What Cantor Defeat Means for American Citizens

Not much, says Rep. Luiz Gutierrez, (D-IL).  Obama can move forward with immigration amnesty without the help of congress.  He’s King.   Most Americans with part time jobs can forget about working full time in the near future and earning more than the bottom level health care, or owning a dwelling.  The crony investors who have the ear of Obama have decreed that they need cheaper labor, and so he will get it done, while at the same time securing a permanent underclass which will vote for big daddy government.

The current minority populations of American citizens are being screwed too, as they will have to compete for jobs with those for whom the employers don’t have to buy Obamacare.  American citizens cost more to employ, as a matter of law.

Al Sharpton, a big proponent of  immigration amnesty, is calling the Dave Brat victory over Cantor a threat to civil rights.  He long ago abandoned Black Americans as a demographic group in favor of open borders and what he calls “immigration rights”.  Possibly Black Americans, who wish to maintain or augment  their jobs and business, are ready to dump the Rev. Sharpton.   He’s doing them no good at all.

The stark reality remains, that the federal government has lured underage immigrants to travel to America, unaccompanied by an adult, with the promise of goodies from the government, subjecting them to all sorts of abuse along the way, and upon their arrival.   This realization, that the government actually advertises to lure illegal immigrants, is much of what propelled the underfunded David Brat to such a shocking victory over Eric Cantor.

Eric Cantor, House Majority Leader Has Lost His Primary

Pharmer’s oldest kid was surfing on his phone last night, and announced that Eric Cantor had just lost his primary to Dave Brat, a Tea Party Backed Candidate, by a wide margin.  This is exciting news, since Cantor has been pushing unregulated immigration, (otherwise known as amnesty) for a long time, irritating the Americans who are struggling to make enough money to pay for their Obamacare.

Recently, the Obama administration has been advertising the joys of life on welfare on television and in the embassies of countries south of here.  This has resulted in an uptick of migration to the U.S., particularly by underage individuals.  Yes, this is another facet of Obama’s war on kids, this time subjecting illegal immigrant children to various and sundry abuses and atrocities as they travel northward to the land of milk and medicaid.  News of this in the conservative media did not help Rep. Cantor among the Republican base, and so he is OUT!

Ben Shapiro at Breitbart.com provides an analysis of the electoral consequences HERE.  Check it out.

ELECTILE DYSFUNCTION- J.D. Winteregg Slams John Boehner

John Boehner’s young political primary challenger, J.D. Winteregg  has come out of the box with a hilariously effective ad.  You won’t forget this one.  Click HERE for a look. 

It’s so good, you might even donate to the Winteregg campaign after you crack up laughing.

if your Boehner lasts more than 23 years
if you have a Boehner lasting more than 23 years
can't punch its way out of a paper bag
inability to  punch one’s  way out of a paper bag
your electile dysfunction could be a question of blood flow
your electile dysfunction could be a question of blood flow
J.D. Winteregg for Congress
J.D. Winteregg for Congress

Matt Bevins has Tea Party and Conservative Support

Matt Bevin, the  underdog challenger to Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell , is endorsed by various tea party groups, including Tea Party Patriots.  Bevin is a more conservative pro-lifer than most, and therefore could not garner the support of some of the mainstream “pro-life” groups.  They might not agree with his idea of cutting medicaid funding for birth control.  They might also find his family of 9 kids, four of whom are adopted from Ethiopia, to be over the top.

Andrew Bair, writing in LifeNews,  notes that Bevin has support from the Northern Kentucky Right to Life organization, a group too conservative to be on his radar.  NKRTL is an uncompromisingly pro-life  group which opposes the birth control scam with which the left has successfully held women in thrall.  Mitch McConnell does not answer survey questions coming from Northern Kentucky Right to Life.

