Media is Out of the Closet, and ‘Fact Checking’ is Fantasy

Is CBS News your trusted news source? Pharmer sees no reason to obtain information from any mainstream television source. John Dickerson is called Slate’s chief political correspondent, but he is also the Political Director at CBS News. He’s been caught telling us just how he feels about the Republican party.

Dickerson thinks that Obama needs to destroy the republican party in order to prevail.  This is in keeping with his old habit, dating back to Illinois politics,  of eliminating, rather than beating political opponents.

Dickerson says that Obama needs to “pulverize”. If he wants to transform American politics, he needs to go for the throat”. 

Do you see a reason why the republicans should be striving for approval from CBS or any of the other alphabet networks??

John Nolte, at Breitbart thinks that the media, having come out so blatantly as sycophants of Obama, will wear out their welcome into the televisions and computers of the American public, and eventually go belly up.

On to the FUN story of the week.  Politifact has mud on its face slung by Reuters announcement that Fiat, which bought Chrysler will be making a hundred thousand Jeeps in China by 2014  They’ll be working with Guangzhou Auto Group to become big players in the auto industry.

What was the biggest lie of 2012 according to Politifact??  It was Romney’s campaign ad, which picked up early on this news and ran with it.   Politifact refuted the ad as a lie, and  blamed the story on a conservative blogger.

The Romney ad claim, which Politifact  called the biggest lie of the year, is actually the  literal TRUTH!


Abortionist in Chief, Using Children as Props, Announces 23 New Gun Control Edicts

Obama signed 23 new executive orders, expanding federal control over the distribution and tracking of guns.  Congress is also expected to deal with new legislation, as a solution to the governments utter failure to enforce the existing legislation.  The fact that the cited gun violence is concentrated in the areas with the strictest gun control has been ignored, thus revealing that the new legislation is not about protection or safety at all.

As the Abortionist in Chief pretends to be pushing gun bans for the sake of the children, take some time, surfing links below, to review some of his killer classics:

Obama Selling His Daughters for the Abortion Cause Again.
Remember how he didn’t want his daughters to be PUNISHED with a baby?

Obama on Abortion: to the left of most abortionists

President Barack Obama’s Pro-Abortion Record: A Pro-Life Compilation |

Opposing the Born Alive Infants Protection Act of Illinois,


Lefties at NYT decry for-profit health care institutions

Health Care and Pursuit of Profit Make a Poor Mix –

If you’re feeling bulimic today, you can read (above) a leftist, Eduardo Porter, telling us that profit and health care don’t mix.

Health care professionals are supposed to do their work for free.   Profit is evil and the motivation for making money should not have any association with health care. How this leftie  expects to attract people to incur huge educational debt, and enter  into a very difficult field to work for nothing, is anyone’s guess.

There’s a claim in the NYT article  that a health care institution which switches from non-profit to for-profit is more likely to experience patient  deaths over subsequent two years.   The cited study admits that the shock of switching management and workers, and a myriad of other factors  could have much more to do with this effect than the mere acquisition of a profit motive. In fact, the effect of the staffing changes, and the patient mortality rate recedes after the initial shock of change.  This is a strong indicator that the mere profitability has nothing to do with the mortality rate, and that the shock of reorganization and personnel changes has everything to do with it.  The initial pressures of an institution to sell out to private investors is also discussed in the original study as a major factor.

The NYT also cites a 30 year old study of an unmentioned number of Southern Wisconsin nursing homes, and implied from the invisible data that for-profit institutions used higher doses of sedatives in their patients than the non-profits.

That the New York Times would try to convince you that health care workers and institutions should provide services for free, or at cost, is no surprise. That they would extrapolate the study results from religious affiliated non-profits, and pretend that government-run institutions would operate similarly is similarly  not a surprise.

It would, however, be a huge shock and surprise to see the leftie press calling for ABORTIONISTS to provide their services at cost, and take no profits.   There’s a fortune in abortion, and this is true for Planned Parenthood, which is excused from taxes as a supposed non-profit  (though it does make and report profit), as well as the multitudinous for-profit abortion industries. See an example of Planned Parenthood’s form 990.  Don’t ever hold your breath waiting for abortionists to be held to the same standards as real  health care providers.

You will NEVER hear a cry from the New York Times that Universities should cease to take profits,  or stop  paying their instructors and administrators well over the salaries and benefits of equally educated private sector employees.  You will never hear them ask that the salaries and benefits  of public school teachers be reduced to that of similarly educated private sector employees.

Those involved in furthering the agenda of the left will continue to reap profits and rewards well above the national average with the blessings of their media machine.  However, they won’t be satisfied until the rest of us, who provide essential goods and services, are working and living as slaves.

Journal News Hires Armed Guards – Will Their Names Get Published Also?

The Gannett owned Journal News of New York published a map showing names and locations of gun owners in Rockland and Putnam Counties. This fueled a vigorous backlash, including bloggers publishing the names and addresses of that news rag. A flood of negative mail and commentary has deluged the leftie press, shocking Editor Caryn A. McBride. As a result, the Journal News now has hired ARMED guards from New City’s RGA Investigations Company.

Pharmer is amused.

Different Justice for Leftist Elites, vs Common Folk

Andrew K.  Despres was expelled from Fitchburg State University for possession of pot  and what is said to be other minor infractions.  Subsequent to this, he misbehaved,  by going, without permission, into the school grounds to collect his belongings.  This  caused police to finally notice his punked out, fake .308  Ammo Belt, and throw him into jail.

It will take  the Fitchburg cops a good while to figure out that the ‘fashion’  ammo belts are very fake and don’t have primers and powder.  People can get them at punk/emo stores such as Hot Topics, or on Ebay.  While  supposed “ballistics testing” is done  to determine that the ammo is totally non-functional,  Despres is held in jail, pending someone in his family selling off something big to make $ 50,000 bail. 

By contrast, David Gregory, certifiable member of the Elite Leftist Class, is probably going to skate, though he violated Washington DC law by possessing and displaying a large capacity ammo magazine on his show, Meet the Press.  This upper class leftie  even had prior warning from law enforcement not to show the magazine.  Expect Gregory to not even have to pay a fine for breaking one of the types  of gun ban that he  advocated on his show. 

This is just one more example of the difference between the Little People of America and the Elite class, with respect to application of the law.   Look for increased disparity in Obama’s Amerika.

Update:  Despres spent a week in jail before his bond was reduced to $500 dollars.    David Gregory is said to have gone on vacation.

Update……. Yep, David Gregory was excused by the D.C. attorney general, Irvin Nathan.  He’s above the law, like so many other lefties.

Janeane Garofalo Forgot That She Has Been Married for 20 Years

Janeane Garofalo Dissolves 20-Year Marriage She Never Knew Existed.

Remember Janeane Garofolo, leftie activist, stand up comedienne, and whacko, Obama acolyte extraordinaire???

It seems that she married Rob Cohen (Big Bang Theory producer) while drunk in Vegas about 20 years ago, and forgot about it. She was reminded recently when he wanted to marry someone else. His lawyer dug up this little complication, and the two ex-lovers had their marriage dissolved.

Below is a previously featured vid by Alfonzo Rachel, spoofing whacky Janeane.