US drops biggest-ever human trafficking case amid evidence doubts — RT

US drops biggest-ever human trafficking case amid evidence doubts — RT.

The Justice Department has just dropped a criminal  human trafficking case against Global Horizons which involved accusations of exploiting 600 farm workers. Eight executives and associates, including CEO Mordechai Orian were charged.

Workers are said to have been lured to the U.S. from Thailand,  with the promise of high wages, but instead detained in  over crowded, poor housing with inadequate food.   In some cases they were kept on the premises by guards.

After spending millions of dollars on the case, the Justice Department is dropping it on the basis that they feel there is inadequate evidence to prove guilt beyond the shadow of a doubt.  Three of the eight defendants in the case pled guilty but will have an opportunity to retract their pleas.

The dismissal order states:  Based on this further investigation, the government has determined that dismissal of this matter is in the interest of justice.

Last year, Federal prosecuters dropped a similar case against Aloun Farms in Hawaii after the lead prosecutor misstated the law while presenting to a grand jury.  OOPS!

(Is this how campaign funds are being raised?)

Catch-Release Voter Program

That’s what Rush Limbaugh is calling the Obama order to allow young ILLEGAL immigrants to stay in the country and given work visas.    Obama is feeling rather desperate about his reelection chances after driving off his minority support with the HHS mandate, the War on Women, his approval of gay marriage, and their high unemployment rates. He’s been needing to develop a pool of voters, to cut his looses.

Obama administration makes election-year change in deportation policy –

Obama had assured us  that it was illegal for him to make such a ruling, and the congress must pass legislation to change the immigration policy.

In an election year,  respect for the law, and the constitutional separation of powers is OUT the window!

Federal Judges Overturn Two Indiana Laws

Weekend Hidden News

News From AP |

U.S. District Judge Tanya Marie Walton Pratt ruled on Friday (in time for the news to be hidden over the weekend)  to Block portions of the new Indiana abortion law, particularly the part which stopped  state  funding to planned parenthood.   Judge Walton Pratt was nominated by Sen Evan Bayh, and appointed by Obama,  apparently to help carry out the leftist agenda of keeping Indiana’s minority populations under control.

The Indiana Atty. General is likely to appeal.

U.S. District Judge Sarah Evans Barker blocked parts of Indiana’s new immigration law, claiming that immigration is a federal issue.  Judge Sarah Evans Barker, a 1984 Reagan appointee, after a quarter century, is  signaling her readiness to retire, in a manner analogous to that of  Senator Richard Lugar.

Anti Obama Billboard Removed After Leftie Terrorists Threaten Sign Owner

After violent threats at his business, and then more such calls to his wife from leftie terrorists,  a billboard sign owner removed an anti Obama ad which had displayed in Grand Junction Colorado.

The billboard showed Obama as characters of  issues which his administration has mishandled,  a terrorist, gangster, a mexican bandito, and a homosexual.

The identity of the person who actually created and ran the billboard ad is not given.

Historically leftists hold at least  four top world records for killing those who oppose their views.

Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler………

The Cojones-Caliper – for measuring, that is.

44 – Palin: Obama lacks ‘the cojones’ to tackle immigration.

Plain spoken Palin draws fans  from among the real Americans with her blunt manner of self expression.

Sarah  is not the first one to have questioned the male endowment of the president. James Carville had suggested that Hillary surpassed Obama in this area, and Evan Bayh had referenced the praise for Hillary’s greater ‘testicular fortitude’ given by a steel worker’s union official in Indiana during the Democratic primaries in 2008.   Rush and crew are credited for uncovering those tidbits in a timely manner.  Rush  suggested  blaming  the apparent presidential problem on Rev. Jesse Jackson, who had expressed a desire to perform unauthorized surgery into a live microphone at FOX.

The male hormone output  of the president is  not impressive, and  evidence suggests that the incidental testosterone issued from the adrenals and ovaries  of  the Lady Conservatives is  much  greater.

We suspect that data obtained from vernier caliper measurements  would bring further evidence of the president’s meager endowment, but certainly have no interest in the work of acquisition.

Is there anyone with sufficient curiosity to review and research the correlation of gonad size and testosterone production?  The federal government has funded stranger studies 😉

While pondering the academic possibilities using federal STIMULUS, watch Sarah telling it like it is.

Judge blocks parts of Arizona immigration law – Yahoo! News

Judge blocks parts of Arizona immigration law – Yahoo! News.

Arizona’s pathway to the Supreme Court has begun.  This Judicial action will serve to keep immigration at the forefront of election issues.

As we know, the vast majority of Americans support Arizona’s attempt to address the failure of the Federal government to enforce its own immigration laws.   As the main gateway from Mexico,  Arizona has suffered the most socially and economically from ILLEGAL immigration.

Hillary Kisses off Future Presidential Bid

Hillary announces the Obama administration lawsuit against Arizona regarding it’s immigration bill which mirrors the existing federal law, that is not being enforced.

Can Arizona sue the Obama administration for non-compliance with federal law?