Just Letting Those RNC Folks Know……

Possibly the Harvard graduates at the Republican National Committee are not smart enough to understand that if you shrink the birth rate to below replacement rate, there won’t be enough people to support the elderly, and society will switch to a plan of denying health care and other support in order to conserve resources. On the other hand, it might be that they have the same plan for our elderly, disabled, and very young as the democrats do. The birth rate in 2011 is as low as ever recorded in the U.S. That announcement comes from the CDC’s data for 2011.
During the time leading up to the election, your friendly Pharmer was busy, and had no time for the RNC. She was too busy sending donations to the candidates they threw under the bus, among the myriad other work, domestic and political activities.
Soo, yours truly decided to drop an opinion at their site today. It’s short and sweet.

Mr. Priebus et al,

Social policy is intertwined with fiscal policy inextricably. Much of the reason for the debt crisis, to which the republicans paid lip service, is due to population demographics. It’s a conservative estimate that over a hundred million Americans are NOT here due to the propensity of people for killing their offspring prior to birth. If you were wondering how to fix social security and medicare, please get a clue.
I was practically born a republican, and proudly 1st-voted for Ronald Reagan over Jimmy Carter. The RNC does not want me or my kind in the party. We do not fit the agenda. After the RNC violated Reagan’s 11 commandment by throwing pro-life candidates under the bus for incorrect phraseology, it became clear that it’s time for me to move on. I donated to the candidates whom you tossed out.
I am a blogger, public speaker, and health care professional, I am no longer Republican, and am taking as many people to tea-party with me as I can.

Jesse Jackson Jr. Wins Reelection From Mayo Clinic | NBC Chicago

Jesse Jackson Jr. Wins Reelection From Mayo Clinic | NBC Chicago.

As you might know, Jesse Jackson Jr. has been in a treatment center in Arizona, and in the Mayo Clinic, where he has been diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder, and gastro-intestinal problems.

More significant than the medical difficulties preventing Jackson from functioning at work, or campaigning, the FBI has launched a criminal investigation of Jackson’s financial improprieties. An Ethics committee is investigating his attempt to buy the vacant senate seat of Barack Obama.

These problems did not prevent Jackson from winning Illinois 2nd Congressional seat in a LANDSLIDE!

Around the time of Jackson’s June disappearance into the medical facilities, Raghuveer Nayak was arrested for multiple counts of fraud. Nayak had testified in Governor Blagojevich’s trial, that Jackson sent him to offer up to 6 million bucks for the Senate seat appointment.

With all this pressure from criminal investigations, Jessie Jackson Jr. might wish he had not ridden Obama’s coat-tails to an utterly effortless victory.

Gay GOP Supporter Beaten for Wandering off Dem Plantation

Wisc. Gay GOP Worker Hospitalized in Politically Motivated Attack.

Last week it was Sean Kedzie, who was beaten by vandals removing his Romney Ryan signs.
This week it’s Kyle Wood, a Wisconsin GOP supporter who was attacked inside his home. Vandalism to his car prior to the attack included grafitti aying “house trained republican faggot”, “traitor” and “ur like a Jew for Hitler”. This, along with the utterances of his attacker, leaves not much doubt about the reason behind Kyle Wood’s beating. Mr. Wood is supporting a straight republican candidate, Chad Lee for congress, over a gay democrat, Mark Pocan. Wood says that he won’t be bullied into abandoning his moral values.

UPDATE 10-31-12 The Blaze reports that Kyle Wood recanted his claim that he was beaten for reason of being a gay conservative. Apparently his report to the poice doesn’t match his report to the Blaze. Click HERE for more.

More From the War on Women

Dem Rep Pens Novel with Graphic Rape Scene, Character Says Rape Prevents ‘Inbreeding’.

Have you heard a media stir or outcry from the feminazis  concerning a theory on the evolutionary advantages of rape?

The idea (not new) put forth by Dem Representative Jerry McNerney, who serves California’s Central Valley, is that rape is a means to prevent inbreeding.  A minor character is introduced in his novel to investigate a brutal rape.  The character suggests that men increased in size due to evolutionary pressures which allowed them to take women sexually by force, thereby preventing inbreeding.

The media focuses on the Republican idea that rape is not an excuse to kill an innocent third party, yet ignore these kinds of oddities coming from the left.

Nothing to see here???

