Pamela Geller catches NYT Anti Catholic Bias

The atheist group, Freedom from Religion, was able to run an Anti-Catholic ad in the New York Times last week. Pamela Geller designed an analogous anti-Islam ad based on the first ad, and predictably the NYT has refused to run it. Their reason is that the Muslims do not have an edict to turn the other cheek like Christians do. What they tell us is that they’re worried about security of the U.S. troops. You can see the two ads side by side HERE
Geller states that her ad was designed specifically to reveal bias, and points out that the New York Times was not worried about the security of U.S. forces overseas when it published extensively on Abu Ghraib.

Pharmer suspects that the New York Times editors are protecting themselves, not the troops. They rely heavily on Christians to turn the other cheek. What might appear to be a their bias towards Islam is really physical cowardice, rather than a true ideological preference for that religion. Both Catholicism and Islam are far too restrictive for their lifestyles.

Muslims are Following Evangelical Christians into Homeschooling.

Muslim families turn to home-schooling – Washington Times.

In the U.S. the majority of home schooled children are evangelical Christians, who have developed extensive curricula extending from K to grade 12.

The Washington Times highlights a program started by Cilia Ndiaye, who, as a child, was removed from school and taught at home after unpleasant experiences with the other students dissing her for her religion, and for wearing the hajib.

She now offers a curriculum which can be bought, or is free online for those who cannot afford to pay.

This report also mentions Muslims who feel more comfortable sending their kids to Christian religious private schools, rather than public schools, for the benefit of moral training in the educational process.

Still in its infancy, the Muslim home school movement hopes to duplicate the success of the Christians: children performing much higher on the standardized tests than the students from public schools.

Is this for Real? Fatwa on Necrophilia

Fatwa: Necrophilia Is An Acceptable Practice In Islam.

Zamzami Abdelbari, an Imam in Morocco is said to have issued a Fatwa that necrophilia is Halal. The marriage vow is valid even after death. He adds that the it’s OK in both directions, but did not specify how a surviving wife could accomplish this.
According to Morrocco Board News, the Imam has suggested that though it is Halal, necrophilia is disgusting, and is best to be avoided.

The brave women of the Middle East: Female protesters brutally beaten with metal poles as vicious soldiers drag girls through streets by their hair in day of shame | Mail Online

The brave women of the Middle East: Female protesters brutally beaten with metal poles as vicious soldiers drag girls through streets by their hair in day of shame | Mail Online.

Muslims are invited to take a look at the article linked above  and comment on the success of the “Arab Spring” which Obama and George Soros ENDORSE.

Those Muslims who have a problem with this barbaric treatment of women (and minority religious groups)  should be redirecting their commerce and charitable donations  to avoid supporting  this activity.

Aghanistan: Woman Must Choose Between Prison and Marrying her Rapist

Afghan Woman Gulnaz to Marry Rapist or Serve 12 Year Prison Sentence | Video |

Gulnaz was raped and impregnated when she was 19 years old.  Now she is in prison with her young daughter and has the choice to stay there for 12 years, or marry her rapist (and risk death from an honor killing).

The rapist of course is not in prison.

Pelosi, Grand Kleagle  of the Feminazis, has plenty to say about the ‘atrocity’ of refusing to pay for and participate in abortion.  She finds that Catholics  have a this “conscience thing”….. but does she have a problem with the way that some of these whacko Islamic cultures treat women?

Do you hear the Silence of the Feminazis?

Al Quada’s American Outreach Experts Killed by Drone

Two U.S.-Born Terrorists Killed In CIA-Led Drone Strike | Fox News.

Samir Khan, of North Carolina and Anwar al Awlaki of New Mexico were killed by the drone method in their newer home of Yemen.   Both of these two served as  Al-Quaeda outreach to U.S. citizens.

Khan co-edited “Inspire” magazine, which translated Al Quaeda ideology  to English.  Al-Awlaki was the radical Islam preacher of cyberspace who is blamed for mentoring Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the Fort Hood killer.

The justice department might struggle with the concept of executing U.S. citizens without a trial, while insisting that terrorist prisoners, and prisoners of war   from other countries should have been granted trials in New York as U.S. citizens.   We might ask Eric Holder to present an argument on that matter in between his efforts to cover up his Fast and Furious troubles – using tax dollars to buy guns for the Mexican drug cartel.  

After assassinating multiple Muslims, how is Obama going to raise campaign cash in the Middle East like last time?

Meet the AILC- American Islamic Leadership Conference

American Islamic Group Supports Oklahoma Ban on Foreign Laws Like Sharia | Video |

The AILC is pretty much the American Muslim answer to CAIR.   This group is supporting bills  (for example in Oklahoma and Michigan) which would serve to prevent the use of Sharia law within the U.S.    It favors the equal treatment of all religions, with no one’s particular religious  laws used to supercede American law.

Another group, the  Alliance of Iranian Women reminds us that many Muslim women fled their home countries to escape the ravages of Sharia law.

This is a reminder that CAIR   does not represent the majority views of American Muslims.

On the far opposite side of the supporters of Sharia law, Wafa Sultan states that the true practice of Islam is incompatible with Western law.  She sees Islam as including a political system which is in direct conflict with US law.




Libyan rebels round up black Africans – Yahoo! News

Libyan rebels round up black Africans – Yahoo! News.

There is racial profiling by the Libyan Rebels – determining by color who might have been employed as mercenaries by Moammar Qaddafi, (how do you spell his name this week)?

The rebels are gathering  Blacks and holding them in “jails” (concentration camps).  Most of the detainees are thought to be non-aligned migrant workers who had no part in Qadaffi’s army.