Wendy Davis: Gaffe Machine

We might need to call a


for Wendy Davis because she is choking when she speaks.

NO Chance that Greg Abbott would be seen in  Wendy's pink sneakers
NO Chance that Greg Abbott would be seen in Wendy’s pink sneakers

Of Gregg Abbott, pictured above, she says “anyone who tries to say otherwise hasn’t walked a day in my shoes.”

as she staunchly sticks to her life story of poverty and woe, and leaving out the very supportive second husband, Jeff Davis.
The metaphors crash and burn in the rhetoric of gaffe machine, Wendy Davis.

Thanks to Debra Heine of Breitbart who brought the firehose to this Wendy Disaster scene.

Full text of the Wendy’s statement: from Washington Post.com blogs:

“We’re not surprised by Greg Abbott’s campaign attacks on the personal story of my life as a single mother who worked hard to get ahead. But they won’t work, because my story is the story of millions of Texas women who know the strength it takes when you’re young, alone and a mother. I’ve always been open about my life not because my story is unique, but because it isn’t.

 The truth is that at age 19, I was a teenage mother living alone with my daughter in a trailer and struggling to keep us afloat on my way to a divorce. And I knew then that I was going to have to work my way up and out of that life if I was going to give my daughter a better life and a better future and that’s what I’ve done. I am proud of where I came from and I am proud of what I’ve been able to achieve through hard work and perseverance. And I guarantee you that anyone who tries to say otherwise hasn’t walked a day in my shoes.”

Move Washington to Nebraska

Move U.S. Capitol to Nebraska - Ben Sasse Senate Campaign Ad
Move U.S. Capitol to Nebraska – Ben Sasse Senate Campaign Ad

Ben Sasse a conservative Nebraska Senate candidate has created a fun ad, touting the concept of moving Washington to Nebraska.

Pharmer’s mind wanders to contemplate leftists with bulging eyes, losing their minds among the wheat and soy and livestock around them.
Then pity erupts for Nebraska….. THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD.  It’s like installing a giant cesspool in your back yard.

Sasse is speaking figuratively of flushing Washington of the leftist insanity and transforming it into a government that understands how Americans live.  Check out his cool ad. 

Senator Lindsey Graham Faces Tea Party Challenge

At this point, there are four tea party candidates set to challenge Senator Lindsey Graham, who has been long thought to be Democrat Lite by conservatives. Since South Carolina is a runoff state, a strategy for each challenger to garner as much support as possible, and then agree to support the lead candidate in a final race, could topple Graham.


Is it just Pharmer’s hallucination, or do Lindsey and Angela look like sisters, separated early in life?


Republican Candidate Mike Collins Does His Best Van Damme

Georgia Republican Mike Collins  is running in 2014  for Paul Broun’s seat in Congress.  He own’s a trucking company which is adversely impacted by Obamacare, and has produced a great Parody of Jean-Claude Van Damme’s Volvo ad, to express his dismay.

Click here to see  Collins’ trucks rolling slowly forward as he does his regular guy splits.   You’ll need to turn up the volume to hear the last part of what he says, but over all, it’s a fantastic ad.   The YouTube link HERE has better volume.  Visit the Overhaul DC website to learn more about this great communicator.

Mike Collins, GA Republican does his best Van Damme imitation
Mike Collins, GA Republican does his best Van Damme imitation

Obama Administration Revving Up for Christmas

The first Christmas Present from Obama is to delay the Obamacare Mandate for Small businesses (unilaterally, without an act of Congress) so that fewer people will find out how much his health-kill plan sux until after the 2014 elections.  The other reason for the delay is that these incompetents could not get the website up and running in time to implement the requirements of the law as it was written.  The delayed, Dec 1 deadline also can’t be met.  This should increase your longing for  a totally socialized system, with the current administration of idiots running it.

visit thepeoplescube.com
Obama Evil Santa from The People’s Cube

You can head to The People’s Cube to find out the 12 burdens of Obamacare that SantObama has for us… in a parody of the classic song.

