How is a REAL Medical Clinic Regulated Compared to an Abortion Facility

Dr. Grazie Pozo Christie runs a radiology clinic in Miami, and has written a piece explaining how a REAL medical clinic is regulated by the government.    Please click HERE, to read what she has to say about her clinic’s regulatory burden vs. that of abortion clinics.

Those who run legitimate medical facilities deal with endless inspections which assure compliance with state and federal regulations.  They have to maintain compliance with HIPAA, and satisfy massive lists of criteria with respect to facilities, certifications of personnel, and record keeping, to be able to serve medicare and medicaid patients.

On the other hand, those who run abortion clinics do not have to comply with the same sets of standards.  It appears, from the way that many facilities are run, that inspections are few and far between.   It seems that our abortophilic governmental bodies are giving them a free pass to operate in a substandard manner.

Your friendly Pharmer has seen medical records  from abortion clinics.  By comparison to patient records from  real health care facilities, the information has been  scant and incomplete.

There is a reason that the ambulances are wearing a path from abortion clinics to the hospitals.  In general, they have a much  lower standard of care.  It is amazing that women in the United States are satisfied with this.

Barbara Boxer: Gosnell’s Clinic is Situation Normal

A cadre of pro-life Republicans have signed onto a senate resolution to hold hearings on the matter of Kermit Gosnell. Barbara Boxer and Richard Blumenthal have opposed this resolution, with Boxer saying that Gosnell’s problems are like those of any other medical clinic.

Sooooo, all of you medical clinic owners……… how do you like being compared to Kermit Gosnell?
Are newborn babies killed at your facilities?
Do you regularly fail to clean your examination rooms, procedure rooms and equipment?
Is meperidine still your pain reliever of choice?
Do you keep separate waiting rooms for Blacks and Whites as he did?

How would you like to give Barbara Boxer a piece of your mind for smearing your business?

Boxer, Barbara – (D – CA)
(202) 224-3553

Live Action Films LeRoy Carhart: It’s Like Putting Meat in a Crockpot

That’s the famed late term abortionist, LeRoy Carhart telling a woman what happens to the baby lying dead in her uterus for 2 or 3 days. He states that the body becomes soft and mushy.
Live Action Films brings you the fourth video in their series at the interface of abortion and infanticide. Click HERE to see it. <—

live action infanticide video 4 Leroy Carhart

Please pass this information, as well as the other three films and the Kermit Gosnell news on to your friend and associates. Help us make up for the fact that the media no longer transmits the news. Social media links are below each post.

Live Action at Arizona’s Abortion/Infanticide Interface

In the Third video of Live Action’s Inhuman series, Dr. Laura Mercer at the Family Planning Associates Medical Group in Phoenix Arizona tells us more than we want to hear about late term abortion at her facility.
A counselor fills in the blanks, assuring the pregnant Live Action investigator that if the baby is born alive, “They will not recuscitate”. Digoxin injection is pushed at the clinic as being a way to reduce suffering and make sure the baby is born dead, but it is not a required part of the procedure.

Watch the third video of  Live Action Film’s six month investigation into the practices at the late term abortion clinics.   Click HERE to view.

The first part of video three features Planned Parenthood lobbyist Alisa LaPolt explaining that the mother and the abortionist should be the ones to decide what to do to a baby if it is born alive after an abortion attempt.  Then it details the policies and procedures at the Arizona Family Planning Associates Medical Group.


live action infanticide video 3 Arizona

Live Action at the Abortion/Infanticide Interface Video2

At the Washington Surgi-Clinic  in our nation’s capital, the Live Action undercover team catches abortionist Cesare Santangelo describing his manner of bypassing the requirements of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.
He informs us that the worst thing his clients could do is panic and go to the hospital if they go into labor during the laminaria treatments. Then they could be stuck with a baby. If the patients wait, and come to him, he could assure them that the baby would not survive. His method of preventing survival is to sever the umbilical cord and cause the baby to bleed out.  Watch the video HERE.  <—Click it.

live action infanticide video 2-1 live action infanticide video 2- 2

For decades, early delivery has been a preferred method for late term abortions, because it allows practitioners to avoid the surgical mishaps, perforations, infections, and lawsuits.  This procedure, when done after viability,  leads to infanticide.  The baby is either killed actively or by exposure or medical neglect.

Don’t forget to tweet or otherwise pass this along in social media, because the media does not want people to know what’s going on in America’s abortion clinics.

Live Action: Late Term Abortion/Infanticide in New York

Live Action Films is in the process of uncovering American Infanticides.
The first portion of the film is done at Dr. Emily Women’s Health Center, 560 Southern BLVD, Bronx, New York, which does abortions up to 24 weeks gestation.
Hear the description from an abortion employee of the manner in which a born alive baby is killed at an abortion clinic in New York.

And what if the baby is born alive at home? “Flush it!”

The full footage of this video is offered online HERE

Infanticide is Here to Stay

Judge Jeffrey Minehart is dropping three of the murder charges, a charge of infanticide and  five counts of corpse abuse in the Kermit Gosnell case.

Count on abortion clinics adopting the practice of throwing live born babies immediately  into the freezer, rather than attempting supportive care.   This will prevent anyone from determining if the babies took their first breath before they died.

It does not matter that this information was published here.   The abortionists have surely been poring over the evidence and testimony in the Gosnell case  (which the media hides from the rest of the world).  They’ll know exactly how to dodge the Born Alive Infants Protection Acts.

People don’t want to know about this stuff, because they can’t deal with it.   There’s no change from the Germans who ignored their NAZIs, or Muslims ignoring their freakazoid bomber fanatics.

Infanticide is here to stay.

Obama to Raise Funds for Planned Parenthood

Obama will be heading to  a Planned Parenthood Gala (fundraiser) in Washington DC on Thursday of this week.  While the Kermit Gosnell infanticide trial proceeds,  Obama will be bringing in additional dollars for his long time supporter, which is the largest abortion provider in the U.S.Obama refused to comment on the Gosnell situation, giving the excuse that the trial is ongoing.

love at first sight
love at first sight

Update:  Amid all the furor over Kermit Gosnell’s trial for abortion and infanticide atrocities, Obama has opted NOT to give the keynote address at the Planned Parenthood fundraiser, opting to perhaps appear on Friday morning during the event.  Apparently this top  gathering of abortion supporters is a conference.  Its location has been a well kept secret, in order to ward off the pro-life protests.

Intrapartum Toilet Delivery Protocol

After the multiple law suits from women whose uteruses he perforated, Kermit Gosnell apparently found a way to avoid the surgical mishaps of late term abortions.  He refined  the Intrapartum Toilet Delivery Protocol. 
Part of this protocol is described by Latosha Lewis: “If… a baby was about to come out, I would take the woman to the bathroom, they would sit on the toilet and basically the baby would fall out and it would be in the toilet. I would be rubbing her back and trying to calm her down for two, three, four hours until Dr. Gosnell comes.”

Breitbart presents the janitorial nightmares which resulted from this abortion/infanticide clinical's Janitorial nightmare

Janitor James Johnson testified that “he had threatened to quit because he would not retrieve babies’ body parts from the toilets where they had been stuffed. Johnson said he would lift the toilet so that someone else could get the babies out of the pipes.”