Obama Administration is Committed to Making His Sequester as Painful As Possible

The Sequester is not really a cut in spending at all, but a reduction in the projected increase.  The spending in 2013 will still be larger than 2012.  However Obama promised a lot of pain to be associated with the sequester, and it would appear that federal officials are being ordered to make this happen.

And example comes from an internal email exchange by an Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service official, Charles Brown.  He asked if he could spread whatever cuts might affect his region to make them as painless as possible.  The answer was that he was not to do anything to lessen the impact on fish inspections,  so that the effects  would be as dire as Obama warned Congress they would be.  Cuts in his area are to eliminate aid to prevent wildlife damage  to the aquaculture industry in 24 states.

In other words,  we have direct evidence that Obama is going to make  HIS sequester painful, and blame the whole idea on the Republicans.

Obama also has threatened that he  has an ability to target cuts, eliminating meat inspectors, for example, so as to reduce the available food supply.  He might not remember that his supporters will be punished most of all, as this cut would  affect the inner city “food deserts” more than the most rural areas.   (Pharmer recalls to mind  the increasingly severe cuts in DRUG supply which the nation has been experienced during Obama’s tenure.)

Since this APHIS email  came to light, the  USDA is walking back the implications of the report, saying that they will try to mitigate the effects of the sequester as much as possible.

The Washington Times also noted that the White house was facing questions on the 50 million dollar order for new TSA uniforms that it made just before the sequestration took effect.

Obama is also closing the White house to tours, and blaming this on the sequester.  Perhaps he fears blowback from  his obviously vengeful attitude towards Americans.   Inside the beltway, people are asking why Obama can’t keep the White house open, noting that President Lincoln was able to do so throughout the time of the Civil War.

Barrie Obama is no Abe Lincoln.

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad Tells Karl Rove to Stay Out

Iowa Gov. Branstad to Rove: ‘Stay Out’.

Karl Rove, who is currently at war with the conservatives of the Tea Party, and who has been instrumental in the defeat of a number of Tea Party backed candidates, has been asked to keep his super PAC out of Iowa.

Governor Terry Branstad told Rove that it is not smart for groups from outside Iowa to be attacking candidates in that state.

Rove has been attacking Representative Steve King, who is in the running for the Senate seat being vacated by Tom Harkin.    Since he is a conservative, Rove’s PAC has been smearing him, and accusing him of having the “Todd Akin problem”, and that everything he has ever said is going to be hung around his neck.

Yes, the Republican establishment is wanting to eat the conservatives.   We have no place in that party.

Thanks to Gov. Branstad for having the sense to tell Rove to get lost.

In another sign of the Times,  the California Republican party has put Ben Shapiro in a keynote speaking position formerly to be filled by Rove, supposedly due to a scheduling conflict.  Perhaps this is an attempt to throw an olive branch to conservatives.

Pharmer believes that the Republican party is too far gone, and that much more pain, and a great deal of shrinkage,  is to befall Americans before there is a return to constitutional and conservative principles.


The Next Republican Loser, Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush: I Would Govern Like Lyndon Johnson as President.

The republicans defunded Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock WHY?????

According to the Miami Herald,  the republicans’ next loser, Jeb Bush, has mentioned that he would imitate the style of Lyndon Johnson as president.

It doesn’t even matter that Jeb was talking about a style of dealing with the legislative branch.  He should not have mentioned imitating LBJ in public!.

Even LBJ knew he was no good………. and did not try to run for office a second time.  he was a notoriously corrupt politician on a number of levels, in addition to being a tax and spend leftist.

One of Jeb’s major problems is that he thinks that caving on illegal immigration will somehow make Hispanic voters love republicans more.   If that were the case, the dems would not be suggesting that republicans take this path.

Instead, the new immigrants are to intended form the next  underclass of dependent voters to support Democrats.  This is why there are directions on immigration websites and ads everywhere, directing  immigrants  to welfare assistance.

The biggest unfairness of amnesty for illegals is to the immigrants who bothered to follow the law, and obtain their residency or citizenship by legitimate means.

Pharmer’s 2012 decision to leave the republican party is being repeatedly validated.

Soylent Brown- Double Horsemeat Fraud

Horsemeat found in British supermarkets ‘may be donkey’ – Home News – UK – The Independent.

It seems that a change in Romanian regulations has banned horses drawn carriages from the roads.   This has resulted in wholesale slaughter of horses, and is said to have precipitated fraudulent horse meat distribution throughout Europe.

Now it appears that there may be an added problem.  Some of the horse meat might actually be DONKEY!!   Is it actual donkeys, or have leftists taken their convictions about recycling to the max??  🙂

The Food Standards Agency of Europe is rejecting the idea of a ban on all meat imports.  Their claim is that all the products on sale are safe for human consumption.