Evil SantObama’s IRS  is now auditing a cancer patient who dared to tell Fox news that his insurance policy had been cancelled because of Obamacare.  The man’s luck changed when  insurance company subsequently found a way for him to keep a policy, but the IRS is going to audit his 2009 books and punish an insurance broker, who dared to lend him assistance, with an audit back to 2003.

visit http://theloonkingspoon.com
Take your Medicine -The Looking Spoon

The message is that you are to keep silent while Obama screws your life away.


Cuccinelli Campaign Says National GOP Abandoned Them: ‘We Were on Our Own’

Cuccinelli Campaign Says National GOP Abandoned Them: ‘We Were on Our Own’.

As of October 1, the Republicans pulled funds from the Governor’s race in Virginia.  Ken Cuccinelli ran his race on a shoe string, and came within 1.4 points of McCauliffe, whose funding and support from the Dems was HUGE.

The combined votes of Cuccinelli and the Libertarian were 53%.

If you were ever thinking of sending money to the Republican National Committee,  remember that they surrendered  the Governor’s race in Virginia on purpose, because they’d rather have an Obamacare  and abortion supporting leftist extremist than a real conservative.

Virginia Dem Lieutenant Governor Candidate Refuses to Shake Hands with Conservative Opponent

Democrat candidate for lieutenant governor, Ralph Northam is a leftie, endorsed by Terry McAuliffe, the other leftie who is running for governor.

Northam got into a televised debate with his opponent, conservative Republican, E.W. Jackson,( who absolutely ROCKS).   It seems that Northam doesn’t agree with your friendly Pharmer on that issue, and rudely refused to shake Jackson’s hand, though he was even offered a second chance to do so.

E W Jackson proffers hand twice to Ralph Northam, who refuses to shake it.
E W Jackson proffers hand twice to Ralph Northam, who refuses to shake it.

We’re not so sure what inspired Northam’s total lack of civility, but we’ve seen lefties commit all sorts of social abominations against Black Conservatives in the past, and fully expect it to continue.  You can watch a heated debate, HERE, which ends with the candidates’ difference of opinion on gay marriage, and Jackson’s spurned attempt to shake Northam’s hand.

By the way, the Virginia Governor’s race has become very HOT, with Ken Cuccinelli closing the gap in the polls.  Obama is campaigning for Dem’s who have vastly outspent the conservative team.  We’re hoping that the enthusiasm of the  conservative grass roots overcomes the big Democrat money machine, and that  the lefties McAuliffe and Northam are sent packing on Tuesday.

Two Colorado State Legislators Recalled over Gun Control Bill

Two democrat senators,  the president of the Colorado State Senate, John Morse, and Angela Giron, from a heavily democrat district, have been recalled and replaced with republicans.

These successful recall elections were fueled by voter backlash against the ridiculous gun restrictions which these two, and other Democrats had touted, and pushed upon their electorate.

Dems are whining that the NRA spent money in Colorado, but leftist national funding sources (including NYC Mayor Bloomberg)  spent more on these elections, trying to bolster the two former senators.

Perhaps other politicians will take note that supporting such gun restrictions will cost them their political careers.

Bishop Earl Walker Jackson fires up Election Race in Virginia

Ken Cuccinelli now has the fiery minister E.W. Jackson  as a running mate in his race for the governor of Virginia.  Bishop Jackson is a lawyer, businessman, and clergyman who is absolutely unafraid to advance his conservative principles.   His unapologetic presentation on a wide range of social, economic and governmental issues is causing the left to do what it always does,  accuse him of extremism and bigotry.   What has them so worked up?   Jackson has taken measure of what Planned Parenthood has been doing to the Black community, and has compared the abortion giant’s death dealing to that of the Ku Klux Klan.

Rev. Jackson was raised as a democrat, and like so many other congenital conservatives,  had to leave the party as it devolved into its current (leftist, statist)  form.

If you admire the sort of principled conservative who refuses to  walk back any of his statements whenever the media whines,  get behind E.W. Jackson, as he runs for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia.

Bishop EW Jackson, Conservative Extraordinaire
Bishop E W Jackson, Conservative Extraordinaire

Learn more about Bishop E W Jackson’s views at his campaign site.