Enter the Third Level

Pharmer thinks the Democrat’s theory might not hold up in THIS CASE, in which a custodial parent is charged with sexual abuse of the 14 year old girl in his care. It depends on the actual relationship of Biden’s secret service agent, the alleged perpetrator, to the adolescent victim, which is not yet apparent.


Lefties Harassing School Kids who favor Romney Ryan

FREEDOM EDEN: New Berlin School Bus Driver Tells Child He Should Have Been Aborted.

This first story was tracked on the Mark Belling radio show. Seems a New Berlin, WI school bus driver engaged a 12 year old kid in a political discussion due to the Romney Ryan sign in his front yard. The boy responded by saying that Obama is pro abortion. The boy and other students on the bus report that the bus driver replied: “Maybe your mom should have chosen abortion for you”.

The child’s mother reported this to the Durham School Service manager, Michael Bennett. Mark Belling also contacted the bus service provider.

The school bus driver has since been fired for her inappropriate comment to the student.

This incident has gotten no attention from the mainstream media, but the next story, has gotten a lot more coverage.

A 16 year old student, Samantha Pawlucy, at Charles Carroll High School in Port Richmond, PA was harassed by her geometry teacher, Lynette Gaymon, for wearing a Romney T-Shirt. She has since received additional abuse on social media as well.
Romney has made a phone call to the girl’s family, thanking the girl for her support.
Thought there has been considerable support coming from the community, Samantha’s parents are attempting to have her placed in a different school.

If You Still Rely on U.S. Mainstream Media, You Need to Hear This

Regarding your election choices and what the government is doing, you will not be informed by the mainstream media. Here is Proof. Click below and read how issues of foreign policy are handled. Then listen to the reporters coordinating their questions for the candidate, not realizing that a hot mic was present.

The Insane MSM Questions Romney Faced at Presser – By Katrina Trinko – The Corner – National Review Online.

Remember when Whoopie said it wasn’t “rape-rape” ??

Remember when Whoopi Goldberg declared that Roman Polanski’s rape of a 13 year old girl wasn’t a legitimate rape? It wasn’t “rape-rape,” she said. It was more…. a statutory rape. Except the victim says that she resisted at first, then she stopped because she was afraid of Polanski. That didn’t qualify as a real rape, or a crime in the demented mind of left-gurl, Whoopi.

The testimony of Samantha Gailey before the grand jury following the attack is summarized at the very bottom of this page, and the entire document is archived HERE at the Smoking Gun.
It is really sick, and if you read it, you’ll wonder what is wrong with Whoopie Goldberg and the countless other amoral leftists who defended or minimized Roman Polanski’s multiple rapes of the drugged Samantha Gailey.

Missouri senate candidate, Todd Akin, didn’t think a woman would be likely to get pregnant if she were “legitimately” (meaning violently) raped.
Roman Polansky had a solution to the possibility of Samantha Gailey getting pregnant while being raped in a drugged state, (which circumvented the physical violence). He took no chances on whether or not pregnancy was likely, and utilized her rear exit.
Perhaps his precaution is what appealed to Whoopie Goldberg and the left-gurls, and led them to defend him, time and time again.

In left-land: Roman Polanski drugging and raping a thirteen year = OK. Todd Akin differentiating between physiological response to violent or statutory rape = Evil. And not wanting to kill a baby in recompense for the crime of her father = unspeakable extremist horror.

The left has been supporting numerous government programs which are going to make life as difficult for U.S. females, as it is for women in China.
After the HHS mandate and Obamacare complete the intended purpose of removing the pro-lifers from health care, females will lose autonomy over their bodies. The government, with its planned parenthood, will continue the “educational” programs of grooming them for early sex, and it will decide when and if they have babies, birth control, abortion or sterilization. That the males are also being groomed for this is going to exacerbate the problem.

Particularly in this past week, establishment republicans have shown themselves to be willing helpers to the leftists in this regard.

The Blaze Outs the Democrats in the “Republican” Women for Obama Ad

A group of leftie women appear in an Obama ad, touting his mandate to force us to pay for abortions, contraception and sterilizations, and his health care plan, as “small government” In their demented minds, the definition of small government is one that will take the resources of others to fund recreational abortion and birth control for incompetent women who cannot manage their own affairs.
See the OUTED democrats, who appear in the ad, HERE at The Blaze.  <-click

New Obama Ad Argues ‘Real’ Conservative Women Should Vote Obama Because He Won’t Ban Abortion | Video | TheBlaze.com.