Pharmer begs to differ.


Robert Zimmerman Says Brother George Supported Obama

Zimmerman Brother: George Supported Obama, Wanted to End ‘Club of White Men’.

George Zimmerman, who was thrown under the bus by Obama after the Trayvon Martin shooting, had been an Obama supporter,  his brother Robert tells us.  He campaigned for Obama within his own family.  George registered to vote as a Democrat, and as Hispanic.

According to Robert,  George felt that Obama  was the man to represent a country that was a multicultural melting pot.

Click the top link for a video of the interview in which Robert Zimmerman speaks about his brother, who, unlike many democrats, was definitely not racist.

Bill Clinton, Father of the Year

Our social institutions have been reduced to parodies of themselves.  The National Fathers’ Day Council has named Bill Clinton as Father of the Year. 

Bill has certainly amassed some interesting references on his curriculum vitae  for that honor:

Here’s an old story from Drudge about Danny WIlliams, of Arkansas, the son whom Clinton never recognized. Bobby Ann Williams tearfully told Paramount’s “Hard Copy” that her son, Danny, was fathered by Bill himself.

Gennifer Flowers recounted in her book “Passion and Betrayal” that Clinton paid for her abortion of their child.

Monica Lewinsky, Clinton’s  other famous mistress, assures us that the child she aborted was fathered by a pentagon employee, during a hiatus in her affair with the former president.

Linked here is  an interview given by Juanita Broaddrick who came forward to tell us that Bill Clinton raped her while he was Attorney General in Arkansas.

The National Fathers’ Day Council might assure us that Bill Clinton has  bolstered his daughter, Chelsea’s sense of self worth by his use and abuse of the myriad women in his life.

Is the Democrat Party Really a Good Fit For Most Black Americans?

A couple of months ago, there were  stories on the internet claiming that Allen West wrote a kinki love letter to his wife, asking her to be his “personal porn star”.  Leftie press was having a fit over this.   Humor and hyperbole are wasted on those journaLOSTs,  so you can correctly surmise that all sorts of accusations about hypocrisy were flying about, with Allen West being a conservative family man and all.

Pharmer imagines that Angela West might have derived  good fun from such a letter, along with some assurance that her husband’s testosterone laden brain was running wild about her, rather than other women.

Much more informative are the comments following this story in News One for Black America.  In contrast to the trash that  you’d find under such a post  in Huffpo or Daily Kos, there are comments asking why personal letters between a couple should be sprayed all over the internet.  Some expressed personal admiration for Allen West as a family man, despite political disagreements.  These responses  outnumber the types of comments that you would see at a usual democrat leaning  site.  Check out the mix for yourself HERE.  It might  leave you further mystified as to why most Black Americans  are voting leftie.

County By County Election Map of Last 100 Years | Video | TheBlaze.com

County By County Election Map of Last 100 Years | Video | TheBlaze.com.

People really do lose their minds, thinking that each election indicates a new “permanent” condition. Check out this vid, linked HERE at the Blaze, showing the drastically changing election maps over the years.

Don’t worry, be happy…….. practice preventative health measures, get a real religion, get your state to nullify obamacare.

Did you ever think think those liberation and social justice theologists could have been so machiavellian as to tout Obamacare as a panacea for the “unwashed masses”???
Natural selection……

Petraeus Compromised from Within?

Someone has probably come to this conclusion, but Pharmer hasn’t seen it yet.

We have heard thatDavid Petraeus’s leaky girlfriend, Paula Broadwell spilled some classified type beans at the University of Denver.  She says that her ex boyfriend  David knew almost immediately that there was a TERROR attack on the Libyan embassy in Benghazi.

Meanwhile, her ex-boyfriend David had testified in a  closed congressional meeting that the attack on the embassy was inspired by that anti-Muslim video that almost nobody saw.

We also know that the FBI and people higher up in Washington knew quite  some time ago that David and Paula had been doing the wild thing, and that  David obsessively sent thousands of emails to Paula after their breakup, thereby making an utter fool of himself.

Heres Pharmer’s guess, just from the little news which has come out on the matter:

David Petraeus was  the real security problem, because he  compromised himself, and was in turn compromised  from within the Obama administration.  Obama’s Abysmal Foreign Policy was concealed with the help of Petraeus because they had the goods on him.  They could tell the world what a drooling old fool he was for Paula, and what was in all the humiliating emails he sent to her when she broke up him.  Therefore it wasn’t hard for the thugs in Chicago to get David Petraeus to lie for Obama to congress.   This lie very likely affected the outcome of the election.  Even  people who live for free Obama stash might have found this cover up of Obama’s Abysmal Foreign Policy too much to handle.

The conservatives that we have in Congress are still a minority.  We’ll have to wait to see what the majority of wimps think about this.