On the other hand, Tea Party support for Matt Bevins has been due to such things as  his insistence upon debt limits, and respect for immigration law. Mitch  McConnell has voted many times to increase the government debt ceiling, (thereby funding Obamacare), and has been  supporting amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Pro-lifers such as Andrew Bair would do well to ponder if it is OK to vote to increase government debt, (thereby upholding the basis of the anti-life  Obamacare), to allow people who broke immigration law to push ahead of immigrants who have shown respect for U.S. laws, and to give these illegals access to health care coverage which has been R E M O V E D from working Americans.

War on Women: Rand Paul Calls out Dems Who Fundraise with Bill Clinton

Rand Paul demands Democrats return money raised by ‘sexual predator’ Bill Clinton – Washington Times.

Sex pervert Bill Clinton has been making unwanted advances, having sex in the workplace, and has been accused of rape by two different women.  He remains to this day very popular among Dems, and a preferred fundraiser for their campaigns.

Clinton’s behavior gets a pass because he’s been such a stalwart abortion proponent.  Basically, the Dems and Nina Burleighs of the world believe it’s OK for a man to be a sex abuser as long as he supports abortion.

Rand Paul is calling the Dems out with respect to their own War on Women, and their hypocrisy for using the pervert in chief as a fundraiser.

Unmentioned in the above article is Hillary Clinton’s role as First Enabler.  She is the one who suppressed Bill’s frequent “Bimbo Eruptions”.  The Clintons had a whole team of operatives whose job it was to smear and crush any woman who complained about Bill’s unwanted advances and sexual impositions.

For anyone with a good memory,  Democrats accusing any conservatives of a war on women seems ridiculous and 180 degrees out of phase.

Wendy Davis Extra Fancy, Struggling Single Mom

It’s legal to spend campaign funds to upgrade one’s rented dwelling, but it might not be good for the struggling single mom image.

With the added $131,000 that Wendy Davis  apparently spent on her rental upgrades in Austin, she might have raised herself into the more rarified lifestyles of the abortion industry’s upper echelon. Her 2012 income from legal work with Newby-Davis  is listed as $275,000.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, Davis has charged some fancy  rental expenses to her campaign funds, while in Austin, and her living circumstances have been steadily upgraded with each passing year.   Details of her luxury lifestyle can be obtained HERE.  

These years of high living appears perfectly legal thus far, and would be just fine (even laudable as a stimulant to the economy) if Wendy were not campaigning on the poverty bus.

Davis is not keeping up with the Palins of 7 years ago (before they got rich),  with respect to the charitable contributions. She’s a little more like the Clintons and the Gores of old, according to the small numbers revealed by the Texas Tribune.

Sandra Fluke Files to Run For Henry Waxman’s Seat

Sandra's "nutritional supplement"
Sandra’s “nutritional supplement”


The Georgetown birth control gurl, Sandra Fluke will be filing to run for the seat vacated by Rep. Henry Waxman of the 33rd district in California.
What she has actually done so far is to file with the California Democrat party for an endorsement to run in the election.

Sandra’s star power comes from being recognized as the one who needed families, whose average income amounted to her yearly tuition bill, to pay for her birth control.

That ought to qualify her as a congressional Democrat right there…

UPDATE 2/5:   NEVERMIND!   Sandra has decided to downgrade to run for California State Senator instead.   (Perhaps she knew that most of the country would be laughing at her if she ran for Congress)

GO TO The People’s Cube!

Ann Coulter Catches Up with Tea Party


Ann Coulter, who will say just about anything, to anyone, has come on board with those who realize that the republican party is moribund.  Click above to see what she has to say about the suicidal immigration plan that the party has cooked up, in order to supply servants and cheap labor to their  larger donors.

It will take too long to replace the festering rot of the republican national committee.  Forming a conservative alliance could be a much faster process.

The best thing to do is take the GOP off of the ventilator.  We will suffer under Leftists  for a few more years, but this will be the only means to sweep away the republicans who really are leftists in disguise.

Don’t stay home from elections.  Remember that you need to bring up some good conservatives in your state and local area.  If you need to skip some of the national elections, go ahead and do that, or vote for an actual (non democrat funded) conservative third party candidate.