republicans of any power to stop such things as judicial appointments and cabinet appointments. It will no longer take a 60 percent majority to stop debate on a judicial appointment. Apparently this rule change is designed to apply only when the Democrats are in power. It becomes void if the Democrats lose the majority.

Pro-lifers, Greenies,  Anti-war protesters, and Tea Partiers get ready for some jail time. You know how sensitive the Dems  are about any public dissent to their policies. Remember when pro-lifers were being fined and jailed under the RICO laws?? It’s going to be worse now, and not just for those of us who don’t like abortion.

By the way, Harry Reid cried and moaned whenever the Republicans even thought about such a power grab.

Preaching and praying in public is going to bring jail time, just as it does in so many other countries without first amendment rights. Just you wait.

Republicans, how’s that bi-partisanship working out for you?

2014 is a good year to go and vote against your democrat senator.  One wonders if this is enough to pry  the U.S. Catholic hierarchy loose of their attachment to the lefties.

Cursing the Children – The Party that Brought You Obamacare

When the Lefties  tell you about how much they care for the children, remind yourself that this love and compassion often comes  to a screeching halt when they lose their tempers.

Professor David Guth is suspended at the University of Kansas for his response to the (Obama supporting) gunman who killed a douzen peole at the Navy Yard in Washington DC.

He tweeted:  “#Navyyartshooting  The Blood is on the hands of the #NRA. Next time, let it be YOUR sons and daughters. Shame on you. May God Damn you.” 

What a delightful guy.  He was even able to embarrass a University with his vitriol.  David Guth, who stands by his tweet,  is the poster boy of academic tenure.

Next up is Allan Brauer, the current communications chairman of the Sacramento, CA Democrat party.  Check out what he had to say Amanda Carpenter, in response to her tweet exhorting Republicans to stop Obamacare.  Allan’s first luminous COMMUNICATION:  “@amandacarpenter May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases.” Amanda Carpenter  retweeted his curse, saying that he “deserves some unfollows” from Twitter-ites.   You’ll have to click the above link to see Allan’s further replies, which describe infestations by cestodes  and pthiris species.   This Dem Communicator has perhaps been cruising the underbelly of the internet too long, and has REALLY forgotten how to behave in public.

Later, feeling a loss of popularity, Allan Brauer apologized for the death curse on Amanda Carpenter’s kids, but, as of this afternoon, no  such statement was forthcoming from the Sacramento Dems, nor California Democratic Party spokesman.

Two Colorado State Legislators Recalled over Gun Control Bill

Two democrat senators,  the president of the Colorado State Senate, John Morse, and Angela Giron, from a heavily democrat district, have been recalled and replaced with republicans.

These successful recall elections were fueled by voter backlash against the ridiculous gun restrictions which these two, and other Democrats had touted, and pushed upon their electorate.

Dems are whining that the NRA spent money in Colorado, but leftist national funding sources (including NYC Mayor Bloomberg)  spent more on these elections, trying to bolster the two former senators.

Perhaps other politicians will take note that supporting such gun restrictions will cost them their political careers.

Obama Exempts Businesses from Obamacare Mandate Until 2015

Businesses will not have to comply with the Obamacare employer mandates until 2015.  Individuals will still be required to purchase health care insurance or pay a fine.   This gives ALL businesses a chance to drop health care for their employees entirely, which will force many individuals out to the Obamacare exchanges.

This decision, NOT to enforce a major provision of Obamacare, was brought to you by Obama himself, without the review or consent of Congress.   It further cements  the illegal/unconstitutional practice of unilateral executive decisions to NOT enforce existing laws.  Obama has done a fair amount of this.

It was determined that forcing the businesses to purchase health insurance policies at the  new, exorbitant  prices under Obamacare, would be bad for the economy and bad for the Democrats in 2014.   So another disaster of Obamacare was kicked down the road.  The media increasingly has ceased using the term “Obamacare” to describe the (un)Affordable Health Care Act, as they would like to dissociate this debacle from their messiah-in-chief.

The problem is that individuals who are dropped from health coverage by their employer will have to find their own plans.   Insurers, such as Aetna and UHC have been dropping  individual policy offerings in various states, so many will be forced to federal insurance exchanges.  Many states do NOT have those federal exchanges.

Add to this the fact that 47% of the American workforce, more than ever before, has only PART TIME JOBS!!!!  While the government is claiming that employment is up, the proportion of those who are underemployed, is rising fast.  Service industry jobs are up, and generally higher paying production jobs are down.

In short, more people will be without health care insurance, (while  paying extra fines to the government) than ever before.  Obama is hoping that the fallout might hit after 2014 elections.

So the take home final point…… Obama quietly and unilaterally decided not to enforce a major portion of  his train wreck health care program, because it is not good for the democrat party in this next election season.   The fact that Obamacare is not good for Americans is not an issue for him.

Chairman of Buzzfeed will Halt Donations to Dems Who Fail to Support Gun Control

Kenneth Lerer, the chairman of, is a major financial supporter of Democrat politicians.  He has threatened to cut off funding to those who fail to support Obama’s program of expanded background checks for gun purchasers.  David Bohnett, a tech entrepreneur and Democrat money source is also threatening to cut off the funds for the same reason.  Grace Tsau-Wu, a Chicago money bundler has reached the same conclusion.

The Democrat politicians have to decide between their ability to get votes from their own  rank and file voters, vs the  ability to sell themselves  using money from the leftist oligarchy which runs their party.

Obama’s Economic Success – Foodstamps!

January 2009  – 31,939,110 food stamp recipients.

October 2012   – 47,525,329 food stamp recipients

2009 food stamp expenditures 55.6 billion

2012 food stamp expenditures  80.4 billion

SNAP, the food stamp program, does not account for all of the 106 billion spent on food assistance in 2012.

Next time a leftie tells you that the economy is improving, ask him to account for these numbers, which show an average daily increase of 11,233 food stamp recipients during Obama’s first four years.


Sister of Charity, Marge Kloos Agrees to Plead Guilty of Vote Fraud

Sister Marge Kloos, 54, of the Sisters of Charity has agreed to plead guilty to a charge of fraudulent voting. She apparently sent in an absentee ballot for Sister Rose Marie Hewitt, who had been celestially discharged’ on October 4th 2012.

Is Sister Marge a democrat? Pharmer bets the Pharm on it. The Chicago native joins the embarrassing list of Catholic left-leaners who signed  this Letter to John Boehner, which exhorts him to stop his cooperation with the “reckless Teaparty”.

Sister Marge  has resigned from her position as the dean of the Division of Arts and Humanities at Mount Saint Joseph College, in Delhi twp., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Sister Joan Cook, president of the Sisters of Charity says that her organization is  cooperating with the investigation of Sister Marge Kloos.

Gabby Giffords’s Husband Buys AR-15

Gabby Giffords's Husband Buys AR-15.

<--- Worth a Click, because Mark E Kelly has been running around with his wife, Gabby Giffords, the latest poster-girl of gun control, giving testimony in favor of democrat weapons bans. On the day after such testimony, Kelly was photographed purchasing a 911-style semi-auto pistol, an AR-15 semi-auto rifle, and high capacity magazines. When the news leaked out, he announced on facebook that he would be turning in his AR-15 to Tucson police, but has not mentioned what he will do with his pistol.