Mo. congressman Todd Akin defies GOP leaders to stay in race

My Way News – Mo. congressman defies GOP leaders to stay in race.

The problem with America is that using the word ‘legitimate’ in the place of the word ‘violent’ is considered a more serious problem than, for example, infanticide. Most of the republican establishment would publicly state that Obama, who vigorously defended this practice in Illinois, is a ‘legitimate’ presidential choice.

Where did Akin get his politically incorrect idea that that pregnancy does not often ensue from violent rape? Politically incorrect pro-lifers noted that very few pregnancies from rape were reported, when compared with numbers of reported rape events, (back when rape was more associated with physical violence).

They, most significantly, noted that few abortions were associated with rape, as compared to the massive numbers of abortions associated with recreational sex.

Those same pro-lifers surmised that the trauma of violent rape was not readily conducive to pregnancy.

Now our media is supplying us with theories that rape is motivated by sexual attraction (rather than violent intent) and that this happens when a woman is more fertile. Suddenly, rape has become a procreative mechanism, rather than unacceptable violence, in the minds of our political class. Promoting this theory is not going to help the conditions of women at all, but we’ve known for a long time that this isn’t in the game plan of our leftists.

To subscribe, as Akin did, to the former theory is considered more repugnant than defending and supporting the practice of killing babies after they are born, as Obama has done.

Incidentally, the star speaker at the democrat convention will be Bill Clinton, who has been accused of two rapes, several instances of unwanted sexual imposition, and lying to Congress and the American people concerning his habits. The state of Arkansas found Clinton’s ethical lapses sufficient to suspend his law license. On Dec 19, 1998 he was impeached.

The extreme ignorance and upside-down sense of proportion of the leftists, and their allies in the republican establishment, are ‘legitimate reasons’ for this country’s decline.

So far, Todd Akin has chosen not to pay attention to the republican wimps who threw him under the bus for uttering an incorrect word. They have never pursued democrats with such fervor, for much more serious errors or offenses.

Should he remain steadfast, an out of state contribution to his campaign is coming from the Pharmer, with the hope that other pro-life people will kick in to replace the lost support from his useless political party.

FRC: Not Much News Because the Massacre was Prevented

Shooter Told Family Research Council: I Don’t Like Your Politics |

Imagine the additional charges for hate crime had a conservative shot Floyd Lee Corkins.   The FRC shooter is being charged with assault with intent to kill and for bringing a firearm across state lines.

Corkins fired off shots in the FRC lobby, one of them hitting security guard, Leo Johnson, in the arm.  Mr. Johnson, along with other security guards wrestled Corkins to the ground.  The 28 year old suspect is quoted:  “Don’t shoot me, it was not about you, it was what this place stands for.”

Corkins was armed with 15 Chick-fil-A sandwiches, a Sig Sauer 9mm pistol, two extra loaded magazines and a box of 50 rounds of ammo. It appears that he had in mind killing more than one person, but perhaps he just had a low opinion of his own marksmanship.

Leo Johnson is said to be recovering well.  You can learn
a bit more about this steadfast guard HERE.

Obama Team Lies, Says They Didn’t Know Soptic Cancer Story

Obama Team Lies, Says They Didn’t Know Soptic Cancer Story. < -CLICK! 

Obama campaign has been  caught in lie of the minute: backing away from the dishonest and ridiculous Joe Soptic ad, and denying knowledge of the story.    A slide show at the Obama campaign site shows this GSH steel story, blaming Romney for the death of Soptic’s wife.  This show was put up in May, at the same time the video was created.

Soptic spoke at an Obama campaign conference call, and it’s all at Breitbart.  The Obama campaign was doing the same thing with the Soptic story that its PAC, Priorities USA did.

Friend of Naral Voting with Empty …. Uterus

Found at Jill Stanek’s place:  NARAL: Think with uterus, not brain.

Here’s the tweet:

RT @ Stoleneggs: um… I think I just voted with my uterus. I took my ballot and looked up the names for @NARAL endorsements.

So we have a vote from the uterus, which the owner keeps empty, using  birth control/sterilization/abortion.  Likewise, she’s keeping her brain hollow too.

Click that top link to see what else Jill has to say about whacky Utero-centrism.

Guess who is expected to introduce Obama on the campaign trail, in Denver?  Empty uterus, Sandra Fluke!


Roger Ebert: Too Tired to Notice Batman was Screened in Gun-Free Zone.

Ebert: Gun-Free Theater Proves Concealed Carry Doesn’t Work.

Breitbart author, Warner Todd Huston, chides movie critic Roger Ebert for a sloppy conclusion that U.S. gun regulations are insane.  Specifically Ebert stated  that the legal  recognition of concealed carry rights is flawed because no one shot back at the perpetrator of the Batman massacre.   A decade of significant health problems, as well as a life among the leftie “intelligentsia” might have worn down Mr. Ebert’s energy for his primary livlihood as a writer and critic.

Huston finishes the job for Ebert as he  points out that the Cinemark Century Theaters, which own the venue at which the  massacre occurred, forbids firearms at their movie theaters.   In other words,  their customers, like those at any other gun-free zones, such as Columbine High School, and Virginia Tech, could be recognized  as easy targets for criminal violence.  James Holmes would have chosen  such a place for gaining personal notoriety, and for assurance that he wouldn’t suffer return fire.


Pro-lifers Express Concerns about the Girls Scouts Reproductive Agenda

The video series below is brought to you by Christy Volanski a former girl scout leader, and her daughter, Sydney, a former girl scout, and the two web sites and . This info has been publicized at The Blaze.

Further documentation which accompanies the videos is available  HERE

The U.S. Catholic Bishops are conducting an inquiry into the Girl Scouts sex education policies.


Old Media Governed From the White House

David Axelrod Gives Media Its Marching Orders.

Have you ever wondered how Rush Limbaugh’s staff creates its media montages of the newscasters saying almost exactly the same words about a given story?

It’s because the old media outlets have a direct line from the White House telling them what to say next.

John Nolte of Breitbart has captured some Tweeted marching orders from David Axelrod (that guy who sent the nice e-mail to Pharmer right after Obama was elected).

Nolte also reminds us of the Vetting of Obama, and the miserable June jobs numbers which have to be obscured by a media wave of coverage about Romney’s old tax shelters which the IRS has allowed for years.

Pharmer believes that a rich guy who doesn’t use legal tax shelters (to divert his money away from government waste) should be considered too stupid to be president.

Unable to pay fine, a woman in Hubei province is forcibly aborted of her near-term baby girl ~ CHINAaid

Unable to pay fine, a woman in Hubei province is forcibly aborted of her near-term baby girl ~ CHINAaid.

Hu Xia’s name is being trashed by her township government, which claims that the induced abortion of her nearly 8 month unborn baby was voluntary.
Because she could not pay the fine for having a second child, Hu Xia, of Zhengjiamen village, Schangsche township, was taken forcibly to ‘People’s Hospital” and given an injection to induce abortion. She delivered a dead baby girl two days later.

The photo is taken on June 25, showing a despondent mother, 4 days after her abortion, appearing extremely displeased with the government’s decision to kill her baby.

Keep your eyes on the news that the U.S. media loses: CHINA AID

The Obama administration is completing the next to last steps prior to forced abortion policy in the United States. All are being forced to pay for the procedures, and health care professionals in many localities are being coerced to participate. Once this has become entrenched, women will be given no choice in the matter. The U.S. government, like that of China, will determine who may bear children and how many. It is to be presented as a “green” policy to preserve the earth.

All You Need to Know About the World’s Biggest Tick: George Soros

MRC Special Report on George Soros: Godfather of the Left |

world's biggest tick
George Soros with a mouthful

The Media Research Center had prepared a report on the Godfather of the left,  George Soros.

Pharmer calls Soros “the World’s Biggest Tick“, since he engineers his profits  from the decline of nations.   In turn,  he feeds a large portion to the LEFTIES, who further the devolution and destruction of civilizations.

Like other Parasites,  George Soros eventually kills his hosts and moves on. 

Read up at The MRC website !

Summary of the Soros Report